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 Or-i or O-ri: who sees!?2 comments
picture31 May 2006 @ 22:09
Reading the first chapters of the French translation of "Your personal archeype" (see [link] ) reminded me today of an additional possible definition of Ori: in Yoruba O-ri can also mean "the seer" or "witness".

The concept of the witness in the philosophy of Fa is profound, most notable in the praisename of its avatar Orunmila as "the only witness to creation, second only to Olodumare (the creator)".

So it would make a lot of sense to interpret the name "Orisha" not only using the original aramaic roots (Or=Light plus Isha=Being/Person) but also as "original witnesses".

There is another interesting clue: the Sanskrit word "rishi" has exactly the connotation of the "seer". Interestingly even the written symbol is a bit similar because of the 3-pronged letter for the magic sound "sh" and the i's added above.

But there is one bit more to say:  More >

 Thinking about Stars and Gods in Napule (Naples)9 comments
picture3 May 2006 @ 16:25
Lots of things to think about in Napoli/Napule/Naples.

For example, what is the relation between astrological charts and the archetypes of Ifa? Is the astro-map a key to the goals of the soul-part of man, in synch or out-of... with the goals of the spirit-part(s)? Parallel, mingling with each other? By chance or good luck matching in part, but sometimes not?

In any case, good topics for talks in hot nites in perhaps the craziest city of the world, only Bangkok comes close.

Got a new haircut, too, as one can see on the postcard-ready photo. My host wanted a photo but, then, he didn't want to be identified. Quite a problem. You can see my ingeniuos solution for yourself.

In any case, I learned a lot of Napoletean curses and got one hand-crafted by a master-curser for this very BLOG:

"Chi vò male
a chistu BLOG
ha dda soffri'
'e eletric shog!"

aarghh!  More >

 Spinning Quad Wheels on Obara, but, yikes, a parking ticket: Why me?5 comments
picture27 Apr 2006 @ 09:36
Poor me!

Me feels like Goethe's Faust in the beginning act:

All the nice wheel spinning didn't save me from getting a parking ticket!

What's wrong with that picture?

PS: Ori(..) said she'll post a summary on our latest SkyWork on QuadWheels on the tech4realty list...  More >

 Geometry of Prime Polarities (Odu)2 comments
picture15 Apr 2006 @ 08:37
One polarity, even though it has a dominate component, is always part of a manfestation containing all prime polarities. The most basic energy 'object' is pervading space and to form an axiomatic system must satisfy the Nordenholz Axioms (Scientologie, 1933). To be a minimal object in 3-D, it must be a tetrahedron (see Pythagoras) which is also a space-filler (see Buckminster Fuller Synergetics), necessary to completely pervade space.

The creation of the fourth point of the tetrahedron follows the spiral of a Phi (Fibonacci) function (see Dan Winter's illustration). As a more basic observation, it is here postulated that already the Nordernholz Axioms which describe the relations of basic triads of the Universe, follow a 2D projection of the Phi function.

The result of these contemplations is a structure ressembling the minimal 4-D projection into 3D space, also dubbed the Mayan Time Star (Steingrubner et alii, 1993). A crude depiction is given in the attached picture, the tetrahedrons pervade each other, of course).

To make sense, the sequence of the Dawson Odu-Wheels needed to be rotated regarding the virtual starting point of each wheel. This matrix solves a lot of problems while introducing surprisingly few ones.

Ogbe Ogunda Iwori Irete
Ofun Okanran Owonrin Oturupon
Oyeku Osa Odi Otura
Oshe Obara Irosun Ika

Coincidentially, this arranges the Odu in rows intro the of Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire elements and into the quadrants of Form Vs Essence and Solidity Vs Transparency at the same time (or in other words the intensity or solidity of manifestation).  More >

 Spiritual Arrogance, Cargo Cults, and the Bug of this Universe7 comments
picture21 Feb 2006 @ 14:50
GeZi posted some excellent thoughts about Cargo Cults. A frequent observation for me is the circumstance that the more distant cult members are from their original source, "the more they display the phenomenon of spiritual arrogance".

These days for me are days of contemplation and research, bringing the problem of the "bug of this Universe"....  More >

 Sunday Meditation: Emerald Table10 comments
picture12 Feb 2006 @ 14:22
Blissfully ignoring the recent spiritual (?) Papparazzi disclosures at [link], I meditate yet another time about the Credo (?) of Hermes:

Verum sine mendacio, certum et verissimum:
quod est inferius es sicut quod est superius,
et quod es superius es sicut quod est inferius,
ad perpetranda miracula rei unius.

Truth without lie, certain and absolutely true:
what is below is like what is above
and what is above is like what is below,
towards the insight of the wonders of the One Thing.
...  More >

 IFA 21 Forum reactivated2 comments
picture18 Jan 2006 @ 17:48

The Ifa for the 21st Century site has been reactivated, thanks to the effort Gunter.


This site is for practical Ifa issues, announcements. etc...

for the theory, polarities, etc, you can use the Polar Dynamics Newsgroup at Yahoo Groups...  More >

 Conditions of Existence, Elliot Waves, Fibonacci, and Odu Transitions16 comments
picture15 Jan 2006 @ 13:34
(The following article was first written in 2001 in Orlando, Florida. It didn't find any resonance with nobody, got lost in time, dunno about this rewrite. In any case, material for Polar Dynamics 2...)

Conditions of Existence, Elliot Waves, Fibonacci, and Odu Transitions

Much speculation was being done in the past about what would be the basic formula for the evolution of Life, Universe, and Everything, the main candidates being the number 42 and the number of the Pi relation. Both are mere numbers, an actual formula however would be much more than a single number or relationship. It should accurately describe the progression of evolution and not an observed relationship of dimensions AFTER its manifestation already occured.

Of course, there is the Fibonaccio number (another number), often confused with Pi like in a recent Hollywood movie, but, behind the abstract number, we can find the numeric progression of all growth in nature. Whether chicken farm populations or organic proportions, we can witness the validity of this formula in all of nature.

However, this formula, in its basic form, doesn't allow for the ...  More >

 Adjacent Energy Emanations and Stray Polarities28 comments
picture6 Jan 2006 @ 14:31
Let's kick off 2006 with an article for Polar Dynamics 2:

Adjacent Energy Emanations and Stray Polarities

In the model of the co-created Universe a Being shares its own Universe with that of other Beings. The portion which is shared is commonly called 'reality'.

Tell me who your friends are...

Beings assess the qualities of another Being via the perception of the energy emanations that appear to arrive from the direction of that other Being.

It is often difficult or even impossible to detect the true ownership of these emanations. Close associations with other Beings may lead to evaluations based on "who your friends are". This can be observed on all three major levels of existence, the superconscious realms of the spiritual forces (Orisha), the subconscious level of the "soul", and, of course, the mental, conscious, or "rational" level.
...  More >

 2 new Italian book releases: Your Personal Archetype & JD Flora III7 comments
picture17 Oct 2005 @ 10:52
well, another 2 books for your collection...
Your Personal Archetype & JD Flora III in Italian

see also [link] !

enjoy (if you speak Italian)

mx  More >

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