At 02:31 PM 3/26/95 -0800, Flemming Funch wrote:
>If a few of you are interested in the practicalities of how we get this
>network to work, beyond the specific interest areas, that is needed. How do
>we create the maximum synergy from such a group, and the minimum clashes of
>viewpoints. What do we do if it gets really big. How do we create effective
>interaction between people who have e-mail and those who don't. How do we
>make the network fault-tolerant, having multiple paths of communication if
>one of them should fail. Alternate commununication methods, radio,
>video-conferencing, fido-net, carrier pigeons, telepathy, or whatever.
>Joachim, I'll volunteer you for this one, unless you protest. Anybody else?
This is certainly a multi-brain effort.
Gladly see that you're willing to take the lead here.
On the other hand, I personally would wish to see you more as the
PersonCo-guru :) .
Btw, how is your all-new 'TRTROM' (the real TROM) going ?
I got a 'ConCur-Teleporter' swishing around for over a week now
on 4 architectures (HP,SCO,Linux,NT) and will expand to Mac/PowerPC
and DEC/VMS the coming week.
That's a program that is able to port itself and any application
following its guidelines from one computer to another and it can
execute concurrently on different machines and communicate within its own
hierarchy network-wide, assigning a new 'leader' if the machine which
carries the current 'coordinator' should fail.
For example, if the 'boss' is on Linux and I shutdown the Linux box,
the NT 'baby' assumes the role of the boss.
Also, I'm still working on a dedicated Linux box (486/66 with 16M Byte
RAM and 1GByte harddrive) which could be used as an NCN internet
node (with web- and listserver, etc).
I was going out to talk with some guys from the Civil Air Patrol at
Whiteman Airport today. They have a shortwave computer network
going there and I want to find out how they do it. The main hub there,
it seems, don't laugh, is still an archaic TRS-80, if anybody should
remember what that is. Didn't made it past a brand new Starduster II at
Hangar 12, though, and had to hurry back because Wendy cooked a big dinner.
That reminds me: who is going to do 'AirCo' or 'PlaneCo' ?
** Joachim H. Steingrubner, PhD - trans data international **
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