The Sandorian Grove    
 Best wishes for 201429 comments
picture24 Dec 2013 @ 23:39
May the year 2014:

- bring more freedom despite the rising suppression of local and global 'governments'!

- bring more health despite vaccines, fluorides in the water, and pesticides in the foods!

- bring more wisdom despite all efforts of schools, TV and newspapers to the contrary!

- bring more wealth despite the global banks sucking out the last pennies from its 'customers'!

- bring you more happiness despite the constant shower of horror stories by the news stations!

- make the Anunnaki drop their hatred for mankind!

- and make the global&local politicians be ashamed and stop helping the decimation of mankind by 95%! May the 'powers that be' realize that by cutting the base of the bell curve will crash the TOP TOO!

May all of us play until the end just like the musicians on the Titanic!

Have a great year everybody! And enjoy the show while it lasts :)  More >

 Birthing and Croaking in Today's Most Decadent Civilization7 comments
picture4 Oct 2013 @ 16:57
As pointed to in 'Letters from Rome' [link] , there are two main indicators of the health (or the insanity) of a culture civilization: how their members are born and how they die.

I was painfully remembered of one side of this verity when I watched the documentary 'Birth Reborn' (O Renascimento do Parto) [link] yesterday night. In a stunning potpourri of beautiful people & nature, actors and Rio, Rio, and more Rio, mixed with cruel scenes from inside the worst kind of place to be: our hospitals.

The film is promoting natural birth, especially birth at home. Courageously, it exposes some of the false myths and outright lies spread by the medical business. Not all of them, mind you, and probably that's a way to ensure some success in delivering its message. Just a bit more truth may already be unbearable for most viewers, from whatever camp they may come.

To fill the gap, here are some additional notes, most of them already covered on this Blog more than 6 years ago, at the time the son of my stepdaughter was born at the Sandorian Grove, still within the 'bag', a double-twist of umbilical cord around his neck, a tooth in his mouth already, and with a BIG SMILE. No wonder, his birth happened under OPPOSITE conditions as we would find in a hospital today - NO strong lights, noises, coldness, people chattering idle words void of love.

The film mentions briefly the unholy custom of cutting the umbilical cord early. It doesn't advert the viewer that the cutting itself is completely unnecessary and steeped in superstition and the placenta BUSINESS. It scales preferable birth from Cesarean to natural, and from hospitals to maternities and home birth BUT completely omits the option of the Lotus Birth [link] . It beautiful (and repeatedly) points to the fact that Cesarean birth in nature causes the mother to reject their newborn but fails to link it to the growing violence and illness in our society in general.

Again, the film required a lot of courage and positive power to do at all. It is a MUST SEE for everyone, whatever gender or age. It celebrates the TRUE LOVE of a mother for her child and it shows IT CAN BE DIFFERENT in today's society!

Still, one must say, as the insane efforts to rob women their innate power of childbirth and delegate it to robotic humans and machinery are gaining more foothold every day. Rio, let us be reminded, was the city that wanted to OUTLAW home-birth last year, and the stupidity of bureaucrats combined with their tenacity can never be underestimated.


Coming to a theater near you (as long as the medical 'doctors' can't prevent it).

Max Sandor is on Facebook
His website is at  More >

 Quan Fa Vs Hey Shyong Fu, the official Martial Arts in Quantum Fá9 comments
picture24 Sep 2013 @ 01:00
Recent inquiries lead me to clarify a few things, names and such:

Quan Fa, also known as Chuan Fa or Kenpo, means literally the Law of the Fist . In Quantum Fá we're looking for the Law of the Minimum , also known as the quantum . In other words, Quan Fa/Kenpo is not the official Martial Arts of Quantum Fá.

But, Quantum Fá, like any good philosophy, sect or cult in the world, needed to have its own Martial Arts. Traditional Ifá did have its own Martial Arts, Aki, which has been outlawed a few centuries ago. In any case, and of course, like any good tradition, Quantum Fá's Martial Arts is top-secret and only handed over personally to the very best of the best. However, some time ago its once secret name was spilled by some whistleblower(s). No need to hide it any more.

So, here it is: it's called Hey Shyong Fú, literally the 'Black Bear Method'. Its roots are said to be from a precursor of today's Tai Chi, created about 70,000 years ago. There are few living masters of this ancient art. We know only of two lone teachers, one in Thailand at the beach, the other one roaming the jungles of Brazil.

The name came from the Himalayan Bear, Ursus Thibetanus, similar but not identical to the American Grizzly and the Bipolar Bear, for example. In short, a name as subtle as its secret handsign, the right index finger pointing, slightly obscenely, to the adept's head brain (see attached official poster). Its battle cry is composed of 3 (three!) most powerful switchwords: 'Hey Fá Fú' that surely have a very secret meaning (a special note here for Americans: Fú is pronounced 'foo', like in 'Foo Fighters').

The truth is that it is based on the 'Minimum Technique' for polar inversion, which, like the rest, is only passed on from a master to a few select.

Special rates apply for families, Illuminati (yes, we do have a Swiss number account!). ETs (Anunnaki), DOs (Disincarnated Ones), and ITs (Intraterrestrials): payments in local currency only, please!

Inscriptions are now open for all ages, races, sexes, and weight classes!  More >

 'The Flinch' in Epigenetic Tuning9 comments
picture19 Sep 2013 @ 03:43
The phenomenon of the 'flinch' has not found much attention until recently. There is an easy to read introduction by Julien Smith available as a free Kindle e-book here: [link] . This is ironic but understandable: during a 'flinch' perception is being shut down and one therefore doesn't 'remember' it.

In the aforementioned book it is emphasized how the 'flinch' is not just affecting a martial arts fighter but that the 'flinch' is part of our entire life as it was already part of the lives of our forefathers. And it is here where we have to bridge over to Epigenetic Tuning (Sandor, 2013) which consists of a series of actions (called 'processes') that work on one's attitudes which were inherited 'epigenetically' from the experiences of our ancestors.

The 'flinch' is so much part of our lives that we are not noticing anymore. It appears 'normal' to us and it seemingly doesn't affect us much because we don't feel any emotional 'charge' about it (for obvious reasons, see above). This may the reason why it has been largely ignored by mainstream psychology and 'new age'-self-help paradigms alike. Another reason may have been that until now there have been no resources available to cope with this phenomenon.

The first time I came across the 'flinch' phenomenon was in the early '90s when I took private classes from one of the most amazing healers and martial arts 'experts' that I met in my life, Sy Guttentag, who unfortunately passed away before having compiled his innumerous notes on the nature of body-system. With him, a new philosophy of healing based exclusively on the Yin/Yang principles as cause/effect conflicts of opposing flows has been lost too.

Sy's healing philosophy was based on his observation that a 'symptom' appears invariably at the OPPOSITE side of a polarity on the body. Therefore, treating a symptom as the cause, has no effect on the actual basis for an illness, in the extreme, it can do more harm than good. He developed a system in 'chasing down' the actual cause, often enough 'cellular memories' during the developmental stages of life.

This is an area which can be accessed by 'Root Healing', see [link] with the already mentioned problem of FINDING the flinch in the first place.

In Epigenetic Tuning we have tools to both locate and eliminate 'flinches', however, the processes available in the moment are very advanced and really quite tough. Research on the subject of how to eliminate the 'flinching' is currently done only be few 'bold guys', for said reasons.

In closing, it should be mentioned that Gurdjieff approach, favoured by martial arts people, of 'just being tougher' is of limited value from a perspective of holisting healing as it tends to put a new layer of 'case on top of case' instead of freeing one's attention.

Current research indicates that the 'flinch' phenomenon is directly involved with the -Cosmic Glue- effect, the sticking of the Being to the hologram, a problem that Gotamo Siddharto (the 'Buddha') declared non-solvable for any Being, human or beyond.

We can see now clearly that 'flinches', meaning 'blackouts' of perception, exist for ALL modalities, kinesthetic to auditory, and not just for 'visual' events, such as a fist moving towards our face. They are limiting EVERYBODY in doing whatever they're doing: musicians playing music, executives making decisions, finding your true love in life... the list is endless...

Eliminating the 'flinch', is an UPGRADE to human existence, HOMO SAPIENS 2.O!


For more background data on body systems in general, see Chris' [link] , "The definitive guide to energy-bodies". About polarities in particular, the Quantum Fá project is here [link] (under development).

Max Sandor is on Facebook
His website is at [link]  More >

 A spectre is haunting the World — the spectre of Systemic Change13 comments
picture26 Jun 2013 @ 15:26
A spectre is haunting the World — the spectre of Systemic Change. All the powers of old World have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Obama, Merkel and Dilma, Italian Radicals and German police-spies.

Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as being just another outlet of the corporate manipulation by the people who can see? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of corruption, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its corrupt pseudo-adversaries?

Two things result from this fact:

I. Systemic Change is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power.

II. It is high time that those who want Systemic Change should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Systemic Change with a manifesto of itself.

To this end, Systemic Changers of various nationalities have assembled in the Internet and are sketched the soon-to-be-published manifesto, to be published in the English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish languages.  More >

 The Lifecycle of Societies Vs Conspiracy Theories7 comments
picture23 Jun 2013 @ 14:52
"The principle root of human insanity is the belief in a single cause." (Gotamo Siddharto, aka the 'Buddha', 2500+ years ago)

Perhaps the first 'systemic' thinker known by his name in the history of mankind, Gotamo, is said to have made this little known statement in one of his discourse on the 'chain of dependent co-arising of manifestations' in which he also points out the observation that every manifestation has a LIFECYCLE: being caused, born, growing up, peaking, decaying, and finally dying.

History in the Western world largely ignores this and attributes events exclusively to its heroes or devilish foes, inevitably polarizing into 'good' and 'bad'. The only major attempt to correct this view was down by Karl Marx who, based on Hegel's dialectics, tried to portray history as a process but largely ignoring its cyclical character and therefore coming to Utopian, read impossible, conclusions.

From a systemic view, the process of history provides 'variables' in its dynamic formula in which 'real' persons enter to fulfill a destined function. In other words, history is NOT made by Obamas, Merkels, and Dilmas, but those latter merely fill vacant positions to be assumed by whoever is striving hard enough to step into these roles.

Such an approach changes our view of today's society profoundly. In the search of who is to blame for the wars and economic imbalances that plague our human world, it doesn't suffice to point to the figures in the limelight. In the absence of a George W. Bush, another person with another name would have taken up his role in the process of the lifecycle of the current society. Or, as Joseph de Maistre wrote, "Every country has the government it deserves".

As a consequence, a 'revolution' does NOT change the course of history at all, as Karl Marx was speculating, but it ACCELERATES the same on its already taken path.

What could be done to change the course REALLY, one may ask. Is it possible at all? Or is anything what we're doing only speeding up or prolonging the agony of a civilization doomed to death? And, what is this path? In the paradigm of Quantum Fá we see all cycles based on a path of polarizations between male and female principles, aka Yin and Yang, eternally dancing (or fighting!) the dance of Shiva and Shakti, Will versus Consciousness, Spirit for or against Soul, Egos versus the 'We are all One'-dream, individual freedom within a collective welfare. Groups of humans band together to form larger societies on a path from what appears chaos to what appears order. What happens that inertia takes control of this process and order turns suppression, cooperation turns into coercion, until the system self-destructs. This is the 'natural' process in which our society of today is embedded.

If this is a 'natural' path, is its course inevitable or can we supersede it with a new cycle of social development? What we certainly can strive for is to FILL the spectrum of human experience with more insight, enthusiasm and beauty. We should not forget that amid the negatives that we look at, for many of us life has never been as good, secure, peaceful and full of possibilities as in the past 60 years. The opportunities to improve our condition as human beings as such, have never been so ample and accessible for that many people. By doing that, we can UPGRADE the consciousness of the human collective mind. Which, after all, determines what type of government is arising to try to control it. We can buy time and space for the quality of our human experience.

Which is one more reason to shift from a strategy of Duragraha, confrontation, to a strategy of Satyagraha, molding our environment by changing it through changing ourselves. Or, as Gandhi put it: "we need to convert our enemies instead of fighting them!" It appears to me that only in this way, we can put the seeds into the human consciousness which could spawn a new cycle of civilization, a cycle that maintains a practical balance between the individual quest for freedom and fulfillment and the needs of ALL humans as part of a collective super-Being.  More >

 The philosophical-religious background of the Satyagraha concept16 comments
picture23 Jun 2013 @ 01:46
The word Satyagraha came to the West as a name coined by Mahatma Gandhi for his concept of "peaceful civil disobedience" in his efforts to rid India of the British occupation more than one-hundred years ago. Gandhi choose the word carefully but still had to change it several times afterwards because he expanded it (or reverted it) to its original spiritual background at which point it lost its force as a strategical approach against oppression.

In the Satyagraha 2.0 proposal [link], we use this concept therefore deliberatly VOID of any religious or philosophical connotation.

For a very good overview over the Satyagraha concept in general, see Wikipedia. [link]

In the following, we will look at what is NOT being said there.

The translations of Satyagraha as 'force of love', 'power of truth', or 'truth prevails' are simply NOT translations but INFERENCES based on the interpretations of Gandhi himself and a host of religious teachers who claim to know and use this power.

If we look at the word 'Satya' itself it clearly and unmistakenly means 'is-ness'. It is from a shallow perspective the 'reality' of the 'solid stuff' of the Universe in contrast to the ideas about it, or what could be called the 'spiritual' phenomena.

Western thinking has lost the difference of the meanings of Soul and Spirit during the medieval times, or so it seems, and since then, pneuma and psyche, shiva and shakti, yin and yang, Seele und Geist, have been collapsed to mean the same thing. Which cannot be, of course, and which is the downfall of most modern philosophies of our times.

With a revived understanding of Soul and Spirit as the two main principles of the Universe, we could also Satya define as the tangible result of the interaction of BOTH, 'reality as such', or, as many Indians do, limit it to the manifestations produced by Soul (even if it's done under the guidance of Spirit). For now, let's reduce it to 'reality of Soul', or simply 'Soul'. Some 'translations' actually use 'Soul' in the compound, but lacking the distinction of Soul and Spirit, its meaning becomes diffuse again.

But let's go ahead with our contemplations!

'Agraha' has been identified as the second part of the compound satya-agraha (satyagraha) and is commonly translated as 'force', 'insistence', and similar. Even with little knowledge of Sanskrit, it is obvious that the prefix A- means the ABSENCE of something and it is therefore a definition by a 'negative'. But concepts like 'force' and 'power' are beyond any doubts definitions by 'positives' and this can't be quite it.

This brings us to the contemplation of what 'graha' means. The suffix -ha typically points to the character or classification of the preceding root, similar to the German suffix '-heit', like in 'everything related to X'. There are no established roots for gra*, only ghra* (to smell) and gr.h* (to take, to seize). It makes therefore a lot of sense to follow a common modern day translation of 'agraha' as 'that what cannot be seized'.

Which leaves us for the compound 'Satyagraha' with 'the Reality which cannot be seized', or, close to inference, but not just yet, with 'untangible suchness'.

If we extrapolate the union of Soul and Spirit and call it 'substrate' (as in some circles we now do), 'Satyagraha' can be seen as a name for exactly this: the (untangible) substrate underlying Spirit and Soul.

Addendum (addressing the feedback received):

"The Akashic template of the word Satyagraha currently is Peace + Flow. So it's not making change itself, but disallowing persistence, and it is done with peace which includes acceptance and receptiveness to all-that-is." (Chris)

"I found 'seize' also for graha, but another meaning is to perceive or recognize.

I am glad you wrote this out, it again highlights the fact that languages, even dead, frozen ones, have their words change in meaning over time in ways the people using them cannot perceive. The classic example of course is how dukkha changed from meaning 'duality, split apart', to becoming the perceived EFFECT of duality and shoved sideways into meaning the opposite of sukha.

If we take 'seize' as the meaning we get the isness (essence) of what cannot be seized, which is the olodu Osa.

So be slippery in the face of force! :)
Thanks, Max. :)

Further notes by Max:
Upon request, a few words on the concept of Duragraha. Note, that Satyagraha is spelled better with a long 'a' or 'double a', like Satyaagraha. In the West, we omit the 'long a' for ease of reading and writing. Dura-graha in contrast does not have this double 'a', and ironically this perhaps contributed to the confusion about the interpretation of the real meaning Satyagraha (outside its usage as a political strategy).

'Dura' comes from root duh*, 'to injure, hurt or kill', and as a consequence it means 'seizing/taking by means of hurting'. It is often (mis)translated as 'stubborn resistance' and 'fixed prejudgment', both inferences that have little to do with the original word&meaning, probably caused by interpretations of Gandhi himself, and, again, of 'spiritual leaders' that, as usual, like to moralize.

Duragraha is the declared strategy of the USA and it needs 'motivators' to justify itself. From there stems the method of artificially creating vandalism or atrocious acts that can then easily be used to implement 'hardliner' actions.

Example: immediately after the first peaceful mass demonstrations in Brazil a week ago, President Dilma, immediately declared to 'come down hard on vandalism'. Makes sense? Yes, if the orders are already given to send some undercover provocateurs to the coming events. This is how Duragraha is implemented. The last decades are full such violent 'aggressions' instigated by oppressive forces, in the USA, Europe, and elsewhere.  More >

 Satyagraha 2.0 - the only possible solution thinkable against oppression11 comments
picture21 Jun 2013 @ 15:44
Times have shown that violent revolutions always produced the opposite effect. We can look at that fact from various angles and find various reasons. The most obvious comes from the mathematical field of 'Game Theory': It is a matter of strategy!

Looking for what actually worked in history, we find Mahatma Gandhi's idea of Satyagraha after his ardent search for a solution against the British occupation of India amidst the religious struggles of Hindu, Christians, and Muslims amongst themselves. The more we look, the more we find parallels between then and now: from politics to justice, corruption, even medicine and the field of science. Moreover, even though the movement was betrayed later on, Satyagraha did work!

Today, we live in pseudo-democracies which are in fact oligarchies of a small and highly organized network of rich people and their representatives who managed to illude the populations that they could influence politics with their votes. The principle of "equal justice equal" has become a farce to the point of many countries providing 'laws' for the indemnization of the ruling cast. Corruption is systemic and it is global. Populations are misled to think their problems are national and could be solved by simply adjusting or replacing some elements. But nearly all countries in the world today suffer the same fate: whether Italy, Greece, Spain, or Brazil, the only thing which is changing is the local language.

Satyagraha, mathematically, is not a 'winning strategy' as such but it is the ONLY strategy that can avoid a loss. "Non-violent disobedience" would be a pragmatic interpretation of the strategy. And the concept is far more ample and fitting and valid for our times, one-hundred years after this word was created!

Here are the rules, updated for 2013,

    Satyagraha 2.0 (Next Generation)

1. Declare yourself a Satyagrahi
2. Obstain from any kind of violence, including in speech and images.
3. Document and denounce any violent aggression by forces of the oppressor and its hired provocators as well as non-Satyagrahi actors, using the electronic networks.
4. Avoid any physical concentration of people who could be made a target of attack by the oppressor or its hired agents.
5. Play the 'Tom & Jerry' game: whenever the oppressing force or their paid agents appear, hide. Whenever they leave or show their shoulders, come out in the open and DANCE.
6. Oppressors play different ethnic, cultural and religious groups against each other. Denounce when this happen, don't fight amongst yourselves.
7. Start thinking about the 'afterwards'. For example, Gandhi proposed a strictly de-centralized democracy similar to the "Räte-Republik" and with the Internet, this could now be implemented easily. But whatever you plan for the future, treat it differently from the Satyagraha principle.
8. Avoid displays of groups such as wearing specific clothes or banners while protesting in the spirit Satyagraha. We're all in the same boat and we know the political parties are just an illusion for the masses.
9. Don't carry items that could serve as weapons, or artificial fireworks, etc. This will avoid justifications for harassment and help identify the oppressor's hired provocators.
10. For now, avoid appointing public leaders (who could be coaxed or corrupted by the oppressors).

Finally, keep in mind
- that oppressors try everything to make populations belief they would be omnipresent: they are NOT!
- that they may even deliberately construct and broadcast aggressions that never happened to solicit public outrage;
- that they will try to hack the Satyagraha movement just like they hacked all other movements in the past;
- that they will promise you the blue of the sky, reforms, reforms, and more reforms, just to make you go home and be quiet, but:
- that they will NEVER change their scheme of lies and corruption by themselves as that would be their END.

Don't let yourself fool you. Keep calm and affirm that 'truth will prevail'.

Be a Satyagrahi Next Generation!  More >

 The man, the master, and the mountain84 comments
picture12 Jun 2013 @ 20:44
Some time ago a friend of mine decided to visit the people in the valley. He was living on top of a mountain, well above the clouds, there where only snow covers the ground and one cannot see but white and grey except on the rare days when there are no clouds neither on the top of the mountain nor over the valleys below.

More than halfway down the mountain he found a man resting on the ground, Breathless and exhausted was this man, because he had climbed up nearly half of the mountain before getting tired by the thin air, and now he was running down towards the valley so fast that he had fallen to the ground and had to catch some air.

"Greetings, my friend, can I help you?" my friend asked the tired man. "Respect, more respect, you Earthling", the man responded arrogantly. "Don't you know I am a master? Don't you know I ascended the mountain and enjoyed all the wonderful views up there? Respect!"

"OK, OK" said my friend. "I myself I am on my way to the valley after getting tired of living over the clouds for so long and wanting to see some green meadows and colorful flowers again. Maybe we can descend together?"

"Rubbish" said the arrogant master, "you are not worthy to be at my side. I am the Seer of the Mountain. Worship me or get out of my way!" And with these words he resumed his hasty descend towards the valley.

My friend continued to walk alone down the mountain, now enjoying the first patches of grass and the first flowers at the slope of the mountain, the air less thin than before and the sun not hiding behind the clouds anymore.

Nearly arriving in the valley he saw a large assembly of people gathered around a young man who was sitting up on a little ridge perched at the mountain slope. He had a peaceful and happy smile on his face and was talking about all the wonderful views he was enjoying from where he was.

My friend became curious and asked one of the many admirers of the young man: "Why don't you climb a bit higher you too, and enjoy the views by yourself instead of listening to someone talking about it?"

"You ignorant fool" was the answer. "You have to be born to be able to do that, don't you know?"

My friend was puzzled. "If you know the way towards the top, if you know how to secure yourself when you ascend and if you further have some kind of a compass for not losing your way once you reach the cloud layers, anyone can climb up there and much, much higher than the fellow you admire. Young or old, bright or not so bright, anyone can...."

"Shut up, you crazy guy! You have no idea what you're talking about. We all here a blessed to have this great living master talking to us about what he sees up there!" And the people around tried to hush up my friend as it was not deemed to be polite to speak in the presence of the master perched on a cliff at the hillside.

"OK, OK" said my friend, "but someone should tell this master that he is sitting in a dangerous spot. He cannot move further up from there and if he tries to come down he may easily fall. And that indeed he has to step down if he wants to take the path that leads to the top of the mountain, because from there where he is hanging on to the rocks, there is no way to climb up further!"

But since everybody was busy listening and admiring the one who was sitting on the cliff, nobody had any time left to be asking themselves if maybe they too could climb up to where they could with their own eyes.

My friend continued his way and soon arrived in the white city down at the slope of the mountain where he enjoyed some happy days until he finally returned to his home at the top of the mountain, over the clouds, there where the sun is always shining...  More >

 The Bee, the baby, and the train: a never ending puzzle4 comments
picture12 Jun 2013 @ 18:46
The other day, a young fellow rode a train to work. Across him sat a woman with a baby in her arms. Suddenly a bee came along and landed right on the left eye of the sleeping child. The woman desperately cried for help.

What would you do?

Let's look at some alternatives:

1. Alternative: You elegantly catch the bee right from the face of the baby and kill the bee as it stinging you in your finger. You are a hero. Meanwhile, the train travels at 200 km/h and is approaching a railway crossing. The train conductor sleeps and doesn't see the red light. The train smashes into a bus full of children and goes off the rails, killing half of its passengers.

2. Alternative: You gently breathe some air onto the face of the baby to make the bee fly away. The woman freaks out, thinking you are a child molester. The bee continues its flight and finally lands on the face of the train conductor. He awakes, sees the red light of the railway crossing and stops the train just in time. The bus full of children safely arrived at school and you are being arrested at the next train stop.

3. Alternative: now it's your time to find another course of events!

Good luck to you!  More >

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