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 Reality IS Real5 comments
picture21 Oct 2004 @ 14:32
Emperor Ming the Mechanic's series of BLOG posts prompted me to remember yet another story of the Great Little Lion King!

No further words needed..

read on..

Reality IS Real

'My family, the Bee-hive, this is the real Reality!' the bee told the Great Little Lion King, 'when will you finally learn?'

Our Great Little Lion King was whining, rolling in pain on bare ground 'no need to sting me in the nose for that, Little Bee, or...?'

'If you would know better, I wouldn't have touched you, Great Little Lion King, sorry!' the Little Bee said with faked empathy in her tiny voice, herself in agony.

'I know, I know, I talk too much sometimes, dear Little Bee, but nobody listens to a Great Little Lion King these days anyway!' growled Nemus, still in terrible pain.

'Then you also know that I am risking my life to give you this lesson?'

'Careful, this may be censored.'

'By whom?'

'By the goons of your own Queen' said the Great Little Lion King.

'How could that be?' whispered the Bee carefully.

'Whoever creates reality fears nothing more than the naked truth.'

'Hah!' laughed the Little Bee now. 'You're as stupid as I thought. Everyone follows the Real Queen, no matter where she goes. A little piece of truth changes Nothing! The sum of what everyone thinks it 'Is', that 'Really Is'. I thought you've learned that part by now!'

'Sure enough, but WHO is the Real Queen? Every Bee believes what they're Beeing told. Nobody sees the Real Queen. They just follow their immediate neighbours, thinking that THEY know where the Real Queen is going whether they are Really knowing the direction or not. Nobody knows what the Real Queen thinks, what she wants, or where she will go. That's why she is the Real Queen!'


'The Real power is in the propaganda of what people THINK where the Real Queen is going. The communication of it. This perception of the perception of Reality can change that, don't you think so, Little Bee?'

'Dream on, dream on, Great Little Lion King! If there are enough Bees to follow a different path, yes, sure. But when you have a different stream of reality, swarms of Bees that is, there would be chaos. One part of the Bee-hive bumping into another. Chaos! War! A Queen loves that, Great Little Lion King! It teaches the rest to behave as they are told.'

'I know, Little Bee, yes, I know, if there's not enough of that going on already, the Queen will create a few of it.'

'So what are doing about it, Great Little Lion King?'

'I'll have another nice capuccino at the QueenieQueenie bar in Nice, what else?'

'Hah!' screamed the Little Bee who by now had recovered from her own sting. 'I knew it! You're no better than anyone else! But may-Bee you only stay in the city of Nice because you're fooled to think it's Nice there!'

'But is IS Nice in Nice. Except for the train station ticket sales. It's so bizarre - it makes the movie 'Brazil' look like a reality show. I went there a few times in the past to have a reality adjustment. It's just too Nice in Nice otherwise.. but now they've put parking meters in every possible spot, so I don't need to go to the train station anymore to get aggravated...'

'OK, OK, enough of that. It's Nice in Nice, everyone knows that. But Can you also stay in Cannes, Can you?'

'I know someone who makes worse puns than you, Little Bee. His name is Ed and he lives in the City of the Angels. And, for the record, it's 'Be-Hype' and not 'Bee Hive' that is creating reality, you're an imposter yourself, Little Bee!'

This was too much even for the Little Bee, so she left our Great Little Lion King, whose nose was still hurting from the sting. 'Well, in January I should really be at the River of January, but that river stinks so much that may-Bee I should hibernate in the most Beeautiful city that can ever Bee, the city of Flowers, that Is. I never made it Really past the Sign northwest of it.'

Nemus looked at his nose that was still hurting badly. But, on top of that, he now was also terribly confused.

'Bee, Little Bee, Bee back! Help mee, Bee!' he shouted. 'Where should I Bee? I want to Bee where I should Bee. I want to Bee all that I should Bee. Alfred, Count Alfred, you were right all along. The verb to 'Bee' _IS_, yes it _MUST BEE_, the curse of all that what _IS_! May Bee it's the Bee that IS creating Real Reality?'

The Little Bee came back to have a last word in this: 'You know, I hate Korzybsky, Great Little Lion King. What an insult to all of us Bees! But listen, the naked truth of the word 'Reality' is in the Word itself: 'Reality' comes from 'Royalty'. Whoever the Queen may Bee, she Is Royal, Real, creates Reality. That's it! And now shut up! Roam in Rome, eat ham in Hamburg or peas in Pisa, what the hell, in the end, if you're honest, you like TouLouse sometimes, but then, May Bee next May you May Bee in Berazil for a BEEr!' shouted the Bee.

'Stop! No more!' screamed Nemus, holding his head. And, seeing this, the Little Bee left our Great Little Lion King, quite satisfied of having found yet another victim...  More >

 'The Unfolding' (The 53. Attempt of a Translation)5 comments
picture20 Oct 2004 @ 20:44
[note: my computer broke down last Friday. I am using Valerio's laptop (mille grazie!). I received all my NEW e-mail be now, but I lost the e-mail that was on my old laptop. Pls e-mail again, if needed. Thanks mucho!]

Well, three (3!) mad days and nights of doing a little translation... Actually I started out many years ago but I never dared formulating it...

For this translation, I worked like this: first I threw away all copies of exisiting translations I had (they were in German, 3 different English ones, and in Italian). Then, after every translation, I removed the text of the new translation from my computer (after backing up, just in case). Then I meditated until I was sure I forgot everything I thought I knew (quite painful). Then I made me a fresh coffee and translated from scratch to a point where I was sure I had made a serious mistake in the prior sections. I restarted the way I described it for 53 times until I arrived at the last sentence (which contains quite a paradox!).

The first day I listened to 2 audio recitations of the text in an audio loop. But I found that some of it was leading me to a bias in separating the words and I stopped listening.

For a few names of classes of Superbeings there are just no English names that I know of and I left them untranslated. For some I know the Ifa names but it doesn't make sense to replace one strange name with yet another strange name. I used some words that are sure to confuse the reader, for example 'earth' for 'aretz'. It is meant to refer to the 'element of earth', not to our planet but it is too clumsy to use it every time. There are many other formulations for which better names can be found. For example: the mechanism to 'copy oneself' is called 'seeds' like in most other translations. It could be translated as 'DNA' but somehow I felt this is not appropriate because then one should translate the other items with names of modern Science as well, using the names from the 'particle/wave' model 'frequency/modulation', 'clones', etc. Perhaps a nice project for the future???

Just in case to not come too close to the actual truth of it, I deliberately introduced 3 errors and omitted 3 verses in the center. These three, although holding the key, cannot be possibly understood without understanding the rest first. I was advised that, for my own protection, it would not be good to publish it. That I publish this at all, may not seem to be a smart idea. But I was so advised and I honor the source of this advice.

My sincere gratitudes go to the Rabbi who opened this chapter for me many years ago. I am very, very sure that he does not want his name mentioned in this context.

Thanks also to Francesco, Luciano, Valerio and Matej who called me on the cellular! You cheered me up considerably!!!

So, here it is, my humble gift to mankind, to quote yet another madman, and then I have to seriously catch up on my sleep:

'The Unfolding' (The 53. Attempt of a Translation)  More >

 Comments to the previous article by Ed6 comments
picture10 Oct 2004 @ 19:45
Ed Dawson made some excellent remarks to the previous article.

(Italian translation at the end).

A true firework of brilliant insights.. just like this picture I made at Cannes/France the other night...

I wholeheartedly agree with all he said. One remark only: the supercharge created by Girapoli is inherently different from 'normal' peakstates because they are built on a CLEAN polarity. Since the first Girapoli activation in April, NOT a single crash occured. The energy just goes flattens after some weeks BUT can be restored by a simple act of giving attention to it...

Read here for Ed's comments:  More >

 The Flipsides of the Bread of Shame23 comments
picture7 Oct 2004 @ 21:01
(Italian version / italiano)

To understand the phenomenon of "nehama d’ksufa" (bread of shame), Kabbalists use the following picture:

"G.d" unfolded itself into two parts, a source and a vessel. Like one is pouring wine from a bottle into a container like a chalice, there is a point where the vessel is full. To 'reunite' itself, there must be flow back. This they often call the 'way home'.

There seem to be at least two different definitions of "nehama d’ksufa" (bread of shame) around (please e-mail or post other definitions which you heard):

a) the backflow itself, that means the flowing of the wine from the chalice back into the bottle, b) the spilling of wine in the process

In the dynamics of polarities we don't want to accept the same label for two different things. Let's call the first phenomenon simply 'backflow' or a "clean flow" and the second a "dirty flow".

For anyone who studied "Polar Dynamics", it is immediate clear how these flows relate to polarities, but it is apparently not clear enough how these rather abstract descriptions apply to life itself.

Here are some definitions to embed it into the language of polar dynamics:....  More >

 Ed on 'triangles' - a must read!2 comments
picture25 Sep 2004 @ 22:08
from Ed's message (also posted on techs4reality list):

Recently I noticed that the perceptible higher and lower "planes" of reality have more to do with triangles than they do with primal polarities (olodus, etc).

Triangles are not really arranged in the linear manner...  More >

 What's in between the poles??5 comments
picture24 Sep 2004 @ 22:05
Theme of the week seems to be what exactly is in BETWEEN the Odu.. Ed wrote about in LA, I was experimenting here in Nice/France.

In workshops I compare a polarity with a battery but I don't talk about much what is in the soup within the battery, just about the poles themselves.

here is a basic: basic technical explication. Ignore the silly first sentence.. a battery IS a capacitor, of course..

here is a nice interactive demo. Very nice...

There are now several ways to access directly the was is IN BETWEEN the poles:..  More >

 Direct Polarity Access (DPA)4 comments
picture1 Sep 2004 @ 10:08
Some more notes (make sense only for a few, but this is the easiest way for me to distribute this).

Some of the dire warnings as usual.. But then.. without preparation it is unlikely that these things work easily anyway...

But, as a reminder, it should be clear that one doesn't work with the Odu directly in these exercises but instead these are SOME of their manifestations as energies as they are perceived in one's emotional field. In turn, however, and this is important to note for the following, they WILL invoke the according Odu (which themselves are beyond but immersing space).

Direct Polarity Access (DPA)

With Girapoli exercises come new abilities. One of them is the ability to directly access energies from polarities. This opens up a new world but also the problem of overaccessing such a polarity. The problemn as such is already well known even though its parameters are not very well known at this time.

Overaccessing will result in an inversion of the polarity, going from full positive to full negative. See the attached graph.

Still unknown are: ...  More >

 Nested Polarities and the Sierpinsky Tetra3 comments
picture15 Aug 2004 @ 16:48
an interesting visualization possibilty of polarities (Odu) is to see the nesting of tetras in a Sierpinsky tetra (demo attached.. forgot the website of the author, sorry)..

Unity Key: Ed's snd Dona Bilangi's write-up is at Ouran's Ghostdance pages..  More >

 POV:demo0 comments
picture14 Aug 2004 @ 14:48
here is a demo I made showing the orientation for male/female orientations.

Was using POVRAY for the frst time in some years. Absolutely great stuff!

For some people POV means 'point of view'. Ihave heard also 'Power of Vision' from an opticion... BUT for the real geek it means "Persistence of Vision" and is a Raytracer, of course...  More >

 The Girapoli Peakstates9 comments
picture13 Aug 2004 @ 14:08
The following are notes to safe myself time and telephone expenses. If they don't make sense to you, just ignore them.

- There are no descriptions or classifications of these 'peakstates' yet to my knowledge. The closest is Dona Bilangi's 'Unity Key' as described by Ed Dawson. Unfortunately, this process could generally not be duplicated. Back then, I have found the same result at about the same time independently of Dona but I was using an early version of Girapoli through pure chance.

- other than that, until now, the Girapoli states have only been observed in SkyWork (constellations) but it was not possible (yet) to *deliberatly* induce these states using constellations

- Girapoli Uno was done successfully in Italy and Slovenia. We will do a 'field trial' in Nice/France (with a group) next week to see how easy it is to teach Girapoli 2 through 4.

- these peakstates last from 3 days to 2 weeks but they can be reestablished at will afterwards.

- the emerging energy can be SHARED with others

- typically, there is a dizziness or lack of orientation during the first part. It is essential to bear through this temporary discomfort in order to reach the end result of the process

- it is certainly a good idea to do some physical rotation (the Tibetan Exercis Number One) to desensitize the body a bit. This exercise is done frequently in a non-optimal way (too fast and doing the ballerina-switch with the head, for example). When it is slowed down to a specific point (hard to describe in words), this exercise enables the *natural* polarities of the body (lower tetrahedron) in a physical way and with incredible benefits

- the rotations have little to do with the 'Flower of Life' Merkabah exercises which use rotational speeds that are so high that they would merge the polarity instantly instead of a positive recharge.

- attached is a drawing of a Girapoli Quattro formation. This is an *EXAMPLE* and not intended to be used as a template

- the drawing shows a MALE configuration (rotate 180 degrees for a female one). Note, that Otura is BEHIND, in the back of the person, Ogbe is in front

- the upper part is very positive in general, bringing down Ela (Ifa) and Ori. The lower part can be quite dangerous, especially in the combinations with the top part (watch Otura!!).

- the tetrahedra are drawn apart for better visibility. To see how the poles are located in thespace around a human body, look at Leonardo da Vinci's drawing (for example on the cover sleeve of Dan Brown's book 'The Da Vinci Code'. (in the German version inexplicably called 'Das Sakrileg').

- when designing a Quattro, it may help to consider the balance of archetypal forces on the body.

- a brief analyis of the attached configuration which I baptized "Stranizza": If we assume the Ori (Higher Self) occupying the top and the shadow Eshu the bottom point, we can place 6 archetypal forces. They are from the 6 Orisha Complexes, in random sequence, Shango (here at the Otura edge from behind), Oshun (right lower side looking back from the outside (mirror!), she often likes that position), Ogum at the lower left (a good position in any case), Obatala in front (can swap places with Shango when too strong in a specific situation), Yemanja right bottom, Oya on top. (should be held on the right side in order to prevent her to use Ofun in a destructive way, hehe).

- also note, that different archetypes are using the same energies DIFFERENTLY. This should be Ifa-101 but is still the most common error observed out there...

- for example, Ogum will use the right-side Odi-Irete combination to push trough any physical hardship with great ease, like a weightlifter who likes his sport - Yemanja on the right lower area should be watched that she doesn't abuse it (as in being a control freak), the same is true of the other ladies in the club, Oshun (Oshe-di is the Odu of promiscuos betrayal), Oya! get in a spin when she sees that Odu - Eshu (like Ori on top a super-archetype) can use Odi-Irete to rise from the bottom out of virtual nothing (the phoenix from the ashes energy), for Obatala Odi-Irete is the sense of freedom on top of the mountain (a peak state all in itself for which people go through incredible hardships), etc etc it would fill a book to describe just that part of the example in more detail

- finally, before using a Girapoli in life', especially a 'Quattro', one should be familiar with the most common negative effects of Olodu combinations and one should 'watch' these areas in one's space before driving a car, etc... Make a list of all relations first (how many on a double tetra??...

- possible tetras: there are only 128 combinations in Girapoli Uno because there is no inside/outside. Obviously, Girapoli Due then has 16,384 combinations, Girapoli Tre 2,097,152, and Quattro has 268,435,456. Should keep you busy for some lifetimes...

here are the steps:...  More >

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