Cooling Pink Light - Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article0 comments
pictureSunday, October 26th 2008
Posted by: YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We are going to work with a pink cooling light. Now this is a very pale pink color, it’s very placid, very serene and it has a cooling effect. The reason that I am picking this color for the week of October 23, 2008 is because we’ve just entered into the sun sign of Scorpio. We have kind of an interesting influence of Mars upon the ego, and we have a few other things occurring, economically and politically. And so there is a tendency for things to be running hot or heated up. You can use this cool pink light any time that you want to work with cooling off an area, or cooling down an issue. Those of you who work with global energies can work with maybe helping with global warming using a cool pink light.

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 20 KEYS OF CONSCIOUS CREATION - Guiding Principles of the Unified Field0 comments
pictureSunday, October 26th 2008
Posted by: YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

As our world enters into deeper levels of the planetary shift with resultant escalations of unfolding drama, we are continually being reminded about where we place our attention. The act of focusing our awareness with positive group consciousness in the Unified Field is one way that we can greatly assist the consciousness shift while remaining centered and balanced as the old power structures dissolve.

The lunar Planetary Grid Transmissions offers an opportunity twice per month to join in an intentional group consciousness field of expanded perception. This conscious union of our energies has tremendous influence upon the manifestation of our intentions and the transmissions of transforming light and unity consciousness.

The "20 Keys of Conscious Creation" were brought through by Gregg Braden and in his literary sharing on the Divine Matrix. This advanced matrix is the number one focus and foundational alignment for the platform of Children of the Sun.

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 The Planetary Grid Transmissions New Moon Tuesday, October 280 comments
pictureSunday, October 26th 2008
Posted by: YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

A full 24-hour transmission period of New Earth Energy

With Unified Meditation and/or Ceremony
During 3 world times: New York 9 pm, Paris 8 pm, Sydney 8 pm

Unified Planetary Focus:

* Aligning with the Unified Field

* Conscious Co-Creation in the Unified Field

* Conscious Co-Creation in the Unified Field

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 The MEDIA & Barack Obama - FACT OR FICTION?1 comment
pictureSaturday, October 11th 2008
Written and Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Greetings Dear One!

This weeks guidance concerns the Media and the upcoming Presidential Election. For those of us with eyes to see, and ears to hear beyond the illusions, the future winner of the election is already known. But also known and understood is that only this now moment is certain, for each has free will, and with every breath and heartbeat, that can change, you can change, another wakes up and more light is shed and on and on the evolution of life keeps moving and flowing ever forward.

Barack Obama is a Lightworker, though the media is having a frenzy with this as they do not understand coming from places of fear, greed and corruption. The Hosts of Heaven have much more to say on the subject because of the lies and twisted truth the media is and will be feeding those who are consciously paying attention to all the Government shenanigans and believing it as if every word is the truth and fooling every blessed one of them. Do you honestly believe that the media and government would not lie to you for their own benefit?? I urge you now to think again if you do, for there is no time left for hunting and pecking for what is and is not the truth. The time is NOW to look within for all of the answers about this election and everything else in your life!

Let NOTHING ELSE FOOL YOU!!! Let NOTHING ELSE TAKE YOUR ATTENTION AWAY FROM THE TRUTH AND CO-CREATING HEAVEN ON EARTH. You will not find truth in the media or from the mouths of your government officials...  Read More

 Canada Fluid Grids 1 to 5 Activation with Lord Kuthumi0 comments
pictureSaturday, October 11th 2008
Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Canada Fluid Grids 1 to 5
Activation with Lord Kuthumi
Channelled through Michelle Eloff©
Johannesburg, South Africa – 22 September 2008

Both the audio and text of this channeling is available for free, right here!

Creation of Fluid Grids 1-5 of Cosmic & Divine Love - Anchoring Unity - In this channeling we awaken the core vibration of Cosmic & Divine Love by aligning our energies with our unique vibration, which creates the collective vibration of Unity Consciousness. This is the essential first step in anchoring the 44 grids so as to ensure that all that is activated within the collective consciousness is aligned with the collective intention of transcending lower ego and relinquishing control to the Higher Ego of the Authentic Self and Higher Mind and Will of All that Is. This is the initiation of the Initiator and activates the Grid of the One Heart.

Listen Now! Right click below and select 'open in new tab' to keep this site open while you listen.
Click Here Now For MP3 Audio Activation

BIG HINT: Right click above and select 'save target as' to download this audio file to your PC.

Read It Now! Click the link below to read the full channeling and participate in the activation via this weeks edition of Love's Loop Alerts or click to subscribe and receive Love's Loop Alerts Weekly right to your inbox every Friday.  Read More

 The Dissolution of the Old World and the Birthing of the New0 comments
pictureSaturday, October 11th 2008
Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon | 9.22.08
The Dissolution of the Old World and the Birthing of the New

EXCERPT: "The Current Financial Crisis: "In this message we wish to give you some specifics regarding the financial and earth changes that are now upon you. We had hinted at the probability of this in previous planetary messages, but now the probabilities have become realities. The main focus of our intent for this communication appears toward the end when we will share what we feel you can do, individually, to ride the storm..."

(This is a VERY LONG channeled message but well worth the time to read it through. I have posted this very important message on it's own page which you can freely access below via our newsletter below)

Click Here to Read the FULL Article in this weeks edition of Love's Loop Alerts or click to subscribe and receive Love's Loop Alerts Weekly right to your inbox every Friday.  Read More

 NEW Free Guided Meditations With YaMa'EL0 comments
pictureTuesday, October 7th 2008
Written and Posted by: YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Introducing Brand NEW Free Guided Meditations with YaMa'EL!

Greetings Beloved One!

I am excited to present to you my brand new guided video meditation series called "Journey To The Heart with YaMa'EL"

Each video in the series will guide you by the sound of my voice on a magical Journey through your very own sacred heart, and deep into your subconscious mind.

Each video offers beautiful guided imagery and soothing sounds that take you beyond the cares of the day and into that mystical place within where only the truth remains.

CLICK To Read the Full Article in The Divinity Codes Alerts Newsletter

or CLICK To Subscribe to Receive ALL Divinity Code Alerts and Updates Free to your inbox! Subscribe 2 Divinity Codes Alerts Newsletter  Read More

 Discernment Is Vital Now More Than EVER!0 comments
pictureSaturday, October 4th 2008
Written and Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Greetings Dear One!

This weeks guidance is of utmost importance to all workers of the Divine Light. At this time of seeming world chaos as old systems crumble making way for the new, the Hosts of the Heavenly Realm are here to remind you that the key to maintaining balance at all times is through your gift of discernment. Much "news" has hit the internet causing a great stir in the energy matrix surrounding this planet. News of economic collapse, news of spacecraft arriving this month of October, news of the demise of this magnificent planet earth, and more! All of which has created fear, apprehension and stress among the people, Lightworkers included.

I ask you now to ponder this next question for a moment...

When EVER has Divine Truth created panic and fear?

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 2009 Predictions from The Council of Twelve0 comments
pictureSaturday, October 4th 2008
Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Transmitted through Selacia -- October 2008 2009 - The Great Reconfiguration

In the year 2009, there will be an accelerated momentum of the transformational
shifting that has been underway for a very long time. It will be both global and
personal. This shifting will eventually lead to a radical reshaping of many worn-
out structures and ways of being in your world.

In the future, when you look back on these times, you will understand how 2009 and
the several years that follow are a time of reconfiguration. The year 2009 is to
be pivotal in this regard, for many pieces in the foundation of the new Earth will
be initiated for assembly. This won't be like any foundation you have seen before,
for it will have global connections and linkups with every element of society.

On a grand scale, this relates to human society rearranging itself. Humanity has
not seen such a rapid rearranging of this magnitude in any earlier timeframe.
There is no template for it, for the way it is being carried out is brand new.

With no roadmap to follow and so many uncertain variables, the unfolding of the
reconfiguration is quite fluid. Likewise, the challenges being faced are too
complex and wide reaching to be resolved with yesterday's methods. This is true for
both individuals and society as a whole.

Those at the leading edge of change are now in the process of discovering new more
enlightened approaches and ways of viewing the growing list of dilemmas. Where is
this movement headed and what will it look like? ...

Click Here To Download, Print and Read the FULL Article in this weeks edition of Love's Loop Alerts or click to receive Love's Loop Weekly

Brought to you by:
LightsOfLove.US and the
Lights Of Love Membership Circle

Have You RE-Activated Your Divinity Codes Yet? Schedule your Energy Healing Session with YaMa'EL Today!  Read More

 St. Germain: What a glorious future awaits you - Many changes are afoot0 comments
pictureSaturday, October 4th 2008
Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Dear Ones, How we love your approach to the calamities that are taking place, as there is something in the Human psyche that is strong and powerful when confronted by a challenge. Your willpower is being put to good use to set up a wall of defiance composed of energies that are directing the creation of an alternative scenario. You are saying “enough is enough” and sense that you can influence the events that are taking place on Earth. I am to tell you that you are winning this battle, and weakening the ability of the dark to further impose their will upon you. Legions of Lightworkers stand with you sending out even higher energies, and its collective power is very much restricting the advancement of the dark.

Click Here to Read the FULL Article in this weeks edition of Love's Loop Alerts or click to receive Love's Loop Weekly  Read More

 COSMIC VICTORY!!! A major evolutionary moment for all of Creation has occured0 comments
pictureSaturday, October 4th 2008
Written By Rama of EverNewJoy.net
Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Life on Planet Earth

Why has life on planet earth been so strange and complicated?

Planet earth is actually a stage, a test chamber, a laboratory for Cosmic-evolution experiments.

"Cosmic-evolution" means just that, the evolution of Creation itself as a whole. Planet earth has been a stage for RAPID cosmic-evolution for some time now, and you and I took birth here to wrap up the experiment...

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 Oct 3 *Free Global Service* Quan Yin Creation Teleconference0 comments
pictureFriday, September 26th 2008
Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Join us to create what we DO want for our world right now!

Free Global Service Teleconference Ignition with Beloved QuanYin:
Ignition of Accelerated Creative Force Connection
QuanYin Channeled in Full Embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak

Friday, October 3, 2008

Brought to you by:
LightsOfLove.US and the
Lights Of Love Membership Circle

Have You RE-Activated Your Divinity Codes Yet? Schedule your Energy Healing Session with YaMa'EL Today!  Read More

 Emotions Are A Frequency0 comments
pictureFriday, September 26th 2008
Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

Each human is a complex system of chemicals, hormones, vibrations/frequencies as well as beliefs, programs, emotional addiction and emotional habits.

The desire to attain a balance and discover the master control so to speak of the emotional nature is an important aspect of each human.

Your emotions are like the sea. They ebb and flow. The sea is affected by the winds, the pull of the moon, the season. It is important for each human to realize that they can either be in the sea of emotions or riding the sea of emotions.

Click Here to Read this full article in this weeks edition of Love's Loop Alerts or click to receive Love's Loop Weekly  Read More

 True Prosperity by ZaKaiRan0 comments
pictureFriday, September 26th 2008
Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

"This is by far the BEST TRUE description of TRUE PROSPERITY I have ever heard and is written below by our dear Brother ZaKaiRan. No one has spoken of manifesting abundance in this context that I am aware of, yet it is basis of what theDivinity Codes Energy Healing RE-Activations are all about! I was born knowing this truth and used it to heal my own body and finances. We ALREADY ARE True Prosperity and Health Beloveds, there is nothing to DO but reactivate your memory! ESPAVO Dear Brother for saying this better than I could have said it myself!" ~ YaMa'EL

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 I Am Ashtar 0 comments
pictureFriday, September 19th 2008
Posted by YaMa'EL the Golden Dragon Goddess

I Am Ashtar, I am your colleague of old and we, myself and fellow travelers are keen to make this reconnection with you and to enlighten you to the eventualities that may, or indeed, may not be occurring. Your reassuring scripts over these many and numerous years have held many in good stead and have touched upon the truth of matters over various avenues and topics that are of grand assistance to one and all upon your beloved planet, Mother Earth. It is indeed with the greatest of pleasure that I may act as spokesperson for these words and takes me, us, back to the times when your channel was actively utilized by not only the spiritual hierarchies, yet also the Elohim, the Cherubim and Seraphim, the Angelic and numerous realms of light expression, including of course those that have been termed as the ascended masters by some on Terra!

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The TIME 2 WAKE UP blog will always be about our personal and collective [EARTH] consciousness transformations and energy vibrational shifts which I believe can also be called planetary evolution... So PLEASE, JOIN THIS CONVERSATION!

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  • Who Needs Energy Healing?

  • 2008-09-07
  • A Message from Christ Maitreya - Monday, 25 August 2008

  • 2008-08-29
  • “The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment”
  • The 13 Codes of Ascension ~ The Original Plan of the Creator

  • 2008-08-24
  • Archangel Michael Update For August

  • 2008-07-25
  • 8-8-8 THE LIONS GATE Activations with Akhenaton, Ra and Isis

  • 2008-07-22
  • BRAND NEW ASCENSION SERIES eGuides #1 and 2 Now Available From LightsofLove.us!!
  • LOVE'S LOOP ALERT-Issue #89 Vol. NOW July 19th - 26th 2008

  • 2008-04-16
  • LOVE's LOOP Issue #83 Vol. NOW April 12th - 19th 2008

  • 2008-03-28
  • Love's Loop Alert ~Issue #82 Vol. NOW ~March 29th - April 5th 2008

  • 2008-01-30
  • New Codes for Planet Earth Economic Balance & Abundance for All

  • 2008-01-16
  • January 1st : 1:1:1: Welcome to the Fifth Dimension...We are One Family

  • 2008-01-13
  • The History of The Earth~ take it or leave it, by KRYON

  • 2008-01-01

  • 2007-12-31

  • 2007-12-30
  • New Form Of Humans Being Made? DNA, Cellular Upgrades?

  • 2007-12-29
  • Shake Your Bhutto, Get Down Tonight! - by Mark Krueger

  • 2007-12-21
  • WHERE IS THE NEW EARTH?? by Crystalai

  • 2007-12-11
  • Step Into the Stargate of Transformation - posted ONLY by Brenda

  • 2007-12-06
  • Changing the Course of Human History: 2008 a most pivotal year
  • Soul Transitions December 2007 Vibe report - by Nancy Leilah Ward
  • You Step Into a Transfiguration of Your Consciousness & of Your Bio-Bodies

  • 2007-11-15
  • 11:11 New Earth Portal Activation through Michelle Eloff©2007

  • 2007-10-31
  • NEW ADDITION - Planetary Grid Activation on Mt. Zion

  • 2007-10-29
  • *Planetary Grid Activation on Mt. Zion*

  • 2007-10-28
  • Mysteries of The Universe, by Owen Waters

  • 2007-10-11
  • *How to Clear Negative Implants, Elementals, & Astral Entities - Lesson 100, *

  • 2007-10-10
  • !!Coming Soon!! The Lights Of Love Membership Circle™
  • Oct. 2007 Your Light Is Needed Now

  • 2007-09-19
  • The INDIGO ACCELERATION ~A Glactic Uprising!!

  • 2007-09-07
  • ENERGY ACTIVATION 5D Crown to Root Chakras with KUTHUMI

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  • 2009-09-11
  • Nyarlathotep: Calender Mathematics Wrong

  • 2009-09-08
  • Aaron: Who am I?

  • 2009-03-28
  • Markus: The End Of The World.

  • 2009-03-13
  • Maeve: email list
  • dll: Well, anyway i like Obama.

  • 2009-01-20
  • freo7: Dear Blokey Jane-Rainbow Fish. Word @208

  • 2009-01-18
  • Blokey Jane-Rainbow Fish. Word: Happy Inaguration DAY.

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  • Eileen1030: About Ascension Vortal CD Album

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  • Clare Justine: Kryon

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