16 Apr 2007 @ 15:58
Life presented me with an interesting Meme, a Meme which I never questioned myself until now; the cutting of the umbilical cord.
We, Heloisa Helena and I, have been discussing this Meme for many hours now and I will summarize some of her revolutionary ideas on this topic soon in a separate posting.
Much to our surprise we found NOT ONE SINGLE reason to do this violent interference with the newborn.
The recent counter-meme is called Lotus Birth, a fancy name for a non-action. After all, the cord disconnects by itself after a few days after all nutriments rich in staminal cells passed from the placenta to the newborn. In short, it is LESS work, with LESS risks involved, even members of the medical profession say this now, and they gain substantially from childbirth, as are the hospitals which are selling placenta and cords to the pharmaceutical industry, which in turn, oh well...
A meme, or an image, which we personally held, was that it was necessary to cut the cord in order to disconnect the mother from the child. This image is false. Placenta and newborn disconnect during birth from the mother, the newborn is only connected to the placenta and there is no reason in the world why it should be cut off from this supply with a knife.
Some photos that may change your perspective:
A Lotus Birth Picture Gallery
So we were asking us the following questions:
From where in Heavens and Earth is this insane Meme of cutting the umbilical cord coming from?
Is it the non-confront of the male of the placenta and blood of mother and child during birth?
Is it a religious-based superstition?
Is there a connection to the agressivity of the Western civilization in comparison to indigenous cultures who are practicing "Lotus Birth" (not cutting the cord)?
How could this Meme be reprogrammed to restore the right of the newborn to a non-violent birth?
To whom does the placenta belong if not to the new human being?
How does the Patriarchy of our times fits in with this insane script?
Is there a link to the archetypical script of Sophia, the birth of the Universe, according to early Gnostics?
The picture in the sidebar is chosen from Wikipedia. It is not as aesthetical as most other pictures here on this site but I chose it to illustrate the brutality of the cutting of the cord and the indignity of everyone involved. More >
14 Apr 2007 @ 13:01
The recent BLOG entry of Ming (and likewise the comments written in response to it), made me think, rethink, mentally regurgitate how we, as a species and as individuals, are cementing our own insanity, freezing it in time, defending ferociously any attack, reasonable or not, maintaining an artificial Ego without tangible core, insisting that our own dreams are reality and any others being mere hallucinations.
Perhaps, so I was dreaming, this urge to "be consistent" is even more at the root of the human condition than Gotamo Siddharto's (the "Buddha's") postulate that it might be the tendency in assuming a "single cause for a given effect". (See an entire series on articles about this here on this BLOG.)
Perhaps Gotamo's (very correct) observations depend on this very urge to "be consistent": the "cause/effect" determination serving merely as a justification of a deeper seated insanity of assuming a "stable datum" at the expense of excluding all other truth(s)?
How the Being, the presumed master of it all, manages the fusion of an arbitrary idea into the mind&body-sphere in order to create a fixed idea, is a very interesting observation, seemingly impossible to communicate, an intimate process everyone needs to detect, analyze, and duplicate for him-/herself.
A very basic process of Ego-creation of modern man is looking in the mirror. Ironically, what wo/man sees in the mirror is NOT its exact picture: left and right are swapped.
More recently even, for the tiny minority of hi-tech-endowed people on Earth, that's us, bros, the mirror is replaced by TV monitors. The theoretical blessing of the electronic monitor is that it doesn't have the above-mentioned shortcoming of the classical optical mirror. PLUS, it can show the past and is not limited to the closed-loop "resonance/feedback" effect of the always-live mirror.
Therefore, interestingly, seeing oneself on (past) videos is breaking part of the identification with one's own mirror picture. The effect is sobering the first time(s), but then a new sort of identification sets in. This latter effect can be observed only with the tiny fraction of the tiny fraction of hi-tech people known as "TV-celebs".
The other day, in Santos, Brazil, I was watching a super-interesting approach of painting: "quasi-realism" (not the official name I think): Deladier Almeida, an artist living since many years in Sacramento, California, painter to the superstars, whether politics, arts, or sports arena.
Modern surrealism produces an abstract notion of energies inherent in the model being depicted. This provides new, extra viewpoints, OK, but it generally doesn't invite a self-reflection about the identification of the person with the image of his body.
Likewise, the artform of "cartoons" which is overemphasizing defects of the model, doesn't generally invite self-reflection either. The truth in it is just too grossly exaggerated.
On the other hand, Deladier's artworks are QUASI photos, but just QUASI, inviting a reflection about WHO is really behind the mask of those facial muscles in front of us.
The superposition of two vibrations with frequencies sufficiently close to each other, but not identical, are producing the phenomenon of a new sound with a sweeping amplitude. (witness an audio demo here)
The fascination of this new vibration for me is part of Deladier's work, and, perhaps, revealing more about the "real" person that one would suspect at first.
In terms of a process: viewing a quasi-duplicate at the same time with the original "pseudo"-reality and witness the "sweeping" effect until the presumed reality breaks into pieces.
OK, OK, Before breaking up here, let me vanish.... More >
11 Apr 2007 @ 03:08
Today I had a hard time finding something to do that I never did before (I try to find something new every single day to beat the routine way of thinking, yeknow).
Our daughter's sudden love for crosswords inspired me to create one of those. Amongst all the "free" downloads that don't yield free programs after all (what a shame!), I found a crossword generator that is really FREE (ware): Eclipse Crossword. Very recommendable!
Here is the Orisha/Ifa puzzle: printable and here the online version... More >
31 Mar 2007 @ 09:37
Last month my better half worked in the garden and all of a sudden started screaming, nearly passing out. A bit overreacting, I thought at first, before locating the source of her excruciating pain: a moth caterpillar, see photo (and see Lonomia in wikipedia).
A few people are killed everyday in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo by this cute little bugger but strangely there are no good pictures of how it actually looks like.
This moth caterpillar is not straight from Mothvana land, hehe, (see Polar Dynamics by Sandor&Dawson if you want to know about Mothvana Land). Still trying to isolate its exact location Orisha (archetype) system. Apparently belonging to the Ossayin class but the colors and other indicators are pointing towards a 'lone rider' Shango type.
In any case, it has NO natural enemies that would dare to eat it. Only one rare type of fly manages to leave their eggs in it (how?) and the eggs will eventually eat the caterpillar from the inside. Since this kind of fly is nearly extinct, it can be expected that this killer caterpillar may be even more of a problem in the future...
In the language of Tupi, the caterpillar is called Taturana, 'fire hair', sometimes also called Ruga. The only known antidote exists in the Instite of Butanta, away only 30 minutes or so, risking a few radar tickets, oh well, but luckily it wasn't necessary for us to get there.
After looking at their webpage... More >
6 Mar 2007 @ 16:57
For all of you who didn't believe I would actually eat what I write about, here is a photo of the final soup just before devouring it with chop sticks. You can see my touch-up: parmesan cheese mixed with acaraje (black-eyed pea powder).
That's the same powder I used for the demo of group behaviour in the video below.
Notorious for strange theorems, here comes another one:
(Sandor, 2007)
A group behaviour follows the same pattern as an acoustic resonance on loose particles (cymatics).
1. Formative stages:
formation of a new group out of individual cells that splits in various smaller groups before being 'eaten' by a central organization, except for a renegade colony.
2. It can be shown that even without a modulation (change) of frequency of the group energy, there is a dynamic flux of group members in and out the group and a cross-fertilization (often destructive) of competing sub-groups which were formed from a central group, in turn formed out of a chaos.
(see Dr.Hans Jenny's resonance3 in youtube.com)
Note: uploading my first video to youtube.com, I realized that there is no button for 'education'. That's a bit sad, I would say.
Below is the link to youtube... More >
28 Feb 2007 @ 18:00
all my ladies have gone to Sampa (Sao Paulo) for an entire day, doing the things that women do, and this is an opportunity to prepare myself a magic-meal (MM) without getting ridiculed.
Since my life is full of adventures these days that are so miraculous that nobody would believe me any of them, here I share one of my super-power-recipes instead:
(quasi vegetarian, without the use of drugs, meditation, or the like)
(the ingredients come from all continents except australia but you would need a didgeridoo from there if you want to properly activate its magic properties)
- 1 pack of Nissin Lamen (in America known as Ramen), with Carne (meat) taste
- 2 eggs from a Caipira chick (the little ones)
- 1 egg from an Angola chick
- 1 egg from a pheasant (the fat one)
- 1 egg from a dove (optional, today not available - actually that's not true, I'm just too lazy to climb up the tree to steal one of them from the poor pidgeons)
- the remainder of yesterday's magic soup (prepared by Heloisa in a ritual too complicated to describe even if I would remember the names of all its vegetables unique to Brazil's jungle)
- 1 tea spoon of Maggi Ochsenschwanz Suppe (a German specialty, made from the tail of a bull)
- 13 drops of original pimenta seasoning (like super-hot chili)
- 7 drops of Sakura Premium (not in the picture)
- 1/4 lemon (from the neighbour's garden - it's always more lemonish ye know)
- 2 leaves of Vernonia Amygdalina (fresh from the roadside)
- 1/2 tea spoon of Dende (Palm Oil from the Bahia or from Africa)
- 1/3 of a fresh garlic
- depending how peaceful you want to feel today, add a number of Hortelã leaves
- 1 entire leave of a fern (in honor of Barnsley)
- 1/4 tea spoon of coconut milk (if you're too lazy to crack one up, use the conserve as I did)
- 1 or more leave from one of our pimentos trees ...
- 2 flowers (their names are secret, even if I would know them)
**** That's all, folks, to make this magic super-power guarenteed enlightening soup! ****
TO PREPARE: All you need is to... More >
15 Jan 2007 @ 06:29
Maybe it's the Balsamic Moon entering Sagittarius, in any case, I am shuffling through the texts of the seers of the recent past, one of them D.Rhudyar.
In 1922 he proposed to trash the Octave system and replace it by a "trinitarian octave" (or, in other words, the Twelfth taken as the basis for scales).
See the whole article at:
The article made be think about a couple of other things, such as... More >
9 Jan 2007 @ 05:48
The following is the preface and first chapter of a book written in 1950 by John Whiteside Parsons. It is quote shocking to read what was said already back then and how things haven't changed a bit today... in the contrary..
Jack Parsons (Frater Belarion)
full text at [link]
Author's preface:
Since I first wrote this essay in 1946, some of the more ominous predictions have been fulfilled. Public employees have been subjected to the indignity of "loyalty" oaths and the ignominy of loyalty purges. Members of the United States Senate, moving under the cloak of immunity and the excuse of emergency, have made a joke of justice and a mockery of privacy. Constitutional immunity and legal procedure have been consistently violated and that which once would have been an outrage in America is today refused even a review by the Supreme Court.
The golden voice of social security, of socialized "this" and socialized "that", with its attendant confiscatory taxation and intrusion on individual liberty, is everywhere raised and everywhere heeded. England has crept under the aegis of a regime synonymous with total regimentation. Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia have fallen victims to communism while the United States makes deals with the corrupt dictatorships of Argentina and Spain.
As I write, the United States Senate is pursuing a burlesque investigation into the sphere of private sexual morals, which will accomplish nothing except to bring pain and sorrow to many innocent persons.
The inertia and acquiescence which allows the suspension of our liberties would once have been unthinkable. The present ignorance and indifference is appalling. The little that is worthwhile in our civilization and culture is made possible by the few who are capable of creative thinking and independent action, grudgingly assisted by the rest. When the majority of men surrender their freedom, barbarism is near but when the creative minority surrender it, the Dark Age has arrived. Even the word liberalism has now become a front for a new social form of Christian morality. Science, that was going to save the world back in H.G. Wells' time, is regimented, strait-jacketed and scared; its universal language is diminished to one word, security.
In this 1950 view some of my more hopeful utterances may appear almost naive... More >
1 Jan 2007 @ 20:06
The past years we joined 3 million people in Rio (twice), 1.5 million in Santos, and an unknown crowd in Berlin for the New Years party.
This year we stayed in the forest. In that little place now known as the Sandorian Grove. More meditating than celebrating.
Lentil soup and champagne (the Brazilian version that is).
My better half (the link to her new BLOG will be added soon, stay tuned!), noted that Jose Arguelles stated that Pope Gregor had some evil intentions when he decreed the 1. of January to be the beginning of a New Year. To break the spiritual rhythm of the masses, to be precise. Hmmm, to me, his alternative of July 28th doesn't seem more intelligent to me than Jan. 1st.
For the spirits of the forest all of this is crap, they assured me. December 21st has the shortest daylight time on the Northern hemisphere, the longest on the Southern. Near the equator nobody cares less.
Life goes on. Round and round. 24/7. No break. Only modern civilization has the illusion of having a new start, a new chance perhaps.
Game's up. Let's play again.
Let's forgive everyone for their evil deeds during the past year! They will certainly change for the better. Or will they? Fat chance. Whoever screwed you in 2006. will continue to screw you in 2007, new game or not.
So we shared our lentil soup, champagne (and lots of acaraje, of course) with the spirits of the forest and were grateful for a wonderful 2006, leaving hope'n'hype to the rest of the civilized world.
And, certainly, as in 2006 we continue to wish well for our friends all over the world. Thank you for your love, we love YOU!
Max & Helo More >
10 Dec 2006 @ 14:30
While we were contemplating to take two rotties of friends into our little farm in the jungle, one of the newborn kittens (see earlier BLOG entry), stepped forward to confront the male rottie of the handsome couple (name: Zeus, age: 3.5 yrs, weight, 52 kilo, 100 pounds approx.). His name is Ed, or Edward the Fearless.
Kind of an analogon to the US and Venezuela these days. More >
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