NCN: COSMOS learning network

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sun Mar 26 1995 - 14:33:53 PST

This is a mailing of COSMOS - "The Universe is our campus."

"Home is where the heart is--School is where the mind is--Work is where the
need is"

"The mind is a remarkable thing; it can make a hell out of heaven or a heaven
out of hell"(Menninger) is the Internet Address of
the "College" of Synthallogical Management & Omnicomprehensive Studies - It
is an experimental educational system inspired by the educational philosophy
of R. Buckminster Fuller who predicted home learning as the wave of the
We offer more than "degrees" of learning --we promote an omnicomprehensive
understanding of the whole Universe.

This service is provided by SOIL - The Society of Independent Learners. Our
purpose is to provide low cost educational opportunities to anyone anyone in
the world, hoping to educate themselves. Periodically members receive
bulletins and E- mail from
other SOIL members. If you have anything you would like to offer, whether it
be an article, mathematical exercise, anecdote, poem, short story or reseach
paper please send it to this address and we will send a copy to all our
members. In turn you will
receive responses to your offerings in a stimulating ongoing conversation. Som
e contributions may be selected for publication in HARVEST magazine with your
permission of course. If you would like to receive our mailings let us know.
Check your E-Mail daily as we expect heavy response to this program.

The College of Synthallogical Management & Omnicomprehensive Studies is
dedicated to promoting a whole systems approach to problem solving. We
believe that all areas of knowledge must be coordinated in order to make
better decisions.

This year we celebrate 2 very important events, the 25th anniversary of the
first Earthday on April 22, and the 100th anniversary of the birth of R.
Buckminster Fuller. Long appreciated by those who knew him personally or
through his writing, Fuller is only now starting to receive the acclaim of
the general public. Hundreds of internet users are flashing messages about
this complex geniuses life work at lightning fast speeds to all points of the
globe. In the 1950's Fuller predicted that something like the internet would
become possible. He also predicted that education as we know it would be
completely revolutionized by the end of this century. We as educators must be
aware of these changes and become instumental in their development. This is
too important a decision to be left up to politicians and bottom line
financial experts. The school as a "building" is rapidly becoming an
anachronism as television and video tape are bringing lectures and
discussions produced by the world's greatest teachers to every isolated
corner of the planet. Our role as teachers is not to compete with automation
but to embrace it as the greatest tool ever. Through our example the
possibilities of this medium can be impressed upon those who can't adapt
their personal life to the archaic agricultural society school schedule that
we can't seem to shake of our backs. Not everybody can be cheerful at 6:00 in
the morning. The "cybernetic" classroom along with television, even though it
may now seem an elaborate video game is nearer than some would like to
We need to get involved in its development before the seven largest banks in
the world own us too. Here is one area that the little guy still has a chance
to do something big and important. Your comments please?

Jim Bonaparte
Environmental Science Teacher
Society of Independent Learners-Founder and president
HARVEST magazine -editor
279 Summer Street
Brockton, MA 02402-4165

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