7 Oct 2007 @ 22:18
Some days ago, I tried to enforce compliance with Intel's mandate of an e-mail-free Friday (see [link]) but with zero success. Even young Anthony, 5 months old last week, didn't let go of the keyboard. At least he started talking to me, 'Oi Baba, Baba, Ba!!' were his famous first words yesterday afternoon.
But the idea of e-mail-free days is still intriguing me... More >
22 Sep 2007 @ 16:23
The White Rabbit, last seen at the entrance to Merlin's castle (witness here [link] ) returned this morning digging around in that part of the Sacred Grove where we hide the most sacred of the sacred plants.
"Where have you been all the time? And what are you looking for?" I asked him curiously.
"One question at a time please," he answered, chewing on something.
"OK, where have you been all the time?" I insisted.
"Oh well, it's like, you know, kind of, like, eh, yeah, that's it, kind of..."
"Since when do you talk like a Modern day American?"
"It's like, kind of adopting to, you know, environment and all this stuff, kind of, you know..."
"This here is the Sacred Grove, and this one is neither in Glastonbury nor in California!"
"I know, you know, kind of, it's like..."
"OK, OK !!! So, where have you been all the time since I've last seen you?"
"Always here where I was, am, and will be. It's YOU who moved around, kind of, or it's like at least that's what you think, you know!?"
"Hmm," I said, "so what are digging there in sacred, secret part of my garden?" More >
18 Sep 2007 @ 17:57
An omission in my list of Noias was pointed out to me today:
Anoia: the absence of Noia, the knowledge (of Pleroma), or the INABILITY to achieve the same, attributed to a certain interdimensional race of Beings in the Gnostic scriptures (in Hermetic Ifá 'those who eat', namely the energy of Epinoia of others, sic!, pls refrain from calling names in the commentaries, will you!).
Wikipedia talks about the derivation from French 'ennui' for the English equivalent 'annoyance', completely ignoring the Latin/Italian prototype of 'annoia'. Oh well, I still love and admire Wirkipedia, of course :-)
But in checking the net, I found the interesting site ANNOY.COM which talks about the super-double-speak US law that makes it a felony to intentional say some something indecent to annoy someone else. Cool BLOG.
Another question I heard was about the difference between Protennoia and Pronoia. The answer is very much beyond this BLOG, let's say that in Hermetic Ifá we'll see the Protennoia as the original, prototypical Pronoia of the Universe, unfolding in a triad (trimorphic); from an idealistc point of view, one could boldy state that the Pronoia of man would be the intentional product of the orginal trimorphic protoennoia, a speculation everyone should decide for him/herself.
Some may complain here that 'Hermetic' equals 'secret' and one shouldn't talk about things like that in public. My view is that those who 'know', know it anyway and those who don't won' bother... secrecy is needed sometimes, of course, but other in those instances, it is being abused to create cult-like organizations with the intent to exploit and/or suppress fellow humans.
'nuff zed! More >
13 Sep 2007 @ 20:48
I had a dream.
Imagine a movie theater filled to the last seat. The lights are off with the exception of the screen, of course. Only the little signs pointing to the emergency exits are glimming forgotten in some obscure corners of the great hall. The volume of the theater's surround sound system is turned to the max. It is nearly impossible to hear the noise of the trucks passing by the theater on the outside.
Much time has passed already, everybody seems captured by the drama unfolding on the screen. Everybody?
There, amongst the crowd, is sitting a lonely person, thinking for himself: what... More >
10 Sep 2007 @ 02:45
Just a few words on some words that have been usurped by various parties in order to confuse or diffuse the clarity of people's thinking:
Originally, pronoia denotes the knowledge (noia) of the inner working and the way things are going, in Hermetic Ifa the knowledge of the Odu, the 256 fractal components of the Multiverse.
Epinoia denoted in gnostics the 'knowledge of the center', resulting in the 'pleroma' effect or, if super-charged with the Girapoli process in a peakstate specific to the polarity invoked.
Paranoia originally was the 'knowledge of the beyond'. Of course, for any modern scientist this would equal craziness and so it has been coined successfully. Congratulations to all those twisters for rendering a sacred term to being the equivalent of lunatic.
Morphonoia, much less known, is the knowledge of the Multiverse via its intrinsic structures, some say 'sacred geometry' as if there would be also an 'non-sacred geometry'. In Hermetic Ifa we explore/exploit this knowledge systematically via Skywork.
I admire Wikipedia, but the terms above one got messed up badly, so don't even bother to look it up there unless you're psychiatrist (that means literally a 'sad soul', hmm) in need of a justification to prescribe some more pills for some more invented 'disorders'...
In a nutshell, if you'd call me 'paranoic', I certainly would feel honored. More >
17 Aug 2007 @ 21:11
to make clear where we stand in relation to the other trends in Ifa worldwide, Heloisa and I drafted the following manifest:
Manifest of Hermetic Ifá
Recognizing that every Being in the world is a unique expression of the collective soul of the Universe with an intrinsic value and a special contribution to this world and all its Being therein, we:
- consider the freedom of a person only possible in the absence of dogmas, judgment and prejudice, superstitions and false mysticism, and consider this freedom achievable through the knowledge of oneself and one's relations to the other Beings in the Universe;
- remember that we have spirit, mind, AND soul and that this enables us to perform as witness and actor on the great stage of life;
- work towards the integration of the Human Being, its spirit, soul, and mind, seeing this very integration as the grand scope of the drama of the Universe;
- realize that the premise of "the end justifies the means" was at the root of the downfall of the Great Beings and all major civilizations;
- are aware of the always present danger of a philosophical or social system being turned into a religious cult and thus losing its inner integrity and functionality;
- nevertheless respect the traditional religions as cultural expressions in which many deep truths are embedded even if they are being abused to enslave Beings instead of liberating them;
- strive to distill the truth from the knowledge of the past and use the best of it while avoiding merging paradigms;
- aim at cristalyzing the basic truths of this Universe instead of adding to the complexity of existing thought systems, realizing that the very same basic laws govern all of the Universe;
- do not pretend to know what we do not know for ourselves, do not relay altered or uncertain information as true, do not disclose any truth that would harm and not heal, and do not pretend to converse with the essence of the All (Olodumare);
- do not pressure or coax anyone to be part of any philosophical system, and do not tolerate patriarchical nor any other autoritarian structures, mutulation or punishment, including fasting;
- recognize the three worlds of above, below, and the middle, considering anyone stable in all three of them as a genuine "Trismegistus";
- live as a true friend ("Awo") to all living Beings, as true philosophers ("Friends of Sophia"), the cosmic principle of Odù and its polarities, and as dedicated students of Ifá, the knowledge of Fá which is beyond truths and lies. More >
16 Aug 2007 @ 02:02
Milan is empty these days but Italy's beaches are half-full (says Beppe Grillo, see his BLOG at the side).
Good thing that the sky is always full of stars if you go outside the city and into the mountains. Tracking rabbit tracks is easy then.
One definition of Intelligence is the ability to identify a pattern from a random distribution of particles. If one bothers to look, of course.
Marveling about Jupiter and the red scorponian star Antares, I got lost tonight in tracking the rabbit tracks in the sky.
Remembering the times in California, joining Ed in hunting rabbits in the Mojave desert, or looking at the Milky Way in the High Sierra with Gunter.
It appears like yesterday.
Good nite!
PS: for more info on rabbit tracks see [link] More >
19 Jul 2007 @ 05:19
Contemplating the irony of fate of two of my greatest heroes (and I don't have many, sorry to say), Nikola Tesla and Wilhelm Reich they are, both to arrive in the Land of the Free, only to die in disgrace after giving to mankind some of the greatest, greatest gifts in its history.
Preparing for the showdown: the UNSEALING of the books of Wilhelm Reich 50 years after his sudden death (how come??) in an American prison, a few days before his release from a ridiculous sentence in, again, the Land of the Free (or so they say in best Orwellian tradition).
Just to be sure, the FDA burned his books and his machines in 1956 (how low can a nation sink?), in the best tradition of the Catholic Church, just recently asserting being the ONLY true Church, what a shame...let's burn those witches, alright...
It makes me contemplate, another time yet, the pain of humans condemning exactly what would help them. Help buttons, yeah, I hear some cry out loud... but what I am contemplating here is the tragedy of the drowning fool who spits on a life vest in disgust because he KNOWS, he KNOWS, a life vest is a superstitious gadget of no real use, because he thinks he knows it all, because he read the news, of course, the news, those news, that tell everything a real man has to know to be happy by telling him all the other shit that is happening around the world at this time. Except, of course, giving a hint, or two, may be, that HE HIMSELF is a SLAVE.
So, to spare all of those who think who still need to write. wasting precious electronic bits, YES, I AM STILL ALIVE, even though I am living just 50+ km (30 miles) East of Sao Paulo. Indeed, I did NOT burn in those ashes of TAM.
Interestingly enough, I passed by Congonhas a few hours earlier, explaining my better half the function of the landing fires that are visible from the freeway approaching the airport, wondering why they were not constantly flashing as they do in Burbank or at LAX.
So, I returned to the jungle in the High Sierra, with few monkeys around (even though they still manage to make a hellish noise), wondering if someone would ever send me an email on the occasion of the worldwide news that a man and a woman having made cosmic love.
In the meantime. my respects to the global news to make sure a tragedy spreads around the world faster than a local would ever know.
Reminds me of that '93 (I think) earthquake in LA. My mother woke me up in the morning, calling me from Germany, informing me of the 'disaster' while I was still happily dreaming along in the Hollywood Hills (Studio City side, to be precise).
Or, some years later, her orders to evacuate immediately because of the San Diego fires (some 50 miles south of there, for non-cals).
Holy cow, I WAS NOT IN THAT AIRPLANE, folks, thanks for your concern!
The last time I flew from Porto Alegre to Sao Paulo Congonhas was on September 7th 2001 with connection to LA scheduled to arrive on 9/11 at 8:50 PST. Alright, alright, I winded up in Tijuana, not the first time, and took a bus to LA because the borders were closed to air traffic.
But that's another story.
End of rant for today. Cheerio...
Going back to wrapping me in layers of metallic and isolating materials... gotta be prepared for REICH DAY (Nov 7) !!!! More >
1 Jul 2007 @ 14:04
Before trying to reinvent the wheel(s) of the logics, let's see another approach that is aiming in the same direction.
It was proposed by Hargitai, R.- Farkas, Ö.- Ropolyi, L+.- Veress, G.- Vankó, Gy. at the Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös University Budapest, Hungary, in 1995.
Note, that if you substitute 'open/close' for 'Freiheit/Zwang' (freedom/forced restriction), the drawing demonstrates the Nordenholz 'Axiome der Scientologie' expanded, as he proposed in his 1934 book Scientologie, as the 'Dopplung der Gegensaetze' (Doubling of the Opposites).
(For the importance of the basic components of the Universe from both an Ifa and a PRACTICAL perspective of self-empowerment, see Sandor/Dawson 'Polar Dynamics 1' and the articles on Girapoli on this BLOG.)
From the article of Hargitai et alii on Tetralectics
We presented here some ideas to introduce a new type of logic named tetralectics. How are the features of this logic determined? In any kind of logic there is a formal framework which is, more or less, independent from the contents of its statements. In tetralectics we have four concepts, thirteen pairs of oppositions as the very constituents of this logic, and a collection of the possible operations on these constituents manifested by the symmetry operations of a three dimensional tetrahedron. For the construction of the whole system of tetralectics we have to arrange the four concepts on the vertices and arrange the oppositions on the symmetry elements of tetrahedron. Fixing all of these, a special version of tetralectics is specified and defined. Applying some elementary combinatorics, the exact number of arrangements on the tetrahedron can be calculated getting by this way the possible number of different kinds of tetralectics. In the framework of the given tetralectics there can be identified three levels of the description. The first level, the level of theories is related directly to the world of experiences. In the next level of tetralectics we have four metatheories dealing with the theories, and finally on the third, meta-metatheoretical level we can treat the relations of metatheories. As it concludes from the rules of construction in a concrete version of tetralectics we can construct a definite number of theories, while we have four metatheories and one meta-metatheory. More >
29 Jun 2007 @ 22:39
In order to shed some light on the plethora of options to win or lose in the rat-race (or life if you want), I mapped the various combinations of the be-do-have onto the Zousel graph of polarities (see Polar Dynamics 1). The result is pictured in the graph.
+Do & -Be (doing and not-being -> faking):
if you're doing a job as a dentist but you aren't a dentist, you're a fake, an impostor
More Expansions:
doing and being -> growth (more have)
not-doing and being -> unemployed
doing and not-being -> impostor
not-doing and not-being -> bum
having and doing -> winning
having and not-doing -> idle
not-having and doing -> losing
not-having and not-doing -> ruined
being and having -> wealthy
being and not-having -> daydreaming
not-being and having -> overwhelmed
not-being and not-having -> in despair
Result of Skipping 1 State
Assuming to:
be without having - debtor
do without being - impostor
have without doing - dependent
Conditions of Skipping 2 States
Assuming to:
be without doing - unemployed
do without having - slave
have without being - thief
The WINNING states are characterized by POSITIVE attitudes along the direction of the BE-DO-HAVE triangle (counter-clockwise). ALL other combinations are failing. (Note: a stagnant condition is a losing condition because of the law of entropy, in other words, to maintain a stable condition there is always a supporting energy needed).
In addition to my last entry, one could specify that just 'Positive Thinking' while ignoring the above dependencies WILL result in a failure.
Likewise, following the rules above will result in success, regardless of 'Positive Thinking' or not. It is obvious that in order to kick-start the success cycle, the assumption of the POSSIBILITY of success must be present. In this sense, and only in this sense, 'Positive Thinking' will result in a positive outcome.
For example, 'dreaming of a red Porsche' (+H&-D-->disaster) doesn't help, but hyping up a 'you can do it!' attitude DOES help (+Be & +Do-->growth/success).
Special attention is due to the results of enslavery (+Do & -Have) and being a debtor (+Be & -Have) - the former arrives directly from the latter!!!). More >
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