[From At de Lange. Please send further comments to ncndiscuss-l@newciv.org
-- Flemming]
Dear people of the future,
It is wonderful to read what all the new members had to say
about themselves and the world around them. Thank you very much.
On my first reading I was struck by the following two thoughts.
1 Most of the people with whom I have to live with, will judge
these members as an incoherent bunch of people whereas I
percieve among them an exciting quaintness. By quaintness I
mean a pleasingly oddness, an enticingly capriciousness and
an extraordinary motivatedness like in the old times.
2 Most of the people with whom I have to live with, will fail to
recognise any common patterns among these members whereas I
percieve so many of them that the complexity of all the
patterns dazzels me.
I then decided to try and decypher on subsequent readings some
of these patterns. I discovered how difficult it was because I
had to read between the lines. I once again realised how
important it is to recognise what Michael Polanyi called the
'tacit dimension' of knowledge.
The overriding pattern is that they all LOVE DEEP LIFE (life of
which we humans are only part of. They derive their
extraordinary motivation for whatever they are doing through
this love. But let each of you be the judge. Is it then:
1 True or false?
One major pattern is that they all are committed to work for
a better future, each one in his/her own individual manner.
2 True or false?
Another major pattern is their longing for symgnosis. [Think of
symgnosis (knowing together) in terms of symbiosis (living
3 True or false?
A third major pattern is that whatever they will be doing, they
will do it creatively.
4 True or false?
A forth major pattern is that they are unusually sensitive to
one or more of the essentialities of creativity, namely
being-becoming, sureness, wholeness, connectedness, limitedness,
differentness and openness.
5 True or false?
I would like to ask one other question. How do each of you feel
about the following traits which wreck the present world?
Best wishes
---At de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre for Education University of Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa email: amdelange@gold.up.ac.za
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