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 'Archetype': Word and concept 18 comments
picture17 Aug 2006 @ 15:07

(thinking of adding this article to the new edition of the 'Your Personal Archetype' book, in order to address some of the frequent questions)...

The word archetype stems from the greek concept of 'arkhetypon'. 'arkhe' denotes the concept of the first, initial spark that spawned life, much like the aramaic 'or', the primordial light given to the world by the Elohim in the Genesis of the Torah and the Old Testament. 'typon' stands for the 'stamp' that was used to create seals, coins and other things that were marked by humans. In this sense, the word archetype describes the typology of ancient gods as well as human beings, the copies or 'clones' of those gods.

In our times, the concept of archetype is used for all kinds of classifications, most of them useful in their specific concepts. Few, however, have maintained the meaning of the original sense of the word. In most of these classifications, basic attributes of persons, such as 'extroverted' or 'introverted', are made the basis of a typology of human behavior. As useful as these typologies may be, to call them 'archetypical' patterns would usurp a much more specific concept than these systems are able to provide.

One of the more appropriate approaches we can find in the archetypes of CG Jung who recognized the importance of them in the lives and destinies of all humans. Unfortunately, his time and context did not allow for a more precise specification and classification. Archetypal roles such as the hunter or the mother are useful but are missing the point that every human Being has an archetype that can be precisely defined, described, and classified whereas the basic roles in life, such as mother or hunter, are describing roles that can be used by a large number of persons who individually may be very different in their approach to life.

In this book, we follow the original definition of the word: the stamp that was imprinted during the creation of life itself, faintly visible in the stories of the gods and demi-gods of Sumeria, Egypt, and Ancient Greece, and which is present in every human Being still today, determining its behavior much more rigidly and stereotypically than we would like to admit to ourselves....  More >

 Milan Crosswalk, Part II3 comments
picture3 Aug 2006 @ 14:47
What is it with this crosswalk in Milan?

Not only do they give you a ticket if you park your Lamborghini on it (see the entry on Quad Poles) - no, now the bikers came by and burnt some rubber...

How's this for some 'white charge': Luigi, in anticipation of the great rubber burning event, already bought a new rear tire (500 Euro) - great investment, he says with a big grin!

Or, looking at my parking ticket, perhaps it was the bad karma of the crosswalk that made its stripes burn away like nothing, who knows...

see (and hear) more here...

too bad you can't smell the rubber via multimedia (yet)...

PS...  More >

 The polarization of the the super-goals14 comments
picture26 Jul 2006 @ 16:17
When tracking back goals (versus the super-goals) in Skywork (groups sessions) and individual research, we find consistently the same supergoal at the end of the chains: sharing joy.

More than coincidentially, this super-goal is also the LAST stage of emotional contemplation of the famous sequence of Gotamo Buddho which goes as follos:

- sharing friendship
- sharing (emotional) distress
- sharing joy
- equanimity, void of sensations of any kind

(the last four stages (or states of superconsciousness are equally beyond human emotions).

It should come as no surprise that this ultimate super-goal, when inverted, becomes the most aberrative and destructive of all human emotions: jealousy.

Quite fittingly, the Torah/Old Testament describes the jealousy of Kain versus Abel as the first story after the expulsion from Eden...  More >

 Never repeated too often: Vigilance is the price of freedom!8 comments
picture9 Jul 2006 @ 14:44
As we not only have the technology to undo the illusions of the matrix piece by piece, we also understand more of 'technological/scientific' foundations, beginning with its geometry and the classifications of its basic components every day.

One mantra should not miss in all what we are doing:

Vigilance is the price of freedom!

(I don't like using 'absolutes' and therefore skipped the proverbial 'eternal')

Every tool can be used or abused.

Maybe we should discard the notion of 'learning' and regard it is as 'implanting':

as Beings we already know everything that is true: we just need to remember more and more of it.

In contrast, 'learning' adds new (artificial!) data on top of all the (still) existing illusions.

Not only that...  More >

 Tensegrity of Star-Tetrahedrons and Internal Structure of Odu (proto energy) 10 comments
picture29 Jun 2006 @ 16:24
The binary code of the Odu of Fa is a reflection (or better an abstraction) of the internal structure of proto-energy.

A more comprehensive model is viewing every proto energy of having the geometry of a double, or "star"-tetrahedron. Wikipedia seems critical of this name without offering a better one. The issue is confused by some claiming it to be the mythical 'Merkabah" of Melchizedek (Enoch?).

In any case, it appears to be close to the basic structure of any "thing", any manifestation within our Universe.

This observation finds support in the tensegrity model of Buckminster Fuller. For the record, the "Synergetics" discussion group of the early/mid nineties on the New Civilziation Network voted for the 4-dimensional "Mayan Time Star", a name originated by Steingrubner because of the close link to the theories of Jose Arguelles about the Mayan "Code of Tzolkin" which consists of 260 proto-energies.

I used a long, hot Brazilian night to make a steel model of the Star-tetrahedron for purposes of better visualization/meditation (see picture)...  More >

 Das SimpelDeutsch Experiment6 comments
picture9 Jun 2006 @ 22:44
I started an experiment, called "SimpelDeutsch".

The idea originally came from Wikipedia's Simple English section. Why should there be Simple English but not also Simple Deutsch?, I asked myself.

There was the Basic English project. Wikipedia sez:

"Basic English is a constructed language with a small number of words created by Charles Kay Ogden and described in his book Basic English: A General Introduction with Rules and Grammar (1930). The language is based on a simplified version of English.
Ogden said that it would take seven years to learn English, seven months for Esperanto, and seven weeks for Basic English, comparable with Ido. Thus Basic English is used by companies who need to make complex books for international use, and by language schools that need to give people some knowledge of English in a short time."

A similar approach should be possible for SimpelDeutsch.

In addition, there is another particularity that didn't exist in 1930 at the time of Ogden: the global exchange of concepts promoted a set of words practically identical in many languages. Those words don't even need a translation.

In the SimpelDeutsch project, if one starts reading beginning from the first Blog entry (Note, that a BLOG begins at its end!), one should be able to understand basic German (in a written form) in a very short time.

A main concept of SimpelDeutsch is that it is NOT a constructed language. I'll leave it up to the readers/commentators to determine the basic set of words to be used. The time necessary to achieve a basic dictionary shall be an interesting part of the experiment.

I am testing an online database (and Wiki) for the purposes of crossreferencing and invite all of you to participate in your particular language once it's open for business!

Hope to see many of you playing with me (and language) at [link] !!!  More >

 Higher Will, Iwa, and Tanha - A Comparison6 comments
picture6 Jun 2006 @ 14:17
Iwa in Ifa can be seen as I-wa, the principle of wa, the latter meaning 'to guide, to steer'.

The Buddhist concept Tanha if often sometimes translated as 'thirsting Will' or as 'Thirst'.

In Gnosticisms and its off-shoots, notably ill-famed Aleister Crowley, the same phenomenon is called 'Will'. Likewise Schopenhauer and Kant are calling this instance 'Wille' but from a different angle.

Because the word 'will' will be easily confounded with the assumed 'will' of the human mind, I'd like to call it 'Higher Will', or the will of the 'Higher Self'.

Another formulation of my theorem from Sunday, which created some confusions, hehehe, would be that 'what tanha/iwa/higher-will is 'thirsting' that will arrive...  More >

 Too many books . 120 years ago0 comments
picture5 Jun 2006 @ 16:49
Nietzsche complained in 1886:

Draconian Law Against Writers: A writer ought to be regarded as a evildoer who deserves to be acquitted or pardoned only in the rarest cases: that would be a way to keep books from getting out of hand. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

with this in mind, I would like to point the readers to my new e-book section... mememe in 6 languages... take your pick... (and some patience, not everything is perfect yet)

[link]  More >

 Meme's Meme Or The General Theory of the Purpose of Games Or...6 comments
picture4 Jun 2006 @ 14:12
An Intellectual Sunday Brunch for June 4th, 2006:

mx sez:
All is fine analyzing the game patterns of individual humans, major and minor Gods and Goddesses, of groups and their wars, nature, all the 42-stuff...

Objectives, purposes, rules, all cool... goals, subgoals, supergoals, stop!!! so what's the ultimate supergoal of playing all these games?

Here is a principle to shed light on the structure of the games, and all of them, ahem...

The Meme-Amplifier-Theorem (Sandor, 2006)
The top-level supergoal of any observable process in this Universe consists of obtaining a maximum resonance to one, and only one, super-energy.

- a local process ends exactly when a local resonance is found
- a local process will a this point compete with other local games to dominate the next higher level of processes
- if the resonance obtained is sufficiently close to the original super-energy, the process will auto-destruct (duplication theorem)
- auto-destruction occurs via the phenomenon of the 'resonance catastrophy'
- the auto-destruction can be an implosion or an explosion
- implosions do not leave ANY trace
- explosions, even though destroying the structure of the original meme-transporter, will infect parallel systems via its exploded fragments
- a process that ultimately will end in an implosion is called a 'destructive game'...  More >

 Wikipedia Today: Transhumanism1 comment
picture2 Jun 2006 @ 16:56
Today's new featured entry in Wikipedia is Transhumanism. a great summary with a huge number of links.

Since I'm not (yet) mainstream-avantgarde, my novel SF-series Logs of JD Flora is missing from the list of novels. Well...

The Logs, written in 1985, describe the strange path of a human who is first traveling in time, before becoming one with a computer system called SFYNX, and, along the way, ponders many of the questions addressed in the Wikipedia entry on Transhumanism.

What would feel like to be the mind of a computer? I still don't know... who would??

Note: for all of my books, see here!  More >

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