The Sandorian Grove    
 Applied Confront Scale: The Grand Delusion of 'Positive Thinking'23 comments
picture20 Jun 2007 @ 18:55
We had some help the other day from people from Rome and Florence who never experienced the confront scale setup (see last post) and I tested a quad-pole configuration during a one-day workshop, with 'wanted', 'not-wanted', 'power of choice' (Eshu), and Identity. We rechecked last night with another crew (thank you for coming all the way from Genova!!).

The result is an applied confront scale for achieving a wanted goal.

It turned out to be a devastating defeat for the meme of 'Positive Thinking'. Not that I ever believed in this meme as it is being sold. In the contrary. But, until last night, I never felt I had enough proof in my hands (for myself) to honestly challenge this meme.

(Make a test yourself: check out the first hundred pages on Google on 'Positive Thinking': EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD is praising Positive Thinking and EVERYONE of those guys are SELLING books and videos on this subject!!)

In short, ANY ATTACHMENT to a desired object will result in that object to go AWAY, and NOT to be attracted. That's the fine print nobody is telling you selling their stuff. WHERE ARE ALL THOSE HAPPY PEOPLE OF THE POSITIVE THINKING fad? The answer is simple: they are winding up in the shits, and that's why they won't talk. The only one who wins is the bookseller.

There IS a winning strategy, Lao-Tzu already talked about it some thousand years ago: relinquish attachment to the positive pole and resistance to the negative and ACT as if the result wouldn't matter! In other words, NEUTRALIZE the opposing poles of your goal and GO AHEAD!

See the diagram for your other options (there are NONE, except for deliberatly resisting that what you want (Ed Dawson coined it the 'Other Pole Technology' in our book 'Polar Dynamics 1')!

Good luck!  More >

 Scale of confront, including mechanics of polarization15 comments
picture13 Jun 2007 @ 17:47
Using Skywork, we mapped out these days in Milan, Italy, Europe, Earth, Solar System... a scale of confront which appears applicable for various areas beyond interpersonal and group relationships. We verified the results later with another group without any prior information. The results could fill a book, especially if one would gather still more details.

As a side product appeared the mechanism of pole swapping. Example: the attacker assumes the identity of the overwhelmed after being sucked into the new identity like into a black hole.

Once a polarization exists, the 'vanishing' of the other pole (subjectively into darkness!) causes the still existing pole to enter a confusion and shortly thereafter assuming the presumably LOST identity of the other pole (which apparently vanished).

Although much of this is already known for those studying the dynamics of polar structures, it was inspiring to witness the details of the pole swapping, especially the fundamental differences between overcharging a pole and zeroing out one of the poles.

Another surprise were the precise points at which marked differences in behaviour/emotions manifested. These points, apparently in logarithmic distances from each other, follow parabolic lines. In other words, not only distance but also 'angle of confront' determine the emotional attitudes during 'approach' of a terminal.

Further, the behaviour of negative and positive pole is not simply a mirrored function. In other words, there is a clear difference between a positive pole approaching a negative pole versus a negative pole approaching a positive one.

As just one of many examples, a revision of 'traditional' scales of emotions seem to be in order, adding another dimension, or directional extension of progression, depending on the 'item' approaching or being approached, abandoned or being abandoned.

We also saw the boundaries of a 'comfort zone' and a boundary from which communication occured optimally for both terminals. Interestingly, this boundary appears very similar to the 'zero' line of virtual mutual non-existence and both are very stable.

So much for now...  More >

 The Sudden Death of Ken Ogger29 comments
picture31 May 2007 @ 11:00
On Memorial Day, May 28th, 2007, Ken Ogger, aka 'the Pilot', was found dead in the swimming pool of the house he lived in North Hollywood.

Ken had an extremely strong motivation to help others with his writings, some of which originated from his own thinking, and much of it from the thinking of others before him. At the same time, he engaged in a fierce fight against those who want to institutionalize the philosophy of L.Ron Hubbard.

His writings are accessible at many places, see for example at [link] . No entry (yet) in the new newagewiki.

Even though I lost contact to him in recent years, I will always remember his fascinating, vivid monologues about the creation of our Universe and wish him farewell.  More >

 Modern Lullabys...10 comments
picture12 May 2007 @ 18:25
as times are changing, I am regressing into babytalk, looking around for modern lullabys. Preferably intelligent ones like Franz-Josef Degenhardt's 'Spiel nicht mit den Schmuddelkindern', one of the few not-brain-dead songs of recent German history (30 years ago, oh well)...

Any suggestions for modern Lullabys from around the world are very welcomed by Anthony (he'll be the judge)...

For now, Whitesnake's Blind Man (see lyrics at the end)...
The cats went to sleep already before (Edward the Bold and Reckless and his mom, Gata Mel).


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 The Newest Saint: A Wonder-Pill Brother & Call for Legalization of Placebos1 comment
picture12 May 2007 @ 04:39
One of the first things the Pope was to do after setting foot in Brazil was to make a Saint out of a guy who would nowadays been arrested for quackery: frei Galvão.

His 'wonder-pills' are still being distributed today, 185 years after his death. Since it works for some, like any placebo, it would be time to legalize placebos officially.
After all, some placebos have a HIGHER success rate than the hi-cost medications, AND they don't have the negative side-effects of nowadays drugs.

Good move, Pope !!

As the Germans like to think, according to the Bild Zeitung; Wir sind Pabst (We are the Pope!)

If you're reading above link, you'll exposed to yet another German truth (Goethe would have a heart attack if he would reading this!): Fat people are HAPPIER!!

Happier than who or what????

Well, if in doubt, get a pill of Saint frei Galvão, that will teach you!  More >

 Out from the deep6 comments
picture7 May 2007 @ 17:22
as promised, a little video.

Music from Enigma: Out From The Deep

We came out from the deep to learn to love, to learn how to live
We came out from the deep to avoid the mistakes we made.
That's why we are here.
We came out from the deep to learn and to understand, but not to kill
It takes many lives till we succeed to clear the debts of many hundred years.
That's why we are here.
That's why we are here.

 More >

 Geometry that is linking dimensions3 comments
picture5 May 2007 @ 08:13
I used to think a lot about the minimal geometry necessary to link 3D worlds from a higher dimensional viewpoint - alas, a (the!?) solution arrived with a link within the newsletter from the world of the Buckminster Fuller Institute.

The link points into Jaron's world, from the eye of the reporter of Discover Magazine. The latter is getting excited about several points in the discovery of this structure, called a hendecatope, and I want to point out what is most important for me, the concept of self-duality:

Amazingly, in 4-D space these forms connect to each other in a perfectly regular symmetry. Furthermore, the form is self-dual, meaning that if you draw lines between the centers of every facet in the 11-cell, you get another 11-cell. If you do that to a cube, you get an octahedron. So, in an important sense, the 11-cell is more elegantly symmetrical than a cube.
(end of quote)

Enjoy visualizing that one :-) !!!!  More >

 Vesakh 2007: the Buddha left (2556 yrs ago), Anthony arrived with a big smile16 comments
picture2 May 2007 @ 20:37
Well, at 7:28 on a beautiful morning, our first grandchild arrived safely in our midth with a big smile and a contagious serenity!

Vesakh, the first full moon in Taurus was at 7:09am here in Brazil. He nearly got out at that time but then decided to retract and wait another 20 minutes.

He wanted to stay in his bag (amnion) when entering this world, like any decent Buddha would do, but the umbilical cord was twice around his neck, so our daughter's midwife decided to make the maneuvers to help the amnion to open in order to remove the double-strangle, and, all the time with the help of Heloisa Helena, she managed to do so.

Time of birth 7:28am BRT
Place: in a Sacred Grove in the Alta Serra forest near Sao Roque, Brazil, elevation 1050m.
Weight: 3,340 grams
Length: 50 cm.
Name: Anthony.

Constellation: Sun, Mercury, Ascendent in Taurus, Neptune and Chiron in Midheaven with Saturn lurking from below. Together with Lilith nearly a Star of David. Uranus and Mars, two wild guys on the loose, challenging the establishment already, opposing Jupiter squarely. Venus, Lilith, and Neptune are forming a triangle, with Jupiter Retro a 'kite'.

Big smiles everywhere around here. A great thanks to Dr.Leboyer for his inspirations and promotions of Natural Child Birth, to Gary Craig, creator and relentless promoter of EFT which played a vital role in today's success story, to Vilma Nishi, considered the 'top-of-the-line' midwife in Sao Paulo, and to the daddy of Anthony who helped immensively.

Did I mention Heloisa Helena's heroic role in all of this? A work of Hercules. Beyond words.

Thanks to the Orisha who worked overtime to ensure a safe arrival (all of them!), and to all our friends in the world who called or e-mail with their best wishes!

And, of course, new Mama Maira who laboured all the time throughout Labour Day (May 1st) to deliver in time for Vesakh 2007!  More >

 A Meme-Pioneer: Antonio Gramsci, 70 years after his death 9 comments
picture28 Apr 2007 @ 17:45
Antonio Gramsci died yesterday, 70 years ago, in Rome.

A post of Mino reminded me of that.

Gramsci realized already in the 30's of last century that the public meme are equally, if not more important, than the distribution of means of production and the memes of the 'historic process' and the 'economic determinism'.

He postulated that any class to survive must form its own 'historic bloc' via a cultural hegemony to survive the values impounded by the 'ruling class' on the masses.

To create an Internet space as an experiment to facilitate the vision of a new society, Flemming (and I) created the New Civilization Network in 1995, hosting the first server in my home in the Hollywood Hills. It was running Linux, which one could call a powerful expression of 'technological hegemony', as, in general, the Open Source movement.

We see the power of a new 'cultural hegemony' realized today, 60 years after his death, in the from of the Internet, and especially the BLOGs which have developed a power of its own, bypassing the manipulation via the controlled 'media'.

If he would live today, I am SURE, he would have one of the best BLOGs around.

I'll have a toast on him tonight :-)  More >

 Helo Uncut (Part 1 of ?)17 comments
picture19 Apr 2007 @ 03:41
(from Helo)

My personal observation in relation to male doctors in Brazil coroborates fully the observations stated by a-d, an RN from Scandinavia, in the commentary to the previous article by Max.

Furthermore, these are not just some isolated behaviour patterns. There is an entire image with all of its interrelations that intrigued me ever since I was confronted by it, at first academically (at the University), then in my years as a psychologist, and especially during the births of my three children.

Here are some of my basic observations:

- the male doctors are unable to confront the existence of the vagina, this magic opening out of which springs life and out of which they themselves emerged as a child.

- With the take-over of the birth process by clinical medicine in the recent decades, male doctors replaced the traditional midwife and this basic problem proliferated dramatically. As one of the consequences, the number of unnecessary Cesarean births went up to scandalous dimensions.

- the male doctor takes seemingly total control of the birth process, posing as if it was him that was producing the baby and NOT the woman. In the case of the Cesarean, he even pretends to create the equivalent of the opening of the vagina by opening the belly of the woman. With his hands and tools he digs out the newborn as if it was his own creation.

- the compounded agressivity versus the female is culminating in the agression versus the newborn (more about this in a future post). The hate of most doctors in this process is typically so strong that is cannot be concealed any more.

- the more uneducated and socially disadvantaged the woman, the more she is subject to this total domination. She is not able to confront what is happening to her. The exception from the rule are women with the archetype known as Oya. These (wo)men will try to take control of the process themselves but then fall into the same trap of non-confronting their own femininity. For example, they will make an appointment for a Cesarian already weeks before the expected day birth. They will schedule this "event" right after the hairdresser, the only feminine aspect in this context, and then proceed with a taxi to the hospital all by herself. She will be likely to command the doctor around, and, obviously she already will know, if she will bear a female (preferably) or a male child.

- the macho doctor's behaviour is embedded in the context of contemporary INVASIVE medicine, with predominantly phallic tools and objects. The phallic symbolism continues with the premature cutting of the cord with a knife. This destructive act will take the basic support of the newborn away and endanger gravely the health of the baby. But this in turn will justify the "work" of the male doctor, not only for the moment but for many years to come. My own work with the Rebirth Method provided me with countless examples of this.

- it should be mentioned that the rare female gynecologist typically emulates the behaviour patterns of the average male doctor completely. One personal experience for me was the birth of the first of my three children. The doctor was a woman with a male biotype, attractive but with a small beard. She appeared all OK but when the time of birth arrived she showed her true face. Which was the face of her woman profoundly unhappy about herself as a woman.

- at this point I would like to emphasize what I already mentioned briefly above: at the time of the birth, the hour of truth has come, literally: none of the participants can hide their true face, neither the doctor nor the woman. Often neither the father of the baby, present or not. Especially the woman is not her 'normal' self: she feels and acts like a wild animal giving birth. (I should add that the midwife of our daughter has made exactly the same observation in more than 30 years of professional experience with childbirths).

- the archetype of the typical surgeon of our times, like Ed Dawson pointed out, appears to be Ogun, with all his attributes, the knife, his postures during the process, and his medicines (the name for allopathic medicine in Yoruba is oogun!). But for me there is still an open question in respect to the script enacted during the actual process of birth. We should not forget that Ogun is defending the pregnant female unconditionally. What I know of personally is the dramatization of the super archetype of the male dominator of this Universe, already conditioned by the academic institutions, who uses masks to hide his true identity. In the very moment of childbirth he is stepping in, using a mask of a combination of saviour and creator archetypes but is in truth himself, acting against the archetype of the grandmother, trying to assume control of the creation, pretending to be the sole creator of everything.


(from Helo)

pictures from the online book of Frederick Leboyer Birth Without Violence  More >

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