Vision Space

We are collecting visions of how a new civilization might be. Submit your entries here or send them to They are published regularly in the New Civilization Visions electronic newsletter.

* The Venus Project - the redesign of a culture.

* Connetted - a declaration of a worldwide charter of very elementary principles for a permanent and peaceful human living together.

* The Global Ideas Bank - (1000+)

* Within Ourselves lives the Real Story - Jeffrey Courion's home page

* Design Earth Synergy - (20+) Community co-visionary strategic action / planning centers.

* FreeLand - Joachim's vision of an island community.

* HoloWorld - (40+) Flemming's developing model of a better society.

* Factasia - dedicated to constructive, imaginative and positive thinking about the future. .

* Vision of the 21st Century - by HeeSik Song, Korea.
Orient Renaissance
Academy for New Civilization

"We are the New Civilization" - a poetic manifesto by Flemming Funch.


Future Vision Links

  • Bruce Sterling: The Future? You don't want to know
  • Ken Boulding: Earth as a spaceship
  • Bill Joy: Why the future doesn't need us
  • Extropian Principles
  • Yesterday's Tomorrows

    New Civilization Symphony, by William B. Robertson, © 1984.

    "Whatever you believe you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
    Boldness has genius, power and magic to it.
    - Goethe -

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