30 May 2011 @ 14:11
Many years (20!?) have passed since I created my last POVRay raytracer models, mainly for illustrating the ConCur theory, The history of POVRay [link] illustrates all the good things about free Internet, voluntary collaboration work, and how to get incredible things done outside (mono-)capitalistical company structures.
Now I got POVRay's latest version and, for starters, globulized a 3D structure of the Toth-Diagram to make it look more like a Morula [link] , which means a pre-embryo 4-7 days after fertilization.
One objective in doing so is that a view at the energetic structure of prime energies ("olodu" in the Fá philosophy) in one's OWN space is presenting initially a similar confusion and challenge. Note, that in one's own space, the energies are rarely distributed in the 'theoretical' order of the Toth-Diagram but typically shuffled around to suit the personality of the individual.
If we look at the epigenomical aspect [link] of this model, we can expect to find a lot of inhibiting and activating forces on these energy globs.
Another important point of such a contemplation is to get a picture of the 'relative' importances of the other (neigbouring) energies when looking frontally at one specific energy blob. We can deduct properties of the interaction&relations of prime energies amongst each other when focusing on a single one.
Lastly we could speculate that the 'selection' or activation of a particular energy (olodu) is simply a matter of viewpoint, meaning the direction from which the observer is looking'.
Does the initial morula-structure still exist within the human body? Physically not but as a 'memory/meme/epigenetic configuration' it DOES. If so, where would it be in the person's space? Initially, an embryo looks at his body center, the 'hara' or 'dan tien' in oriental teachings. But as he grows and after birth, he's going to look forward and out (at least he should do so).
Find out for yourself! Happy Meditation :)
Note: this meditation is called Girapoli-Quattro and a logical extension of the bipolar Girapoli(-Uno) process approach, see [link] . Simulations with morphogenetic-field-processing (Skywork [link] ) , like earlier this month in Milan, Italy, at Olé [link] , show a significant dynamic interaction in between the sixteen energy 'blobs' ! More >
29 May 2011 @ 14:48
How do you heal your parents? By healing THEIR parents! A recurring curse - recursivity at its best.
Since they were nailing down that guy, what's his name?, 2000 yrs passed by. Assuming an average age of 20 of birthgiving ladies, every one of us living in our times had 2000/20=100 generations before us. That was easy math, right?
Now it's getting complicated: ruling out incest (who would do such a thing except those who claim nobility?) we would arrive at parents for each parent we have, which is 100 times 2*2 which is, you guessed it already, 2 power 100.
Easy. Right?
Now, can you imagine how many guys you had programming your destiny during the last 2 millennia?
Some very smart guy came up with an easy solution to this challenge:
How thick will a stack of paper be after cutting it in half and stacking it 100 times?
Yes, that's the equivalent of 2 power 100...
Easy, right?
It goes on like this:
Two to the 100th power is 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376.
Multiplying by the thickness of the paper in millimeters (0.1 mm) gives the height of the stack in millimeters. Dividing the result by 1000 gives the height of the stack in meters. Dividing that by the number of meters in a light-year (9,460,536,000,000,000) gives the height of the stack in light-years.
Starting with a sheet of paper 0.1 millimeter thick, doubling the thickness one hundred times results in a stack 13.4 billion light-years tall. It would reach from Earth to beyond the most distant galaxy we can see with the most powerful telescopes -- almost to the edge of the observable Universe.
(from [link] , Thanks, Jeff, you're a genius!
Meditate This! More >
28 May 2011 @ 22:32
In a human (pre-)embryo, after the formation of polar bodies and subsequent cell divisions which we may speculate follow the ConCur rule with 90-degree rotations, we see that ... "Within a few days after fertilization, cells on the outer part of the morula become bound tightly together with the formation of desmosomes and gap junctions, becoming nearly indistinguishable. This process is known as compaction." Wikipedia [link] The 16-cell stage lasts a full 3 days. The individual cells form a cluster similar to the Toth-Diagram [link] in 3D (see microscopic photograph)
We witnessed over the years that life forms create (?) or 'have' such a pattern around their bodies and that, at least for humans who went through the process and effort to analyze the energies in their space, the actual energies within the individual 3D-Toth Diagram vary from person to person. We know further that the activation or suppression of these prime energies are directly correlated to the abilities and preferences of the person. It seems that it is irrelevant (or synonymous) whether the space in which we hold an energy or the prime energy itself has a defect or special (hyper-)activation.
As we are within a fractal Universe, we can further speculate that we see the sequence of "Universe Unfolding" duplicated for the creation of a human Being.
Relevant for the person itself in his life, we see further the importance of reconstructing one's energy field and 'depolarize' any conflicts, for example using Girapoli-4 which yields exactly this full 16-energy array. This needs prior work of course using 'ordinary' Girapoli [link] .
The 16-cell structure is a particle representation. If we switch to wave forms, we can see structures known as the 'Flower of Life' that shows circles to indicate the 'wave-fronts' (a hybrid representation) or we can see Moebius-like wave paths which link the '4 Wheels' or sequences of prime energies (olodu). In the 'Flower of Life' movement, the base structure is also called a 'Merkabah', pointing to Egyptian mysticism.
We can also call this structure the (energetic) 'Morula' of the person. It describes his energetic 'home'. Its first appearance 4-7 days after birth could very well define the later basic properties of the person and be a decisive factor to the 'archetype' the person will later display in life (this speculation is pending independent verification with Skywork [link] ).
In any case, a strong point for pre-natal regression therapies such as the 'modern shamanic' Whole-Self International Institute
[link] that delivers the PreBirth Analysis Matrix (PAM) of John-Richard Turner, for example. I point to this modality because that's what Maria Lee applied for me some 10+ years ago, thank you Maria :) but I am aware of a multitude of other pre-natal consciousness techniques.
Wishing you all a good HMR !
(Happy Morula Recovery) More >
25 May 2011 @ 12:56
The last 2+k years have seen the great loss of the distinction of the fundamental cornerstones of human existence: Soul and Spirit.They have been collapsed into one and the same 'thing', their individual properties lost or perverted. Nothing good can come of something like that: should we blame if for the great confusion of Man of our times?
One of the most hideous confusions is not a 'melting together' ("con-fusion") but an inversion with subsequent negative polarization:
The Spirit's domain was and is 'to desire' and thus inspire the Soul to manifest its content. The Soul once was content with what it thus had and both lived happily thereafter and BEFORE the grand confusion had been setting in, some say even before the time of the unfolding of our Universes.
With the collapse of Spirit and Soul within the Mind of Man (or them pesky Universal ancestors for some who insist), the Soul started doing what it's worst at: desiring. And the Spirit commenced to try what it can't: owning, having, total control via solid connection instead of sharing inspiration, forgetting that Soul and Spirit are like Matter and Anti-Matter: if they would ever touch each other, the world would cease to exist.
The result became a disaster for Man, and thus for Creation as such: the great rainbow serpent is SAD, immensely SAD, looking into his golden sphere which we call our world, it doesn't see fulfillment, it sees the impossible longing of the Soul and the vain effort of the Spirit to 'Own' something, neither attempt leading to happiness: the only result is slavery to the many and solipsism for a few.
What to do?
The answer is as easy to see as it is difficult to do:
(...it will come to you!)
That's of course going against the grain of what we're used to do in our civilization:
We desired what we NOT had and therefore we had what we NOT desired.
The only ones profiting from this craziness are the few who are NOT desiring the properties of others, they simply TAKE it!
Too simplistic? Maybe, but it's as basic as a truth as the apple falls from the tree: you make someone desire something, be sure to provide the opposite, and. voilá, you created a willing slave from a man who could be free.
For example, have Barack Obama promise "A Just and Lasting Peace" (in his Nobel Prize Acceptance speech 2009) and make some war: the perfect recipé for enslavery in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Bravo! Ingenious & supersmart !
But if we would desire what we already have, wouldn't all progress end, wouldn't we fall back into the times of savage, uneducated people? That's the reasoning of what we came to call a 'polarized' mind, a mind unable to see alternatives to what it was programmed to perceive as 'true'.
Just try it, dear friend: transcend [link] the polarity of 'desiring & owning' and be surprised!
Or, do it the rabbit's way at the gate to Merlin's castle... [link] :) .. do the opposite of what your enslavers want you to do...
and then start doing to do what YOU really wanted to do ALL ALONG...
(and, YES!, it will come to you!) More >
18 May 2011 @ 20:20
The greatest portion of a person's goals (and thus problems) do not stem from himself or his lifetime experience but result from the transfer of an immense collection of the goals of his ancestors.
A biological model how this transfer may happen physically has been created by Bruce Lipton, PhD [link] and it serves very well in demonstrating how the Memes of prior generations are being carried forward and impact the person already during the embryo phase via the dramatization of prior intentions, goals, fears, and behaviour in general.
One important issue is rarely being addressed: how is the meaning and/or interpretation of old contents being transferred?
A common observation made is "a person carries out the goals of his father/mother". "talents skip one generation", "all children rebel against the father/mother", and so forth. While these statements and popular wisdom reflect some level of truth, they are not quite accurate as we can witness in morphic field processing (Skywork) or when using QLFP or similar processes of Power Coaching [link] applied to ancestors. Especially if we strip expired goals in whole-sale fashion with the Girapoli Process [link] what we see is rather a flip of a pole of the category of Self/Other ("Obara").How can this be explained in a simple way?
We observe that a person perceives the impact of the ancestor's forces as a subtle (or sometimes cruel) push from his back forward and often from a direction slightly above his back, we can track this impact down to the perception of the embryo within the belly of the mother as chemical signals due to her emotional reaction to signals from HER environment and as responses to the content of words spoken within the context of emotionally charged situations. Such a model would not even require the existence and manifestations of the so-called morphogenetic field, an expression coind by Rupert Sheldrake [link] In simulations of 'real life' circumstances we can witness BOTH forces at work, and, what is of paramount importance, both follow the same transfer rules which we can model as follows:
1. As the ancestor force is perceived as pushing his goal or intention from the back forward, the descendant now becomes the substitute of the original target of the goal or intention.
2. Dependending on the existent array of predispositions, the descendent opposes the goal or concurs with it and becomes the ancestor of a new generation.
3. The NEXT descendent again opposes or concurs with the transmitted content. A DOUBLE negation results in a cloned goal of the grandfather generation, either decayed or enforced.
This rule can be taken to create a couple of truly revolutionary models, for example for the rarely explained existence of mortality and self-destruction in general.
A simple example: a person is decided to kill others, be it to survive or as a soldier. The intention when carried forward will 'see' his own decendant in front of him but the intention is just an information and has no intelligence on its own. It commands literally to kill what is in front of it and its descendents therefore become a substitute.
Ancestor's forces are subtle and weak but they're constant forces, whether via the morphogenetic field or via the signal model of epigenetics.
In the end, the collective intentions of the cells of an organism to kill or eat others results in the Thanatos impulse, the death drive. of the organism itself.
As a consequence of the evolution of the human body, genetically manipulated or not, and given that all cells taken in for food from the environment contain the Thanatos impulse, we see our own mortality. Augmenting longevity requires therefore to the minimum a reduction of the urge to kill other within the chain of ancestors.
Last not least, the formula applies to all goals and intentions, such the conditions of poverty, ailments, failures or success. It is not immediate obvious since a child is rebelling against his parents as 'polarization' effect (see also 'Polar Dynamics by Sandor/Dawson [link] ) The content however is being cloned and carries forward as a double negation of the original goal and substituting the original target with the descendent. More >
14 May 2011 @ 17:46
Why bother?
The mind of man is caught in a self-made prison of contradictions and paradoxes. This basic observation of paramount importance echoes to us from the human culture as known to us. Yet, time after time, this fundamental knowledge has been occluded, trivialized, or simply forgotten.
Whether we look at the ancient poems of India, the mystics of China and Japan, or the gnostics of Western civilization, the simple resolution of the seemingly unmitigable opposites within the mind of man has been made a mystery within secret traditions and squashed away or mutilated for the rest of mankind.
Patanjali, the presumed author of the famous 'Yogasutra', was so terrified of the potential abuse of his approach of reconciling the fundamental paradoxes in life that he refused to make clear how to a ṕolarization' is being created. We can put this concern to rest because this knowledge IS ALREADY BEING USED actively and consciously since many hundreds of years in order to control the 'ordinary people' and to make them cheerful slaves, grateful of being oppressed and being robbed their birthright to sanity.
We owe us therefore to ourselves and to all of those we love that we revive the ancient wisdom of how to transcend the paradoxes of life, not only to free our mind and live more happily thereafter but also to maintain a chance that the human race may evolve beyond the current state of slavery. And, let us make clear that also those who think of themselves as being a MASTER are subject to their own willful polarization into a master/slave configuration. Their are caught themselves in the web of illusions and delusions.
What's the problem? More >
23 Mar 2011 @ 14:01
We know since long that there are different conditions and behaviors for so-called polarizations beyond a 'charged' condition and a 'pleroma'. For lack of a better model we called them different 'types' of pleroma but this did not provide for a more comprehensive description. Furthermore, it was not always clear whether a 'peakstate' was due to the different types of poles or to the way it was 'de-polarized'. Using the Lissajous figures as a model, we can now have a better understanding and visualization of what happens to polarities in general.
A Lissajous figures results from a waveform that obeys two different parameters. We can see these two as representation of the 'strength' or 'charge' of our 'poles' and the variation of the 16 basic types of poles in the Ifa model as functions involved (sinus, cosinus, etc).
The different ratios of the strength of the two poles involved yield a list of conditions as follows:
(image from [link] where you can also find a video demonstrating the dynamics of the transitions in between the various 'conditions'!)
We postulated 128 different types of 'pleroma peakstates' for the human experience based on the de-polarized conditions of the 256 possibilites in the matrix of Ifa. One can also postulate the existence of exactly 128 elements in the periodic table of elements even though this will be hard to prove for the remaining (extremely volatile) elements.
If we interpret the grid of the Toth diagram (see this BLOG) as a mini-matrix describing Bohm's 'hidden variables' in Quantum Physics, we could extrapolate that the properties of charged polarities and therefore the 'matrix of life' at large can be visualized by Lissajous figures.
The question arises if the entire grid of the Toth diagram would not be simply ONE Lissajous figure of two super-parameters instead of the super-positions of eight individual polarity pairs or of the four 'wheels' of quadpoles derived from observation of processes in nature.
This means that there could exist a 'super-path' linking the 'wheels' of existence to one single closed loop, a characteristic of a set of the Lissajous figures. Contemplating these ramifications while sitting at a table close to Monza/Italy, I would like to dub this hypothetical super-path 'the Monza Track'.
This 'Monza Track' would be the equivalent of the King Wen's sequence within the 64-element matrix of the I-Ching which is, just like the 256-element matrix of Ifa, ordered into pairs which in turn can be combined to quadpoles. More >
15 Mar 2011 @ 00:29
The basic urge for life unfolding and expanding has, like everything, a counterpart. The Ancient Greek called its archetype Thatanos: the thirst for death, the opposite of Nature, we may call it Morture.
Nations, social structures, whether artificially created or grown together over time, share the archetypes of life. Like organisms, civilizations are born, grow up, and after reaching their zenith, they crash or die softly.
The smart guys behind our nations' puppet leaders are busily invoking the forces of cultural suicide, seemingly accelerating its demise. But are they really trying to accelerate the death of global social structures or are they trying to control its course by invoking Thatanos deliberately? Nobody knows because they're wisely hiding themselves and they don't speak up... or, if they do, they are so used to say the OPPOSITE of what they're actually going to DO, that they may not even know the difference before truth and smokescreen for themselves.
In any case, it is a gamble of proportion: by conjuring the threat of domestic terrorism (which is a classic task for a nation's Thantalos!), instead of pre-empting or prepare for it, they may very well fire up its opposite pole, Eros, with a negative charge. If so, this unheard-of action may actually result in a complete collapse of the human race as such because it may cripple the thirst for live, symbolized by the archetype of Eros, thus compromising the ability of the entire humankind to survive (see 'Polar Dynamics 1' [link] by Maximilian J. Sandor and Edward J. Dawson on how polarities in life are 'charging' up).
Or is it that the Thatanos force of the world's real controllers has been going bunkers because of their unsatisfiable thirst reaching its peak?
Be it as it may, the faking of terrorism is certainly a global experiment of hitherto unmatched proportions: we will see soon how it will evolve. If we should survive this folly this is. More >
24 Feb 2011 @ 18:14
forwarded from: [link]
Tonight I received an email from Switzerland informing me that my old friend Allen Wright has passed on. Since anyone who was around Scientology in ANZO in the 70's will know him, this message is meant to inform his many friends.
Allen originally hailed from New Zealand. He was an Olympic level cyclist, a world class audio designer and a dedicated Scientologist. He was on the Mission Into Time voyage with LRH and acted as ship's photographer, amongst other duties. Some of the well known photographs of LRH used by the church even today were taken by him.
Allen ran his own business, Allen Wright Electronics in Sydney where he modified and repaired hi-fi and instrument amplifiers, and manufactured his own range of equipment under the Audiolab brand. At night on SydF staff he also ran the Communications Course.
In 1982 he formed a new company VacuumState Electronics specializing exclusively in valve amplifiers. This business has produced audio products regarded within esoteric high-end audio circles as amongst the best available, and he has consistently won awards and accolades from his peers in this rarified realm.
Sensing that he could no longer agree with church management in the early 1980s, Allen trained with Bill Robertson to C/S level for Ron's Org, and delivered services up to the OT levels and Excalibur to various people within Australia before reestablishing his electronics business in Germany in the mid 1990s. At one stage he also manufactured his own meters for this purpose.
Allen also had an interest in Gold exploration and used his abilities to successfully research potential goldfields as a consultant. In the past few years he moved the audio business once more to Schaffhausen, Switzerland and expanded to 3 additional staff.
I regarded Allen as a friend and mentor, and as someone to whom I could communicate anything. His passing will leave a gap that cannot be filled.
Allen is survived by two daughters, and I have contacted his ex-wife Erin via Facebook to inform her of the news.
Go well, my friend.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
[end quote] More >
17 Feb 2011 @ 15:42
The Rio Experiment:
- ASSIGN a level of 'cultural quality' to members of a group of people
- ELIMINATE a predetermined number/percentage of people from the group
- EXAMINE the distribution of 'cultural quality' in the REMAINING group
The first Rio Experiment was done in Rio de Janeiro on the 13th of February 2011 with a group of less than 20 people using Skywork/Kraftwerk and is therefore very limited in its prognostic accuracy. Another, much larger, experiment is planned next month, same location.
The name 'Rio Experiment' was chosen not just because of the city where the first such experiment was performed but also because of the 1976 publication "RIO: Reshaping the International Order" which emerged from the activity known as the 'Club of Rome' that came to the 'result' that mankind should limit (or kill-off) the vast majority of its people.
The preliminary results of the first Rio-Experiment:
This means, the QUALITY or EXCELLENCE of a civilization is NOT only represented by a small elitist group BUT BY THE ENTIRE CIVILIZATION INCLUDING ITS LOWER STRATAS!!!
If verified, the conclusion is that RACISM and ELITISM are suicidal for civilizations.
For example, the negative qualities of the lower stratas of an existing society are mirrored into the elitist subgroup the moment the lower stratas are being removed.
Likewise, the POSITIVE qualities will be limited to distribution of the original culture. In numbers, assuming we have a group of 100 people and 20 of them have a 'superior' culture; if we now remove the 80 persons with 'lower' culture from the group, the remaining group of 20 will deteriorate over time (function yet to be determined) and go towards a level of 20%, just like in the original culture. In the end the NEW group will have only 4 (four) persons with 'superior' culture.
Again, the EXCELLENCE of a culture will be destroyed if the 'lower' basis is being removed. We could call this 'Elitist Incest'...
The people from the Club of Rome, whatever their TRUE motives were, should come together and think about it: REMOVAL OF THE LOWER LEVELS OF SOCIETY WILL DEGRADE THE SOCIETY OF THE FUTURE.
Addendum after first feedback:
Ed Dawson's formulation:
"A society is a hologram in which all aspects are found in any smaller part of the hologram. So not only the lower aspects of a society will appear in its higher strata if the lower are removed, but conversely if you remove the higher strata they will regrow from the lower." More >
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