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 Dogma or Catma ?3 comments
picture14 Nov 2006 @ 15:56
Just as I was reading an interview of Dare with Robert Anton Wilson Man Bites Dogma, a cat-ma snuck into the house and our bed to give birth to five kittens.

Dog-ma or Cat-ma, that's the question...

We called the newborns Roberta, Antonia, Wilson, and Ed (like Edward), and IVy, the list I was just writing to.

IVy stands for International Viewpoints, a super-interesting magazine for everyone who is interested in the things they are talking about.

In any case, RA Wilson's article contains a perfect definition of where we (I) are standing these days, with Skywork, Fa, Inner Planetary Cosmology, Mind Processing, Gunas & Girapoli:  More >

 New Cool Video at "Darwin at Home"1 comment
picture5 Nov 2006 @ 13:41
Lots of interesting videos out there these days.

One of the projects I like the most is Gerald de Jong's "Darwin at Home"

and his latest videos .

More than 10 years ago we spent countless hours discussing the Mayan Time Star as a minimal 4D Object, all things tetrahedron, and many more, on the Bucky and Synergetics lists.

In violation of all Korzybskian rules, one might claim "Geometry is everything" and in reality all these strange things on this BLOG ultimately boil down to tetra-based geometries with push-or-pull nodes.

Bucky, in the introduction to his monumental "Synergetics" book, muses about life being born out of geometric structures of energies. Here, deep in the Brazilian jungle (well, not that deep, hehe), I don't have the book and thus the exact quote(s). Maybe someone can furnish a bit of it in the commentary.

In the past weeks in Italy, we have once more demonstrated in group work that emotions are determined by the geometries of basic internal polarities and duplicated the results many times.

Gerald goes more along the "pure" mathematical way and I wish this great project of his many participants and contributors!!!!  More >

 What could be the new Revolution after Saturn square Jupiter?5 comments
picture31 Oct 2006 @ 15:51
Christopher Columbus discovered America when the Squaring of Saturn and Jupiter NEARLY happened.. after all he was looking for a India...

There are too many examples to ignore the coincidences...

The next time it will happen is in 2015..

so, who has an idea what was the great thing that happened this fall(exact on October 25th) ??????  More >

 The ProtoMeme of the Universe - The Cosmic Byte4 comments
picture14 Sep 2006 @ 13:06
The ProtoMeme of the Universe - The Cosmic Byte.
How do we create our present and future reality via the Cosmic Byte?
another attempt to put the outline of the system of Fá on one page.

Definition: Inner vs Outer Disposition:
If that what one feels as emotion or sensation via the corporal senses is
being called the "outer disposition". the attitude (extra-sensational) within the inner Being
could be called the "inner disposition".

The latter is what we are EXPECTING NEXT, the former is what we assume to
EXIST NOW. Therefore the inner disposition controls one's next positions
within the hologram of life ("the matrix"), the outer disposition represents
where we are located right now within the same.

Using the system of Fá, we can differentiate 16 basic dispositions or poles in 8
pairs (polarities/odu):

 More >

 A great Babalawo departed...18 comments
picture14 Sep 2006 @ 01:27
these days a great Babalawo departed: Afolabi Epega.

Forwarded from Ed:

"I just heard from Philip Neimark that Afolabi Epega is dead, sometime this month. It is a great loss. He and his line of babalawos, particularly his grandfather, were the ones who brought African Ifa to the West. Afolabi taught Philip Neimark; his grandfather taught William Bascom. Without their actions we would not have the depth of knowledge of the universe that we possess."

The only links I know of are in Spanish and Portuguese:
the Brazilian line (Sandra Epega) (the photo is from that website) and the laudatio in Spanish.

For those who are interested, there may be more information soon at Philip Neimark's site Ifa Foundation.

Personally indebted to his work I wish a grand "Odabo!" for the transition!

We are reminded that life aiye (here and now) is transient and it is wise to use the chance of the moment to progress.

Oluwo Agbaoye Olori-Ire Ekunle (Baba Ire)  More >

 Some Notes on Memes1 comment
picture13 Sep 2006 @ 09:31
While working on a new "rundown", for now called "Meme Stripping", I feel it necessary to outline a circumstance typically not clearly mentioned by many authors when writing about memes:

1. Two Sides of a Meme

A meme, like everything in this world, has TWO sides: one is the bare concept, the Platonic "ideal", the other one is an emotion attached to it.

Thus we can see the synergy of "soul PLUS spirit" concept also valid for memes.

To assess the value and function of an existing meme, we need to determine WHERE both ends are on the "tone scale", the scale of emotions.

It sounds like a contradiction, of course, to talk of the emotion of a spirit. Let's remember though, that, as in the Tao symbol, every side has to contain a part of its opposite in itself in order to persist. Only through this "lie" can the construct survive.

It can be observed that an individual meme can be controlled solely through manipulation of the fields of emotion of both its sides.

2. Plato: the model and its instantiation

During our new look at things in the past days, we have also seen more clearly the circumstance that without a model of the Universe close to Plato's view it would seem impossible to perform basic manipulations of one's own memes.

In other words, ONLY by seperating the "ideals" (the memes of course) from its material manifestations (the mirror of reality) is it possible to gain a perspective on same.

There is a lot of discussion: what is "really real": the model or its instantiation? Methinks that this is a fruitless discussion: BOTH sides are needed to make a game. It is certainly not true that only the "ideal" controls the manifestations (like in OOP, object-oriented programming). In the "real" world, a "feedback" from the instantiation to the "ideals" is possible BUT it acts in a REVERSE way than expected. This is the principle of "ebo" in Ifa.

An example: ...  More >

 Responsibility and Love3 comments
picture4 Sep 2006 @ 10:33
(see also the congenial BLOG entry of Gunter under the same heading at Coincidence??? NOT!!!

Even though there were no public comments to my previous BLOG entry, I received a number of interesting and very thoughtful e-mail messages. The majority of them were pointing to my remark that it is necessary to be able to permeate ones space not only with affinity (Otura) but also be able to do so with all the other 15 prime principles of life, notably the principle of Responsibility (Oturupon). Some of these messages called out the polarity otura-tuupon outright and a few words on this dichotomy right here and now.

Nietzsche coined the words "Wille zur Macht", usually translated as "will to power", and very often his formulation was used to push him into the corner of Machiavelli who, in turn, is usually equated with the thirst for political/economic power over people and countries.

Nothing could be further from the truth: in the contrary, Nietzsche called for the fundamental shift of the individual person from a slave-mind to a person that takes responsibility for himself and his environment. This is an inner process, independent of the status of a person in the chains (sic!) of political powers. Other thinkers called this going from "being effect" to "being cause" or, from "irresponsibility" towards "responsibility" for one's own state of being and one's actions. In New Age speak we can hear the label "Personal Power" and, indeed, entering this state of "Personal Power" is a great acomplishment and the most positive aspect of many self-help authors and "motivational speakers".

A brief comment to Nietsche's "Wille zur Macht": ...  More >

 Spiritual Drugs10 comments
picture30 Aug 2006 @ 11:52
I was reminded to post a reminder to remind everyone that affinity/unconditional love/agape/amicitia/amour courtois or whatever you may call this pheonomenon of the basic polar quality know in Fá as Otura, is JUST ONE OF 16 such qualities and to cut ANY AND ALL aka cords one has to cut them for the other 15 as well.

From my personal observations, I can state that the majority of today´s relationshop are NOT falling under above heading but rather under Oturupon, notably in its flavors of responsibility (or better lack thereof) that are called blame, shame, guilt, etc... all of which are NOT resolved by Otura (loving unconditionally) but, as stated, by Oturupon (taking full responsibility).

One could say that this error of trying to resolve any and every problem with "love" is the sickness of our times and only installs an illusion of a solution which necessarily MUST CRASH bitterly (which for the misenlightened promptly starts another downward cycle of assigning blame and guilt to someone else).

This misenlightenment is reflected also in most attempts of "Fasting and Praying" and the euphoric states that can happen are mostly NOT super-energies/peak-states as described a few times on this BLOG, but rather biochemical processes that be observed in many other "techniques" such as flagellation and similar masochistic procedures.

Since these are pseudo-peakstates, they are of short duration and the person has to continue and increase the dosage (severity of self-punishment) nearly every time. This exactly is ...  More >

 Something that works well: The Process of Ho'oponopono3 comments
picture28 Aug 2006 @ 10:43
Well, here is something that DOES work WELL:

Ho'oponopono means to make right (in the language of Hawai´i).

A process, solo or in groups, also perfect for SkyWork (constellations/morphogenetic transformation)

quoted from [link]

The Process of Ho'oponopono:

Bring to mind anyone with whom you do not feel total alignment or support, etc.

In your mind's eye, construct a small stage below you
Imagine an infinite source of love and healing flowing from a source above the top of your head (from your Higher Self), and open up the top of your head, and let the source of love and healing flow down inside your body, fill up the body, and overflow out your heart to heal up the person on the stage. Be sure it is all right for you to heal the person and that they accept the healing.

When the healing is complete, have a discussion with the person and forgive them, and have them forgive you.
Next, let go of the person, and see them floating away.

As they do, cut the aka cord that connects the two of you (if appropriate). If you are healing in a current primary relationship, then assimilate the person inside you.
Do this with every person in your life with whom you are incomplete, or not aligned.

The final test is, can you see the person or think of them without feeling any negative emotions. If you do feel negative emotions when you do, then do the process again.
[end of quote]

much more info at:
Ho'oponopono.  More >

 Trap Addendum: The Fasting&Praying Trap5 comments
picture23 Aug 2006 @ 16:29
One should think that only a superficial study of polarities and its dynamics would suffice to avoid some of the traps that are so obvious that I never bothered to write about them. Not so, as I found out recently when I heard about some people who claim to be students of Ifa and yet fell for this one (which, to make very sure to mention is an islamic influence in some parts of Nigeria and never practived by any serious student of Ifa): The Fasting&Praying Trap.

Fortunately, there is an excellent analysis on the Internet under the title "The Seduction of Simplistic Raw Vegan Dogma", see

This article hi-lites the most important points in this modern, ancient hype even though it's not really clear if the writer is aware that what he wrote applies to ALL kinds of fasting efforts.

Here is a short quote of his summary of why it is so "seductive":...  More >

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