The Sandorian Grove    
 Thank you for the many nice wishes and the great b'day party...0 comments
picture15 Sep 2003 @ 11:55
Thank you for the many nice wishes and the great b'day party.

It was nicely concluded by a belly dance by Valarie (see photo).

'nuff zed... except perhaps for..  More >

 B'day party September 13th with Global Action2 comments
picture11 Sep 2003 @ 15:01
Maria Lee throws a b'day party for me on Saturday, Sept 13th, and we will do some strange things at the occasion, worldwide, what else.

Check out some items on the list}.  More >

 Happy 86th, Dr. Dave !!!2 comments
picture7 Sep 2003 @ 13:25
Going strong into his 87th year, still helping other people every day, we will celebrate Dr.Dave's birthday today...

Send b'day greetings to his daughter Val at or ...  More >

 Sideshow: Juan Pueblo and the Sherman Way Shamans7 comments
picture7 Sep 2003 @ 10:20
Saturday Nite in the Valley, what can you do?

Close to the ancient palace of the Ming clan an Aztek food restaurant opened and the local shamans gathered for a sideshow around sculptor, Aztekian music instrument restaurator, and seasoned shaman Don Juan Pueblo: (from left) Dona Clara, Don Juan Pueblo, Miguel, Max, Aaron, and Carlos (behind Aaron).

The (Mexican) gourd is a gift from Don Juan's collection. Here is a sample I just recorded.

Yesterday evening, though, the subtle bass line I was playing with this gourd competed with..  More >

 Quote of the Day: Krishnamurti about Belief Systems10 comments
picture5 Sep 2003 @ 15:02
Maria Lee from the Wholeself Institute sent me the following quote from Krishnamurti... (couldn't y have said it better!!)

from "Commentaries on Living": "One of the things that most of us eagerly accept and take so totally for granted is the concept of "Belief". I am not attacking beliefs. What we are trying to do is to find out why we accept "belief" and if we can understand the motives, the cause of that acceptance, then perhaps we may be able to understand why we do it, but also be free of it. ...  More >

 News from the Grove: Some Bloom instead of Doom and Gloom2 comments
picture3 Sep 2003 @ 14:00
I was reading the newspaper over lunch.. which was a mistake as I nearly regurgigated the severly overprized dish..

Felt the urge to see something more intelligent than the local paper and looked at  More >

 Q4A: Contest (4 real) What's the question to this answer??0 comments
picture2 Sep 2003 @ 22:31
Now we are doing the first real contest (not a trial run, hehe).

The answer is not a phrase but a sketch made after a group session Sept 18th 2001 in Hollywood by Steve Owen.

What was the question?

(there is no right or wrong question/answer for this one since nobody remembers what moment Steve had in mind when he made the sketch the day after.)

First price one of the following CDs:  More >

 Stories of the 401 Knights: Alara and The Secret of All Emperors5 comments
picture29 Aug 2003 @ 15:37
This story was written for a dear friend and fellow emperor who just left his old empire behind in order to build a next-generation dynasty. It's now part of the gruesome "Stories of the 401 Knights".
.............................................................. Alara and The Secret of All Emperors

"Another story!" demanded the King from the stranger from a strange land, who was all dressed in white. "Hmm," answered Alara, the foreign sage, fearless but carefully, "King, do you know the deepest of all the secrets of Emperors?"

"Go on and speak now if your life is dear to you," the King smiled at his guest...  More >

 What's happening at the Grove: Latest (International) Net-TV4 comments
picture22 Aug 2003 @ 07:15
It was rather quiet on the BLOG recently - I was busy with many things, including virus stuff of all kinds, and... seeing TV on the net..

This happened rather by accident. I was looking around for (yet) another satellite dish to lurk for the skies in between the Grovian trees but there doesn't seem to be a simple solution out there if you want to have feeds from more than one country. Ming in Europe should be more lucky in that respect.

Anyway, I discovered that the options to see TV over the net have dramatically improved since the last time I checked.

Here is an overview of my favorites and their pro and cons..  More >

 The Governator is coming soon to a parliament near you!2 comments
picture21 Aug 2003 @ 12:24
Now it's official: yesterday in LA, - where else?, Arnold Schwarzenegger kicked off his campaign to replace Gray Davis as the governor of California.

This is provided the Total Recall of the latter will be successful...  More >

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