Hi, fellow new civ members,
I had something come up today that just irked me to no end, and
I thought i'd share it with you. I'm 39, 40 in may and recently had
my position eliminated due to budgetary reasons. o.k. i can deal
with that, of course I went to unemployment and filed a claim so
my wife and i would still have a secondary form of income, aside
from her pay. So today I get my checks which are usually X amount
and discover that one of my checks has been reduced a fair amount.
Now this is my first time on unemployment so it's new to me, so
on the form that you return they ask the question " were you too sick
to work during this period, and if so how many days were you unable
to work. so being an honest individual and having been to a doctor
for treatment I answered yes, and for four days. So on the stub of the
reduced check it says that I am being penalized for being sick.
My problem with this is my only requirement through unemployment
to recieve benefits is to "activley seek employment" now even though
I was sick and home I still was actively seeking employment
through the use of my home office systems I must have made five
or six phone calls to prospective employers, but also faxed as many
as 10 to fifteen resumes a day during this period. So in my view
I most certainly fufilled my obligation to look for a job. This irks me
because its my money there giving me back I earned it in the first
place, and because I had no control over my getting sick, nor over
all the people who have filed claims and then instead of looking for
jobs just said they were ill and never sought employment. So the
way I see it what the state is telling me is if you tell us the truth in
regards to your personal claim situation then we will penalize you!
if you lie to us then we will reward you by giving you whats rightfully
yours. See what I mean, will new civ have unemployco and how should it
function. any ideas, feedback, comisserations.
Sorry if this got a little long thanks for any feedback.
Ernie Foss. Efoss1@aol.com
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