Solara's SURF REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2008 - INTO THE NEW & TRUE3 comments
pictureTuesday, January 1st 2008



Welcome to the Massive Breakthrough Year of 2008!

2008 is the year that we've been waiting for. It is a tremendously powerful and exciting year in which all things are possible.

Since it is a year of immensely deep Monolithic Shifts, we will experience profound life altering inner and outer changes throughout the year. By the end of the year, we shall find ourselves in very different circumstances from where we are now. We will be with new people in new places with new career paths that incorporate our creativity. Most of all, we will have a very expanded awareness with a totally new set of priorities.

2008 signifies the beginning of the end of illusion and will bring numerous challenges. These challenges will be immeasurably greater for those who have not yet stepped onto their new level and become True Core Beings.

Some of these challenges will be personal ones in which any elements within us that have expired or which have held us back from being our true selves will rise to the surface greatly magnified in order to be released once and for all. This is because we can no longer carry anything untrue within us. Throughout the year, we will be continually challenged to live our lives as True Core Beings. For if we do, we will be on the Fast Track to the Fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams.

In 2008 we will experience an infusion of the heightened energies of LOTUS LOVE at a frequency never before experienced on planet Earth. This has already begun. LOTUS LOVE originates from the realm of the deeper Invisible known as the Lotus World and brings in a totally new level of awareness that I can only call an Ultra Greater Reality, as well as a core level resonance of Pure True Love that affects absolutely everything. It's vital that we fully align ourselves with these energies as soon as possible.

One of the side effects of the powerful infusion of Lotus Love is the breaking down of all illusion. Because of this, the outer world will experience occasional upheavals. There may be times of outer chaos and heightened fear. The area of finance is especially susceptible; there may well be a collapse of some world currencies, financial markets and monetary systems. Since we are in the Time of Completion, this breakdown of the old is to be expected.

This makes it even more important for us to remain centered in the Heart of the Lotus at all times and to remain REAL and TRUE. If we do, all will be well. We will be in the Ultra Greater Reality in which there is true abundance and we will be able to do whatever we need to do, without any major financial challenges. We will be fully supported on all levels in our New Lives.

Throughout the year, we will experience a steady procession of Green Lights, Golden Opportunities, Major Intersections, Monolithic Shifts and Quantum Breakthroughs. These will take place on levels that we cannot yet imagine. And after that, nothing will ever be the same....


2007 was a huge Year of Transition. It was a major Turning Point in which we took the tree of our known environment out of the ground where it had long been established and carefully packed its roots in a burlap sack so that it would be ready to move to a new place as soon as the correct time arrived.

Although it often felt that we weren't getting much accomplished or that we hadn't made any dramatic internal changes, by the end of the year we could see that much had been achieved. Far more than we realized.

It was a year in which many of us birthed our True Core Selves and moved our outer lives to a totally new level. We did this by clearing out all the expired elements within us that we could find and by altering our actions and responses so that they became a more perfect mirror of who we really are.

We Repatterned the Past by bringing our new selves, or sometimes our future selves, into old situations to totally change our responses, thus neutralizing old triggers and dissolving limiting patterns that had long held us back. We made things right through Ho'o Pono Pono, correcting imbalances of the past by taking everything to a totally new level.

As we combed through our beings, we let go of many people, expired relationships, unfulfilling jobs, limiting concepts, superficial social activities and outdated spiritual practices. This massive letting go will continue throughout 2008 whenever new layers are revealed, as we become ever more REAL and TRUE. And it will become increasingly easier to do this.

We also released many of the props of our old lives and began accumulating the tools and touchstones for our New Lives. These objects actually anchored the resonance of our New Lives within our old ones, helping us free ourselves and move forward into the New and True.

Whenever we could, we passed on the sceptres of responsibilities that we had outgrown to those who stood ready to take them as their next step. We brought many outstanding projects to completion.

Throughout the year, we were challenged to break old patterns, to step forth as True Core Beings as never before. We needed to row with our full beings in the direction of our New Lives, even when we didn't know where they were located or the details of how we would get there. This didn't require faith or trust; instead it happened by aligning with our deep inner knowing that we were being called into new, true directions. And by our willingness to make becoming True Core Beings our top priority and go forward into our New Lives with our full commitment.

We did all this with rigid scaffolding over our hearts which were being totally reconstructed into the New Matrix of True Love. This meant that for most of the year our love wasn't readily accessible. Often we felt numb or neutral, rather than filled with waves of love. This emotional detachment and numbness was necessary in order to deal with the occasional harshness of what we had to do, stripping away all that was untrue.

And although it sometimes appeared as if our love was gone, it wasn't. Our emotional bodies were being thoroughly restructured to be able to handle the abundance of LOTUS LOVE coming into our lives in 2008. By the end of 2007, huge chunks of our scaffolding were already falling away.

The mammoth transitions of 2007 moved many of us into the state of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE, the launching point into our New Lives.


Ever since we first started incarnating on Earth, we have been walking along an endless expanse of sandy beach. All of our experiences have left a long line of footprints in the sand behind us. If we pause and look backwards, we will see our entire history embedded in the sand.

There were the times when we wildly ran ahead, dancing with enthusiasm. The marks in the sand where we gave up and flung ourselves to the ground too weary to continue. The footprints filled with the puddles of our tears. The ugly scars where we angrily kicked the sand in frustration, impatience and discontent. We can see the places where we stopped to pray or meditate, building temporary altars in the sand for whatever we believed in at the time. There are also the exquisite sand sculptures that we created when we were filled with inspiration. The words of wisdom that we inscribed along the way. The huge hearts we drew when we were in love. The times when we just dragged ourselves along, step by laborious step. The numerous footprints when we walked with others -- sometimes with love, laughter and support; sometimes leaving scuffle marks in the sand from our conflicts and pools of blood from our fiercest battles.

Everything that we have ever experienced is recorded in the sand behind us. It's our history-- our personal story. And it's there for everyone to see.

Then something totally unexpected happens. A gigantic Tsunami of LOVE appears and with a huge XUA! (zhwah) washes everything away! We stop in our tracks, uncertain what to do. Our history has just been erased. We suddenly feel stripped naked. How can we proceed without carrying the imprint (and baggage) of all our past experiences?

The answer is Very Consciously. Very Correctly. With Integrity. With Commitment. With Focused Intent. With our Truest Love.

Now we realize that we have been given a Golden Opportunity. An opportunity to totally recreate ourselves and our lives in any way that we choose. A chance to look within our Heart of Hearts and see who we really are and ascertain what we would most like to do with our lives. A New Beginning has just been handed to us.

With this blank canvas, we can choose to be inspired or we can choose to be intimidated. What will you choose? If we are intimidated, we will hastily grab as much old stuff as possible and throw it on our canvas so it won't appear so blank and empty. We won't care if we like it or not; we won't care if it has expired or not. We will simply grab anything that's close by and hold on tight.

If we haven't become clear on who we really are, if we are still resisting what we know to be true, or if we haven't asked ourselves what we really want, then we will just passively accept whatever is around. We will miss our wondrous Golden Opportunity to step into totally New Lives that hold the Fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams.

If we are inspired, we will embrace the emptiness of our blank canvas. We will know that anything could go there, but we will be careful to only put on it what we really want, what feels absolutely true. And when we continue our journey, no longer encumbered by the heavy weight of our past history, we will step lightly and truly, making as few new footprints as possible.

This is how we reach the end of the beach....

The end of the old road.

When the beach suddenly comes to an end, we are extremely surprised, for this is the last thing that we ever expected. Now where do we go?

Directly ahead of us is nothingness. No land. No landmarks. No trees. No people. No map. It's Pure Unknown. What to do?

We know that we cannot simply stop and stay where we are. We know that we cannot go backwards, for we have already crossed the Point of No Return. We know that we must go forward into our New Lives, even though we don't yet have a clear picture of what they look like. It's the only direction where we really want to go. So the sole option for us is to lift our right foot and move it forward, off the Map of the Known and onto the uncharted realms of the Unknown.

We don't see anything to step on, and still we move our foot forward, trusting, knowing that it will find somewhere to stand. And miraculously.... It does.

So now we have one foot on the beach and one foot in the Unknown. What to do? Simply lift your left foot and move it forward. It will find somewhere to stand. And this is how we cross the bridge from the Known into the Unknown, from our old lives into our New Lives.

In 2008 we will make our journey across this bridge between HERE and THERE and reach the shores of our New Lives. The place of the Fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams. This will be the starting point for a totally new era. A new cycle far vaster than we can presently realize.


Each of us is a mighty stone pillar. Throughout the ages past, our stone pillar has held us up. It has been our main support and we always knew that without it we would fall. Until now....

Starting in 2007, the stones that create our invincible pillar have been falling away, and with them go huge chunks of mortar. This has been unsettling to say the least. For some, it has been terrifying. Feeling that they are loosing their grip and becoming ungrounded.

Whenever chunks of our pillars fall away, the usual response is to quickly try to put them back into position. However, this doesn't work at all. No matter how hard we try, we cannot repair what is not meant to be fixed.

The best response is to simply let our pillars crumble. Feel vulnerable. Feel unsupported by the usual means of support. And then just when we're waiting nervously for our entire world to collapse, we will discover that our beings don't fall. They just get stronger and clearer.

This is because our seemingly solid stone pillars were all an illusion of duality. What was really holding everything together was the titanium rod or rebar in the center of the pillar. As our pillars crumble, it will be the only thing which remains. And the only thing we need.

This is when we will discover a new lightness of being. A new mobility. A true sense of freedom. Without the heavy covering of stones and mortar, we can fully expand into our True Core Being which is well beyond the perimeters of our personal being. We can expand all the way into the New Matrix. We can become living Lotuses of Love.

And now we are ready for our sacred quest to find our hidden treasures.

 Read More

pictureMonday, December 31st 2007
*also see "Cocoon" by Jean-Luc Bozzoli at: [link]

Dearest Lightworkers, at this stage of the birth of the New Year, and a new cycle of Creation and Transformation, we wish to extend our Love and Joy to you. Indeed, you have come a long way, you have transformed and changed yourselves from Third-dimensional human beings to Fifth-dimensional Beings of Light - that which we call Human Angels. And so, at this time, you stand ready to receive the manifestation on Earth of that which you have created. Be open to receive, and dearest ones, receive with Joy. In this message, we will speak about the incoming energies, not just for this coming month, but also for this Cycle of Light that will take you up to and past your "end time" marker of 2012. Indeed, by then, your Planet will exist fully in the Fifth Dimension, and those of you who read these words will be the Pioneers and the Wayshowers who will lift humanity into this new Perception of Reality. Dearest Lightworkers, you will be the Leaders and Teachers of a new way of life and being. We ask that you teach by example, and that your example be one of Love and Joy. But we remind you too, that the path of the Leader in the New Energy is not one of power and glamour, for these are the path of the ego. In this New Energy the path of the Leader is Service, Self-discipline and Humility. Remember, because you are in a position of leadership, it does not mean you are "more evolved" and "better than" others. Your gifts are given that you might offer them in service to the Highest Good of the Planetary Collective. You will make mistakes as you learn and you may make wrong choices. Be humble enough to acknowledge this and then make new choices. It is not an easy time, as you learn to let go of the old mind-based ways of being and choose to live from the Heart. But, above all, dearest Lightworkers, remember that a leader is self-disciplined. Now, as we say, you are all leaders in the new energy, and the skills of of self-discipline are important. Can you structure your life and your service to others in such a way that you are a Beacon of Radiant Light and an example for others? The only way to achieve this, dearest ones, is by being able to work with the flow of Divine Grace and Power in your life, and to structure it into personal spiritual practices and Ceremonies of Light and Gratitude, both individually and within your communities. The New Beginning and "HeartWeaving"
read =>  Read More

 New Form Of Humans Being Made? DNA, Cellular Upgrades?0 comments
pictureSunday, December 30th 2007
New Form Of Humans Being Made? DNA, Cellular Upgrades? 6-17-4 [link] Dr Berrenda Fox provides evidence of DNA and cellular changes in this interview by Patricia Resch...

Dr Fox is the holistic practitioner of the Avalon Wellness Centre in Mt Shasta, California. The Avalon Clinic represents the re-emergence of the ideal of healing as practiced on the original Isle of Avalon. Dr Fox has proven through blood tests that some people have actually developed new strands of DNA.

PATRICA RESCH: Berrenda, tell us a little about your background.

Dr BERRENDA FOX: I have doctorates in physiology and naturopathy. During my training in Europe, I also was involved with the media and this still continues in film and management. As you know, I'm working with FOX Television Network to bring about UNDERSTANDING OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS AND THEIR ROLE IN WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH MANKIND at this time. The most well known are 'Sightings' and 'The X Files.'

PR: What are the changes that are happening at this time on the planet, and how are our bodies being affected?

BF: There are major changes, mutations that haven't occurred, according to geneticists, since the time we supposedly came out of the water. Several years ago in Mexico City there was a convention of geneticists from around the world, and the main topic was the DNA change. We are making an evolutionary change, yet we don't know what we are changing into.

PR: How is our DNA changing?

BF: Everyone has one double helix of DNA. What we are finding is that THERE ARE OTHER HELIXES THAT ARE BEING FORMED. In the double helix there are two strands of DNA coiled into a spiral. It is my understanding that we will be developing twelve helixes. During this time, which seems to have started maybe 5 to 20 years ago, we have been mutating. This is the scientific explanation. It is a MUTATION OF OUR SPECIES into something for which THE END RESULT IS NOT YET KNOWN.

The changes are NOT KNOWN PUBLICLY, because the scientific community feels it would FRIGHTEN THE POPULATION. However, people are changing at the cellular level. I am working with three children right now who have three DNA helixes. Most people know and feel this. Many religions have talked about the change and know it will come about in different ways. We know it is a positive mutation even though physically, mentally, and emotionally it can be misunderstood and frightening.

PR: Are these children displaying any characteristics different from other children?

BF: These are children who can move objects across the room just by concentrating on them, or they can fill glasses of water just by looking at them. THEY'RE TELEPATHIC. You would almost think by knowing these children that they are half angelic or superhuman, but they're not. I think they are what we are growing into during the next few decades.

PR: Do you think this will happen to all of us?

BR: Our immune and endocrine systems are the most evident of these changes. That is one of the reasons I work with research in immunological testing and therapy. Some adults that I have tested actually do have another DNA helix forming. Some are even getting their third. These people are going through a lot of major shifts in their consciousness and physical bodies, because it is all one. In my opinion, the Earth and everyone here is raising its vibration. Many of the children born recently have bodies that are magnetically lighter. Those of us that are older and choose to change have to go through many physical changes.

PR: What causes change in bodies born with normal two strand DNA?

BF: The easiest way to mutate our DNA is through a virus. Consequently viruses are not necessarily bad. Viruses live only on living tissue. DNA viruses like Epstein Barr and the Herpes #6 change cellular structure. The retro virus HIV is not a DNA virus. Instead of mutating the body, it actually eats it up. Most people who go through this process and come out the other side have a new profession, a new way of thinking, or at least a starting of a new way of life.

Even though they may feel really sick, tired, or hopeless at times, it is a gift. They are being given a chance to change their DNA structure and their body into a lighter, healthier body that can see them into the next generation. The angels that are being seen are signs that we are shifting. As I understand it, WE HAVE UNTIL ABOUT 2012 TO COMPLETE THIS PROCESS.

PR: What other changes should we expect to see?  Read More

 Shake Your Bhutto, Get Down Tonight! - by Mark Krueger3 comments
pictureSaturday, December 29th 2007
The edgiest astrologer on the internet, as Mark has been called, delivers... with laser-like precision, his prescription for surviving our times while having fun doing it.

Mark Krueger, whose weekly “Planet Visions Update” (at [link] )
has consistently amused and intrigued me over several years, is something of cosmic entertainer, not only fashioning double and triple meanings from words he enjoys playing with but bending conventional thinking as well in a consistent refrain to readers to “claim your consciousness and clear your karma.”

December 28, 2007 [link]

Shake Your Bhutto, Get Down Tonight!

You are on the edge of oblivion. We all are. You are no longer the self that you knew. You are you, your being, your own consciousness. All the rest is a dream, high and low, in and out. The Dream is now upwelling 26,000 years worth of encrusted karmic stories and archetypal shadow bits…… like there’s no tomorrow. The End Times, and all its variations on extinction, are now in full noise. Oblivion is here. It’s Leap Year. Like it or not, you are going to leap. I say be intentional, otherwise push will come to shove and we know what happened to Geronimo….

In February, we enter the year of the Rat. Isn’t that special, as the Church Lady used to say. How fitting, hissy fitting. Ratsa ruck with this one. All the powermongers will be ratted out as the royal rats that they are. False mudslinging of all sorts shall fly about like the finger in Yellow Submarine. Pluto is dancing in and out of Capricorn, until it makes full entrée for Thanksgiving Day…….. and then will stay for fifteen years. The Reaper is here. It is Judgment Day. All the Hoarse Men of the Apocalypse rage on with their peddlings doing their meddlings, but they shall burn in the hell of their unconscious projections and the weight of their profound ignorance and arrogance. The Shift has hit the fantastic indeed. Power is crumbling. You can be yourself. If you aren’t being yourself and you are depending on power, you are fucked.

You don’t have to be fucked anymore and you can just be…… "be". The end of the Piscean Age also means the end of its shadow: Virgo, our dear poster child of the victim stories that just so happen to line the nest of Creation and all its high and low and great grey middle dramas. You don’t have to be a victim anymore.

In the Aquarian Age, you can be yourself. The shadow will be dear Leo. Everybody will endlessly act like an entitled baby about everything in their life. We’re already well underway on that one. The drama will ramp up even higher on the glorious rags to richesesque stories, but it’ll be more like mellowdrama. Everyone gonna be their own unit, hell, we already have scads of numbers on us and I reckon there are three sixes in the lot. We’ll be a unique number in a bunch of numbers. Ain’t nothin’ new about that one if you really see into things.

The hitch is where ya be sleepin’ and sheepin’. If you are unconscious, the tractor beams of psychic/psychologic/physiologic implants of all the most common to the weirdest will alight on your dreamy ass and kick it, kick it right down the proper sociologic chute that has been prepped for you in this monocropped consumption machine of the fascistic lockstep whirled order. You have noooo idea and they have tooooo many and much more will be revealed. Paranoia and conspiracy theories just happen to apply really well during such kaliyugaed daze as our own.

Be yourself and do what you want to. Cut out the middlemen, the projections, the unconscious ruttings. Live the art of your life, if you choose. You can manifest through your own intention for what you want. It has no side effects other than the usual comings and goings of Creation. If you use the Secret and energy and Laws of Attraction, you dumb way down and get all this toxic cords and crap, just like using dumb power in the world.

Life as we know it is crumbling in most every way. Let it. Props won’t get you to heaven to be with the good mommy/daddy. They’ll just exhaust your being and keep you in trance. This is a sorrowful time. Mourn and onwards. Choose how you want your world to be locally on a daily basis. It’s called being conscious.

That’s all we have to do. READ  Read More

 WHERE IS THE NEW EARTH?? by Crystalai5 comments
pictureFriday, December 21st 2007
WHERE IS NEW EARTH? Truth IS much stranger than fiction!! as reported to me by a friend Lightworker: [link]

There was at one time long ago, when Earth had a different Angular Rotation of Particle Spin (ARPS), but existed in the same place it does now. This original Earth was much larger than the physical planet we stand on now. That original Earth expanded out to where we think of the Van Allen Belt exists in today’s science books. That Van Allen Belt area was originally the Spiritual or Etheric Earth in all of it’s spiritual splendor until the dark forces placed a net over it and placed the Time Vector Rod in the Earth. This Time Vector Rod created a reversal of energy fields in and around the Earth. This energy field has been sucking in all spiritual substance and condensing it into matter for millions of years. This was how both Lemuria and Atlantis were sucked inside of the Earth’s crust and placed in a hybernization zone. This is how the Earth shrunk.

The Earth that used to be here - our Tara - is actually still here, but is on a higher dimension.

On 3D Earth, the Nets caused by the implantations of grids and negative shields have been removed and the distortions are beginning to clear out of our planetary system by all of the work being done by our Beloved Guardians and the help of the Light Workers.

The New Earth is actually the Old Earth - the way it was before all of the distortions were set in her grids to create a distorted ARPS and lowered Base Pulse Rhythm (BPR). Read =>  Read More

 Step Into the Stargate of Transformation - posted ONLY by Brenda3 comments
pictureTuesday, December 11th 2007
December 11, 2007: I have had this date on my calendar since last January - this is IT and IT'S BIG...

Hi Everyone, How are you this fine December evening? Well - this is going to be one of those weeks when you receive several emails from me. Things seem to happen in extremes these days, or as the old saying goes: "feast or famine." This week surely is a feast; and so there may be a plethora of emails coming your way!

I am in awe as I look a head to this month and discuss it with my metaphysical and astrological compadres. I almost don't know where to begin when I take in the breadth and the sheer majesty of what is happening in December 2007. I have heard some say that it is a "Grand Finale" of an epoch. Epochal, that is a good word to describe the times we are living in - indeed the IMMEDIATE times we are living in. This month we are dealing with cycles of 12 years, 90 years, 250 years, 3,000 years, and even 26,000 years. All coming to fruition NOW. In the dark of the velvet (5th) night...

As one of my previous emails discussed, we have just entered the 5th Night - the turning point of the 6 days and 7 nights - of the Mayan Calendar (as calculated by Carl Johann Calleman). NOTE: if you would like to read my article and many other posts/information on the Mayan 5th Night, click here: [link]

It is no coincidence that we are now peering into a very powerful Stargate Portal, just after we stepped into the 5th Night. The 5th Night is the backdrop (a velvety deep luxurious backdrop, like the indigo night sky) upon which all of this will play out. We have a New Moon in Sagittarius on Sunday (12-9-07) which opened up a portal involving a momentous planetary conjunction on Tuesday: Pluto and Jupiter conjunct at the Galactic Center. Then later in the month at the Solstice we have the chance to hit the RE-SET button on our lives and start fresh, REALLY start fresh in 2008. More on the Solstice later. For now I want to focus on Pluto/Jupiter at the Galactic Center.

Many are asking me: "What does Pluto on the Galactic Center mean exactly?" Truly, it's hard to say; we can only talk in energies and potentialities. Like every other planetary or celestial alignment - especially those involving Pluto - it is an opportunity for spiritual evolution. The choices that we make as we walk through the Stargate determine our experience.

To understand this conjunction, we have to back up a bit. Those who have been receiving my newsletter for several years have been reading about the (dwarf) planet Pluto traveling over the Galactic Center .

What is the Galactic Center ? It is the Core or HEART CHAKRA of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. In fact, the Galactic Center is a Black Hole which sucks energy (all matter) toward it.

In addition, on either side of this Prime Black Hole, we find Pulsars which pulse info to us about the past and the future. This means that we are especially open to transmissions from Spirit at this time. The December 11th conjunction occurring at 28 degrees Sagittarius is exact on the Pulsar that gives us a glimpse of our future. (Read more info on the nature of the Black Hole at Galactic Center =>  Read More

 Changing the Course of Human History: 2008 a most pivotal year1 comment
pictureThursday, December 6th 2007
Changing the Course of Human History: 2008 a most pivotal year
channeled by Carol Fitzpatrick... [link]

"We are here my dear ones because you have called us to you. We are
Yeshua from the House of David, and Jehostephat brother and son John,
Corinna, sister, and Mary of the Magdalene. We are coming to you as a
collective consciousness because your beloved family of humanity is
preparing to play out the grand details of life in the physical.

Creation cycles that have been in play for millennial, well before the
time of our tribe, have come into the movement, a creation that is
about to explode with possibility. Many will look back at the end of
your time on the planet and realize that this year of 2008 is the
year that your path as a race of nations pivoted and changed the
course of human history. We cannot reveal the details of this
dramatic unfolding, my dear ones but in the telling of the creation,
you will find your way to your own choice. Your choice will be made
in the quiet of your very own heart. Your choice will change the
course, set the ship right, onto a different course.

You have been playing out the games of self-destruction for a very
long time. There have been many of the original tribesmen who have
been prophesying the coming choice, but to no avail. We beseech you
now to come into a collective adjoinment with one another.

It is now time to repair the breach among you as brethren of the
light. You will find that as you soften your heart, and atone for the
creations of old that the Divine light that you are it will become
heir apparent to even the most hardened of hearts.

There are many among you who will say, "I saw it coming all along,
but there was nothing that I could have done differently."

We say to you, our sons and daughter of the light, that you are the
last of the cycles of hatred and violence to set up this earthen
plane. Beyond the time of 2007, there will be no more. We are
preparing the way to light all hearts with understanding that
violence against the collective self must now be finished.

As you open your hearts to receive the Grace of God the Father, you
will find your Divine Mother there waiting for your embrace.

We open our hearts in all manners of being. We are the Essenes."

* Click here to read more by Carol herself =>  Read More

 ASCENSION TO OUR NEW EARTH by Crystalai3 comments
pictureThursday, December 6th 2007
ASCENSION TO OUR NEW EARTH by Crystalai - December 04 2007

Lady Mary, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Zadkiel, St. Germaine,
the Elohim Angels and the others on aDolphino & my Ascension
Team stated to us:

"You must know beloved ones, you are no longer separate from the
Divine Mind. Your human mind is now ready to co-create with an
organic dance of joy. Your consciousness is ready to expand to the
farthest reaches of the Universe. When you Focus, you will allow
yourself to be present. From here your form will serve while it is
needed and change as it is needed. This process is the Divine Blue
Print of the Divine One *as humanity itself free forms into its next

They also stated that this will all come about THIS YEAR!!

We have all heard many stories about the process of ascension and
many are wondering if it is true or not and many are still waiting
for 2012 for it to begin.

The Earth's and our ascension is basically the moving of our physical
bodies and the Earth's physical body up to the next level of evolution
- to a 5th dimensional existence on the New 5th dimensional Earth.

This is why our bodies are slowly mutating to a carbon/silica
base. The higher one physically evolves up the dimensions, the more
the body becomes silica based - and the more etheric the physical
body becomes. We are all O.K., we're just mutating. :-)

It's interesting to note that we are the last planet in our universe
to move into the 5th dimension (we have been seriously hammered down
and controlled by the dark forces over the many thousands of years -
the reason why we are the last ones to move up). Besides the
beautiful Entities of Lights unending love and patience, another
reason so many wonderful entities are interested in us making this
move successfully, for we, in a sense, are holding up the entire
train from moving forward. The ascension process that is happening
now affects our entire universe - not just us - it's a really big
one. There are major energies and movement at play here that go out
all the way to ends of our universe. We are the only ones left in our
universe that have negativity (duality) in their lives - and now that
is over for us, too. Thank God and all of the wonderful Entites of
Light - literally. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank
you, thank you.


 Soul Transitions December 2007 Vibe report - by Nancy Leilah Ward0 comments
pictureThursday, December 6th 2007
EXCERPT: "December is the last month of the 9 year of endings and of tying up loose ends. This is the time to focus on what brings you joy and what you want to bring in to the coming year of 2008, a 1 year – a year of new beginnings. As so much of the old, no longer needed energy has drained away, it is time to fill ourselves up with the new."

Soul Transitions December 2007 Vibe report Wednesday, December 6, 2007 - 12:06 PM
by Nancy Leilah Ward


I am a conscious channel, collaborating with a group consciousness who now call themselves Many of One. They formerly referred to themselves as The Collective, but now their energies have grown and they call themselves this as a reminder to us that we are all “Many of One.” Every month we write about the prevailing energies, which is this Vibe Report. We hope you find this information inspiring, comforting and evocative.
Well, the jig is up. If there’s something we’ve avoided looking at in our life, it’s going to come up and smack us in the head! The vibration is rising, everything is accelerating and so that which is not of our highest truth will be leaving us with the velocity of the speed of love. It may broadside us. It may drop us on our butt. It may leave us feeling panic and fear but you will notice within the whirlwind is a core of rightness. Your highest truth holds the vibration of love.

Please Click Here to Read this Whole Vibe Report =>  Read More

 You Step Into a Transfiguration of Your Consciousness & of Your Bio-Bodies0 comments
pictureThursday, December 6th 2007
December 14th, 2007 - So... *It May Be Helpful to Let Go of the Familiar*


As You Step Into a Transfiguration of Your Consciousness and a Transfiguration of Your Bodies, So It May Be Helpful to Let Go of the Familiar...

A Discourse by Lord Sananda and Wistancia

Please be seated in the altar of your own heart.

Walk into your beloved heart.

Notice that it is an altar within the body temple.

Today I ask that you bring fresh flowers, fresh incense, frankincense, myrrh and gold and all that is wondrous and beautiful and lay it down at the altar and bow your head before GOD who lives in that heart.

And let us together turn ourselves to the strongest energies in the Universe, to the creative forces in and of the whole Infinite Universe. And ask for the Power of the Love of GOD to enter into our temples, our bodies, and into our altars, our hearts.

Let us totally open up and become recipients of that strong, total unconditional love that GOD has for us. Let's open up and receive White Divine Blessings of Light and the very strong love of the Divine Mother.

We ask that this Power bring GOD into every little part of us. Let all of the gardens surrounding the temple, your fields, receive today the Light of Wisdom and the Light of Love.

++++++++++++++ Please click to read =>  Read More

 11:11 New Earth Portal Activation through Michelle Eloff©20070 comments
Thursday, November 15th 2007
ASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI - 11:11 New Earth Portal Activation - Channelled through Michelle Eloff © Johannesburg, South Africa - 06 November 2007

This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged.

*More about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit [link]
This is Transcribed by Samantha Gilbert - *Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.

To download the audio of this channeling, please click here

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of initiation, understanding, tranquillity and new vision. Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones the vibrations that each of you are opening to receive are ones creating an entirely new dynamic within your physical reality. This dynamic is not coming from outside of you, it is coming from the essence of your being and it is therefore a dynamic very new to you.  Read More

 NEW ADDITION - Planetary Grid Activation on Mt. Zion2 comments
pictureWednesday, October 31st 2007
Tune in and link up energetically with Mt. Zion - the site of the Last Supper & supposedly where the Virgin Mary died. Enjoy the transcript of the work recently conducted In Egypt, Israel and Jordan with Michelle and her group on the 13th of September 2007 Lady Mary Magdalene Channeled through Michelle Eloff© www.TheLightweaver.org , Johannesburg, RSA13 September 2007 Live-Time Planetary Grid Activation - Mt. Zion

*This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged. Transcribed by Judith Muller *Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. *You will be energetically linked with the Channeling Being and a similar process facilitated within you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. *Do not concern yourself regarding time lines given to the participants in the channeling. *You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.


I am Mary Magdalene, greetings and welcome to all of you today. I stand within the presence of the Divine Violet and Golden flames of the Golden Age. These flames have manifested within your presence and within your being serving as gateways into the Divine worlds of reunion with the Light. All of you, as I am sure you already know, are *Divine aspects of the Gold and Violet flames of our cosmic parents*. These flames are the ones that burn brightly inside of you, fueling your inspiration and driving you to move forward and continue gaining power over that which creates the perception of limitation and fear.

The activation we are conducting with all of you today is one that will *challenge your belief systems* on a very deep level. The reason why I tell you this is because you are ready to embrace *a different level of quantum perception*. There are influences that you are affected by that are deliberately programmed into your environment so as to distract you. Some of you have been sensing the presence of this deliberate distraction. You have felt the uneasiness of something not being quite comfortable. This is *already your physical confirmation* that you have moved beyond many of the levels of density that keep humanity's perception in the lower vibrations of conscious perception.

What I am about to tell you may stretch your imagination and most importantly it will stretch your mind. Your mind needs this exercise because it has become rigid in its ability to move beyond the parameters set in place by the old paradigms that keep you locked in an attitude that feeds your belief systems and current perceptions of life. I am not here to feed any conspiracy theories, however, it is important that you know that not all of your conspiracy theorists are paranoid or neurotic. In fact much of what they have discovered is in fact true and you have all heard that very often truth is far stranger than fiction, and sometimes it is more difficult to digest the truth than it is to digest the illusion.

There have been experiments conducted that have changed your world dramatically. These experiments have already challenged the theory of relativity and many of Einstein's other theories. There have been experiments conducted in the year of 2000 to be specific, and in these experiments they managed to move faster than the barriers of light permit movement. Now what this means is that there is evidence that something can be in two places at the same time, but what it does even more, (which will stretch your imagination now) is, that it defies the law of cause and effect.

Now one does not have to have a cause for an effect to manifest, this means your power to be in more than one place at one time without a cause, without motive, and without intention is possible. In fact it is being done already. It is vital that your consciousness takes these words in because this is part of the matrices we are dismantling at this time.

The governments have mastered much of this already. It is also known as remote viewing and remote interference or influence. What this means is that they can reach an altered state of consciousness working from levels that the average human being can not work from as yet, simply because that power eludes them. Remote viewing and remote influencing means *you are able to tune into every single probable outcome in your future* based on where you are currently at, and then *you can ask which of those futures is the most probable*; which one is the most beneficial in terms of your learning, your journey - so which one would be of best benefit to you. And with that knowledge you can then move forward, you can create and *you can influence the dynamics of your life* and all life in fact, like never before. And this is where the true essence of magic and miracles manifest. You, as a group, are drawing the energy of *that realm into the physical field of planet earth* and you are drawing it *into the physical field of your own body*, right into the space around your atoms.

The atomic structure in your body knows all of this already. It was made from that power and it was birthed within that essence. It has all of that knowledge and over the months that lie ahead of you we will work with you in assisting you in activating the dormant parts of your brain that hold that technology, in other words the power to become an empowering vehicle of creation.  Read More

 *Planetary Grid Activation on Mt. Zion*1 comment
pictureMonday, October 29th 2007
Lady Mary Magdalene Channeled through Michelle Eloff©

The Lightweaver, Johannesburg, RSA13 September 2007

Planetary Grid Activation - Mt. Zion

*This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the information be acknowledged. Transcribed by Judith Muller. *Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the
participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.

I am Mary Magdalene, greetings and welcome to all of you today.

I stand within the presence of the Divine Violet and Golden flames of the Golden Age. These flames have manifested within your presence and within your being, serving as gateways into the Divine worlds of reunion with the Light.

All of you, as I am sure you already know, are Divine aspects of the Gold and Violet flames of our cosmic parents. These flames are the ones that burn brightly inside of you, fueling your inspiration and driving you to move forward and continue gaining power over that which creates the perception of limitation and fear.

The activation we are conducting with all of you today is one that will challenge your belief systems on a very deep level. The reason why I tell you this is because you are ready to embrace a different level of quantum perception. There are influences that you are affected by that are deliberately programmed into your environment so as to distract you. Some of you have been sensing the presence of this deliberate distraction. You have felt the uneasiness of something not being quite comfortable. This is already your physical confirmation that you have moved beyond many of the levels of density that keep humanity's perception in the lover vibrations of conscious perception. What I am about to tell you may stretch your imagination and most importantly it will stretch your mind. Your mind needs this exercise because it has become rigid in its ability to move beyond the parameters set in place by the old paradigms that keep you locked in an attitude that feeds your belief systems and current perceptions of life.

I am not here to feed any conspiracy theories, however, it is important that you know that not all of your conspiracy theorists are paranoid or neurotic. In fact much of what they have discovered is in fact true and you have all heard that very often truth is far stranger than fiction and sometimes it is more difficult to digest the truth than it is to digest illusion.

There have been experiments conducted that have changed your world dramatically. These experiments have already challenged the theory of relativity and many of Einstein's other theories. There have been experiments conducted in the year of 2000 to be specific and in these experiments they managed to move faster than the barriers of light permit movement. Now what this means is that there is evidence that something can be in two places at the same time, but what it even does more, which will stretch your imagination now, is that it defies the law of cause and effect. Now one does not have to have a cause for an effect to manifest, this means your power to be in more than one place at one time without a cause, without motive, and without intention is possible. In fact it is being done already.

It is vital that your consciousness takes these words in because this is part of the matrices we are dismantling at this time. The governments have mastered much of this already, it is also known as remote viewing and remote interference or influence. What this means is that they can reach an altered state of consciousness working from levels that the average human being can not work from as yet, simply because that power eludes them. Remote viewing and remote influencing means you are able to tune into every single probable outcome in your future based on where you are currently at, and you can ask which of those futures is the most probable; which one is the most beneficial in terms of your learning, your journey - so which one would be of best benefit to you and with that knowledge you can then move forward, you can create and you can influence the dynamics of your life and all life in fact like never before, and this is where the true essence of magic and miracles manifest. You as a group are drawing the energy of that realm into the physical field of planet earth and you are drawing it into the physical field of your own body, right into the space around your atoms. The atomic structure in your body knows all of this already. It was made from that power it was birthed within that essence. It has all of that knowledge and over the months that lie ahead of you we will work with you in assisting you in activating the dormant parts of your brain that hold that technology, in other words the power to become an empowering vehicle of creation.

It is vital that your mental programming begin to move beyond the limited constructs of the old paradigm matrices which have kept humanity in that state of victim consciousness. What this will do is lead to a revolution of such immense proportions that your world will shift its energy in what will appear a heart beat. And this is what you will know as 2012, a time when your world will not be as you known it. This is your time to grasp this notion, your time to embrace the power that exists within the quantum world around you and the quantum world inside of you.

This is the beginning stage of you learning how to teleport yourself, how to be in more than one place at the same time and consciously participating within both places at the same time, never losing yourself or fragmenting your soul in any way whatsoever.

I assure you this is absolutely nothing to do with strange metaphysical wishful, creative thinking, this is science, it is fact and I urge any one of you to look up the work of Dr. Wang, he is the one who conducted the experiment I have spoken to you about. t has been proven that one can be in more than one place at the same time and that the laws of cause and effect is part of a limited consciousness. It is changing. This will challenge the parts inside of you that are addicted to any kind of victim consciousness. This I am sure will help you understand why Kuthumi has been so adamant in his teachings regarding taking responsibility for your life by becoming an active participant within your life; it has all been for a purpose.

These new energies will show you how you can heal your body with a simple intention. How you can change the dynamics within any environment simply by choosing which one to focus your energy on. This power of remote viewing is not psychic hocus pocus.

Again I must tell you, it is a very real science and every act of a psychic ability, clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircogniscience, all of these so called out of this world gifts, have nothing to do with being out of this world, they are in fact in side you in your inner world, those mechanisms neatly tied up within your brain. So the dormant aspects of your brain are the ones, the parts that are housing this phenomena. And you are now ready to explore it.

This is challenging the dark aspects of life like never before. Darkness as you know it is simply the absence of light, in other words, the absence of love. So the journey beyond the veils of the old paradigm requires of you the faith and the trust in the power that lies within the unexplored aspects of yourself. The place where angels fear to tread, the place where fools rush in, but in this case you are fools of light, fulls of light. Full of courage. The determination to bypass every single old paradigm program that has told you 'do not go there', you do not want to know what lies within the depths of your subconscious, there is far too much that will frighten you.

No, no no" I urge you to go inside there, to play with yourself in those realms. For it is in those realms where you will find what you have been searching for for this entire life time and the cycles before this one which has lead to you constantly coming back for more because that hunger has not as yet been satisfied. What you seek has not been found. You are now in that position to find it. This is what brings so many souls to planet Earth at this time, because this is a cosmic event where every single eye is upon you because this has never been experienced before.

The time has also come where all the dark contracts are ending. What this means is that all of the karmic contracts that where in place between souls, that bound them to beings of other planes that did not embody light, has ended. So now the journey entails many processes of anchoring all the seeds of light in all the necessary places. This gives light to those places which reignites the violet and golden flames, and in every point where the violet and golden flame is reignited, so the portals to the dimensions I am speaking to you of, are opened, and you will witness magic, and from that magic the miracles will be born. Those miracles are the manifestation of victory consciousness of unconditional love and prosperity consciousness where souls can come together honoring the Christ Light within one another and this is part of the anchoring of the 999 celebration.

Entertain the ideas that you are so much more than you will ever be able to comprehend, and over the next three years you are going to undergo development that now you cannot even begin to fathom. It is not in your mind's capability to even imagine it. But I assure you what you are about to discover will change your life forever, it is changing the course of your personal history because you can. With these newly discovered powers in terms of what you will discover about yourself now, can in actual fact change history, change the effects that history has on the consciousness of humanity.

Nicola Tesla knew how to do this. Einstein was catching a glimpse of it but did not quite know how to deal with it. He was not very happy with quantum energy because it is so volatile. Why is it so volatile? because it is able to be transmuted, transformed and altered in any way one chooses. Those who are considered the darker energies, the darker forces have been using that technology to keep humanity in a state of entrapment. That is how all of you have been controlled in what is known as the matrix. So in order to break the matrix, not only of the paradigm that you currently find yourself in but the matrices for all who are coming from where you have been, and those who are in front of you, your star brothers and sisters who are dismantling the matrices for you to pass through, becomes a journey of such incredible empowerment, of the most amazing manifestation of magic and miracles that there will be times I will assure you, you will stop and weep because it will feel as though it is unbelievable. This is not to say that you will never face a life lesson again or that you will never face a challenge or an obstacle again. What it means is that you are in a position to consciously choose what you need to best learn.

Remember I spoke about remote viewing earlier on and remote influencing of those paradigms. This speeds up the entire journey of the souls learning process. This allows many dimensions to be experienced.

As you move beyond the dimensions of the old paradigm you are clearing the many layers of dark consciousness, the cells of ignorance that have been held in mother Earth's body. These are held within stagnant and dormant fields. These dormant fields will now be dismantled, and filled with the energy of Christ light. It will take approximately 18 months for this cleansing to be complete on a planetary level. Each of you however will undergo a far more accelerated version of this. All you are doing is tapping into a technology that is already being used, that was hidden from you.

No longer is this power going to be kept away from the souls who choose the journey to freedom. In order for the old to be transmuted there needs to be equal amounts of its opposite in power. Therefore the light is increasing in power to override what the darkness has perpetuated over the last 3000 years. And you and every other worker of the light is being offered this opportunity, whether you take it or not is of course your decision.

So beloved ones we ask you now to close your eyes and imagine yourself energetically connected to Mt. Zion. Welcome master Jesus into your personal energy space and call upon all the angels of light who work with you and who are assisting us in anchoring this divine plan of Love & light.

Welcome Lord Maitreya and of course your own personal guides, angels and guardians.

Imagine a beautiful violet and golden flame in the centre of your heart. Both these flames are aspects of the collective flame of divine illumination.

Violet and gold are the colors of golden consciousness. Their frequencies are gateways to the golden paradigm, to
golden consciousness.

Imagine yourself being surrounded by this exquisite gold and violet color, and the energy of the flames growing in strength in side of you.

The light they emit shines on the pathway that you have chosen to walk in this life time. Its vibrations also penetrate the lobes of your brain, igniting new energy inside of the structure of your brain, sending additional currents of electrical energy through it.

While that is taking place, feel the light of the golden violet
flames moving down through your body and connecting with Mother Earth forming a divine union between you and her.

I, Mary Magdalene, stand along side you, feel the warmth of my hand holding yours. While I hold your hand, my energy receives energy from the Source of All that Is and this energy is transferred into your body, facilitating a very necessary recalibration ensuring that the frequencies in your body are adjusted and this adjustment will ensure that the activation of the dormant aspects of your brain will continue to grow.


((Brenda comment:This time, 24 hours - to the second later - I am having no problem seeing the violet and gold flame energies within my aura and this time I can feel them. It is a gigantic cleansing feeling or what I call the feeling of cleansing. I keep wanting to say crimson and gold energy because I am not sure what violet they are talking about. A lot of times what they call and show as violet flame what I call the Hot Pink light filled color of the Cosmic ONE LOVE energy pulse creating and sustaining all that is. Which is, in fact, what I am in the inner outer planes/dimensions of all that is when I am OBE = out of this particular bio-body-mind-heart and soul and the patterns of reality that they carry.

This is my idea of violet flame color as this background:

And this is Mary Magdalene's Insignia... in the foreground

Now bac` to more expository information concerning this MT. Zion activation =>  Read More

 Mysteries of The Universe, by Owen Waters0 comments
pictureSunday, October 28th 2007
The metaphysics of today is the physics of tomorrow. By studying spiritual metaphysics, you get a head start in understanding the mysteries of the universe.

For example, two hundred years ago, electricity was still a huge mystery. Back then, a few visionaries uncovered more and more information about the nature of electricity. Once it became possible to generate electricity, it powered the Industrial Revolution and then went on to produce the Electronics Era, which soon morphed into today's Information Revolution.

This enormous chain reaction of technological evolution was made possible by the original curiosity of just a handful of visionary mystics. Now, imagine what the mystic insights of today's world could do for tomorrow's world. For example, the next energy to be understood is etheric energy. A more subtle cousin to electricity, etheric energy is the life force that streams towards us from the Sun, energizing and motivating all
forms of life.

The mastery of etheric energy will lead to far more wide-ranging advances than electricity ever did. Within etheric energy, lie the keys to powerful healing modalities, pollution-free energy, and many other valuable innovations. Just the advent of abundant, inexpensive energy will transform the world, eliminating poverty and much of today's third world suffering.

Etheric energy is life energy. It is the energy that passes from spiritual healer to patient. It is the vitality or life force contained within air, water and food. It is the mystery energy which powers the endless orbit of electrons in their atoms and planets around their suns.

Etheric energy has been known by many other names - prana, life energy, vital life force, chi or qi, orgone, universal life force, odic force, cold electricity, tachyon energy; the list goes on.

Cosmologists - scientists who study the structure of the universe - are actually already on the trail of etheric energy. They have detected its presence in the cosmos through its gravitational side-effects, but they haven't been able to see it, so they call it 'dark energy.' The existence of dark energy - and its related dark matter - is one of the great, unanswered mysteries of science today. According to the observed movements of galaxies, it is calculated that 23% of the universe consists of dark matter and 73% of the universe consists of dark energy.

The universe, it would seem, is filled with unseens. At least, to the limited capabilities of physical eyes. When a cosmologist stares at a clear, night sky, wondering where all the missing energy and matter is in the inky blackness of the depths of space, it would come as a surprise to them if they knew that a clairvoyant - a person who has developed the ability to see subtle energies - sees the same night sky very differently.

It may sound unconventional, even rebellious to tradition, to suggest that a scientist should ask a clairvoyant what they perceive, but it has been done before, and with breakthrough results. For example, in the mid 1800s, one of the top scientists of all time did exactly this. Carl von Reichenbach had heard that clairvoyants can see a subtle energy of which science was unaware. The fact that he, like most people, lacked clairvoyant vision did not deter him. Such a minor complication was not to be an obstacle to his curiosity and his desire to understand this new form of energy.  Read More

 *How to Clear Negative Implants, Elementals, & Astral Entities - Lesson 100, *8 comments
pictureThursday, October 11th 2007
©2004 Dr. Joshua David Stone Redistribution for other than personal reasons strictly prohibited. Used by Permission...

((this is only posted by Brenda with this disclaimer: Take what you can use = resonate 'with' - and let the rest go!!))

How to Clear Negative Implants, Elementals, & Astral Entities - Lesson 100


There are three levels that need to be mastered to achieve Self-realization.

These three levels are the spiritual level, the psychological level, and the physical level.

All three need to be mastered, and are separate levels of understanding. Very few Lightworkers are developed in all three. Usually they are developed in two of them and weaker in one. The physical level deals with ones physical body and ones physical environment and keeping healthy, purified and clean. The spiritual level is what most Lightworkers are most focused on and is the key to the ascension process and the passing of one's initiations.

It is the focus of working with one's High Self and Mighty l am Presence and the Ascended Masters, building light quotient, and anchoring light technologies.

The psychological area deals with the conscious mind's relationship not so much with the superconscious as

* much as with the subconscious mind and the four-body system (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).
* This level is about how one deals with thoughts, feelings, emotions, intuition, sensations, instincts, relationships,
* balancing of the four bodies,
* integrating the three minds (conscious, subconscious, and superconscious),
* balancing the chakras, and so on.

In my opinion the psychological level is the most important one because it is the foundation of one's psychic house, so to speak. It is most important because it is your thoughts that create your reality. There are many people who have taken advanced levels of initiation but who are still victims and are therefore totally run by their negative egos, which is like a psychological cancer to their whole program.

The Psychic Level of Spiritual Psychology

In Soul Psychology I addressed the psychological level in great detail. Now I am going to address the psychic level of spiritual psychology which is the final piece in the puzzle. Both of these aspects of spiritual psychology are of equal importance. People on the Earth cannot be healed of psychological and physical disease, and achieve ascension and Self-realization without addressing both of them.

* The psychic level of spiritual psychology deals with principles that most of humanity are not aware of.
* It is completely ignored in the area of traditional psychology,
* and in most cases ignored or not understood in most spiritual practices.

What I am leading up to this entire chapter is how to clear negative alien implants, negative elementals, astral entities, etheric mucous; parasites, negative imprints, toxic astral energies, gray fields, etheric wounds, holes in the aura, and extraterrestrial possession, to name a few. This is an area of work that is usually addressed by psychic healers only and/or those who are clairvoyant and even most in this group do not have a very good understanding of how to deal with this level. A person can do all the psychological clearing work in the world, but, if this psychic level of spiritual psychology is not addressed the person will never fully recover from their physical or psychological problems.

On the other side of the coin, a person can work on this psychic level of spiritual psychology and clear all these aspects I have listed, but if they don't do the psychological work I have described in the Soul Psychology book they will not recover completely and achieve full Self realization. This might be described as the work of the mystic and the work of the occultist that needs to be blended and combined. What I am about to share with you, which is so incredibly exciting, is a method by which you can clear both levels yourself without necessarily having to rely on other people to help you.

My Soul Psychology book was written in a way to help you do this on the occult side of spiritual psychology. The purpose of this chapter is to give you the tools and information to clear and heal the psychic level of spiritual psychology. Most people rely on other practitioners to help them on this level, which is fine. The ultimate goal, however, is to be able to do it yourself. This is what Djwhal Khul, Vywamus and the Synthesis Ashram is now offering all Lightworkers regardless of what ray type or inner plane ashram you are connected to.

An Overview Of The Work =>  Read More

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  • WHERE IS THE NEW EARTH?? by Crystalai

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  • Step Into the Stargate of Transformation - posted ONLY by Brenda

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  • Changing the Course of Human History: 2008 a most pivotal year
  • Soul Transitions December 2007 Vibe report - by Nancy Leilah Ward
  • You Step Into a Transfiguration of Your Consciousness & of Your Bio-Bodies

  • 2007-11-15
  • 11:11 New Earth Portal Activation through Michelle Eloff©2007

  • 2007-10-31
  • NEW ADDITION - Planetary Grid Activation on Mt. Zion

  • 2007-10-29
  • *Planetary Grid Activation on Mt. Zion*

  • 2007-10-28
  • Mysteries of The Universe, by Owen Waters

  • 2007-10-11
  • *How to Clear Negative Implants, Elementals, & Astral Entities - Lesson 100, *

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  • Oct. 2007 Your Light Is Needed Now

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  • freo7: Dear Blokey Jane-Rainbow Fish. Word @208

  • 2009-01-18
  • Blokey Jane-Rainbow Fish. Word: Happy Inaguration DAY.

  • 2008-05-10
  • uriel light: email list

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  • Ingrith Saavedra: When?

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  • Clare Justine: Kryon

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  • freo7: Hi Carol: WELCOME

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